Well-Known Member
alright both arms done. Goingto do shoulders next, hoping they dont require to much paper though because im almost out
Looking really good your progress is coming along really nice
dang it looks awesome, you did so much work since the last time i looked at this thread (like last week wednesday xD) well done and nice you found boots =D keep up the fantastic work and really excited to see some more progress =D
Ok, so I did a shoulder scaled at 320 mm high to see how that would fit, I personally like the larger shoulders more and think they add nicely to the build overall.
When I finished the shoulder I realized that I pretty much liked the height and width but that the actual fit of it was HUGE and really loose! Granted, I have zero arm muscles compared to Master chief, but I dont know wether most people find the shoulders to fit in the pep-stage.
ALSO when I finished a shoulder I wanted to try it on with my chest piece. I basically couldnt pull the shoulders up because of my chest piece getting in the way due to wide-ness, because of this I believe I am goingto redo my chest piece to a smaller scale! The root problem of it being that my shoulders end under the chest piece, and dont allow room for the shoulder pieces
Hey, Looks good so far! But what you need to do is BARELY scale down the shoulders, ans scale down the chest by about 1.5-2 full inches.. Also, have you thought about foam? it's WAY easier, and you should probably get some heavier cardstock, because it looks like there is some warping going on.. Hope I helped!!
After trimming the shoulder I kind of see what you mean wit hthe bicep plate being curled, honestly I dont find it as being to much of an issue (or at least until I see how it looks with the rest of the upper body pieces on)I had the same problem with the shoulders. Yes, they look correct, but they're actually probably too large. I did what you thought of, which is trimming the inner bicep "band", but then it creates the problem where the bicep plate is curled in too much. It helped it fit better, but it looks a little strange, and I should have just remade the shoulders smaller.
Secondly, yes, your chest piece looks too large unfortunately. The thing is, at this point, everything seems like it's still going to work, but once you wear an actual hardened piece, you'll see that you have interference issues between the bicep parts of the shoulder, and the sides of the chest. I'm speaking from experience here, because I have limited arm mobility, primarily caused due to the overlarge shoulders. The chest will always be large, even if scaled 100& correctly. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Chest Piece:
After looking at the pic of your chest piece, I have to agree. It's too wide. I do need to ask, how is the "FIT" at the bottom of the torso? eg. Around your waist? Is it snug or loose?
If it is loose, then the solution is to pep a smaller scaled torso.
If it is already snug, then the solution is still to pep a smaller scaled torso --and-- do some creative customizing to the bottom waist area of the torso.
Shoulder pieces:
I can't tell right now if this is the right size or not... I would have to guess that its OK. Best thing to do is to deal with the chest piece 1st and then see how the shoulder pieces look and work.
For mine, the shoulder pieces do the same... they flop around. --BUT-- After strapping and padding, they work just fine. Mine are strapped to the undersuit. In fact they are now part of the upper undersuit. Check out the armor strapping 101 tut done by Dogwizard. That's exactly how I strapped my armor and it solved the flopping around of the shoulder pieces.
Yeah good tip, although I think Im goingto follow longshots advice and deal with the chest first and then see how the shoulders work out. I've thought about foam but to me it looks really difficult!! Were you thinking that I could use it on the shoulders or the chest piece? The cardstock I'm using his sturdy, the only reason why the pieces looks a lil bendy is because I didnt put support struts in.
Welcome! and I meant for all of the large areas, what you do is instead of using pepakura files, you use pepakura files that are actually foam templates, so you can cut them out, and the only things you need are: hot glue gun, foam, hot knife (15$), and a heat gun, or hair dryer!! If I were you, I'd look it up, because that's what I'm going to do, not to mention the AMAZING amount of flexibility!!
If you are going to redo the chest, may I suggest SuperTaco's Mk VI Torso Tester? You can find it on the wiki, or I can e-mail that to you as well.
It's just a really low def build with the same relative dimensions. Worked for me. Essentially, I spent 3 hours doing this, it was too small, so I hadn't wasted 14 hours doing an HD version.
You might also want to try looking into the female Spartan armor files, I think HaloGoddess has a thread with them. The scaling of the chest will only change the over all size but you need to do more modifications than that if you want it to fit your body better. I suggest the female files because it will be more proportioned to your body than the design of the regular Chief model that is designed for a super human sized male with very large muscles.
So use foam for pieces large pieces like the thigh? I think my next build will be foam but I kind of already have all of my pieces pepped and scaled except for helmet, my new chest piece (about 1/4 the way done as of now,) one more shoulder (unless I need to rescale the current one,) and handplates. I didnt know there were pepakaru foam files though! Good to knowAnd it seems like I have all of those materials except for the actual foam itself and a "hot knife."
No they aren't female forearms annanymous is using, who would, i don't remember seeing a female masterchief and if their was, the character would just be sexualised with unpractical armor...
I've never once use a hot knife with foam. Scissors work just fine lol. Secondly, when you get to the fiberglassing stage of certain pieces (like the thighs) try them on and move around in them. Sit, walk, take a knee, ectera. You want to see if the pieces will restrict your movement. If so, you can look into replacing parts of them in foam. A very common thing to do is to replace the inner thigh part with foam. This usually makes them much more comfortable and less restrictive. However, it's all preference. If you're comfortable moving in them as it, then by all means- stick with it!
Overall I think your build is going beautifullyKeep it up! I cant wait to see your rescaled chest.
I free-hand made foam biceps, thighs, and a cod piece for my Mk VI build (I know I haven't got any pictures up but it's 'cause I've been lazy). But like Bexi said, scissors work great. I recently bought a hot knife to use when making my Reach armor but it snapped due to the heat making the metal too pliable. So I HIGHLY recommend making most of your armor out of foam so that you can move more freely.
Okay, So what your still in your pepakura paper stage- Your almost done and that is the hardest part.
I also tried to make the same armor your making ( if you want to see my finished work go to ) and I had great trouble.
I probably understand that you have gotten some files from the same Wiki site I got mine from, so you are having a hard time scaling it. Scaling can be frustrating, but don't give up because the end is well worth it.
As for fiberglassing- PLEASE READ STUFF BEFORE YOU PUT IT ON YOUR PIECES. I taped my paper together and put fiberglass on them and it warped my chest piece so bad I threw it away... I became very frustrated with the fiberglass and paper and tape.... You really need to glue your paper together!
Another thing my armor is made of foam and hot glue. I got feed up with paper so i traced the pepakura files cut out onto the foam mats. It takes a box cutter is all. I really hope you can finish this armor! You have spent many hours!!
Question - Is the chest piece that you first showed us the same one that is on page 21... I thought the first chest piece was fine.. ( My chest piece is alittle wide but my wife says it looks amazing...)
So yes you will feel like a bubble wrapped clown least i do... but master chief is suppose to look alittle big.Keep up the great work! If you need help with foam building just holla- Laterz , Simply Nogood
Thanks again bexi, ill make sure to test mobility before following through with everything. And I think im goingto take out the inner thigh piece and replace it with foam, I just worry that EVA foam is to think to fit into the thigh piece. And thankyou for the support!
O wow, freehand made pieces? I'm not that skilled! Since most of my build is already made out of paper im just goingto stick with it as being paper. The next build I want to do (which will probably be some sort of reach build, i'm thinking noble 6 or kat..perhaps..) will be foam I hope. Thanks for the tips!
Scaling is soo frustrating, not gonna lie, but today I got pretty close to quitting (or pausing the costume for a while) because of how my second chest piece is turning out.
I agree with you on having to do research on the resin/fiberglassing before I actually start slapping it on there. Lucky for me, I did not tape my build together and instead used a hot glue gun, which is pretty sturdy in most places.
The chest piece on page 21 IS indeed the same chest piece as the first page. They look like totally different sizes because in one picture my arms are flat at my side and in the other I have them more towards the camera. Deceiving, lol
Thanks nogood!
Now with that said..
here is my half pepped new chest piece. Its mighty small, not gonna lie!! The picture makes it look bigger than it really is. But I cant tell wether or not its a good fit though. I mean honestly I feel like I could scale it up juuuust a bit and it would be perfect, but i dont know if i want to make my 4th chest piece for a couple of extra centimeters. ~.~
any opinions?? thanks!