Well-Known Member
Alrighty!! Got some pics today. . . Yaaaa!!!!! LOL
These are the ones that I was talking about when my son wanted to dress up.

And him being himself. . . . . LOL
This is what I did to reinforce those things on the bottom when I found they were flexing around after cutting it. And like I said yesterday. . . I'm rondoing everything from now on out. I LOVE RONDO!!!!!! LOL
This is what I got done for the undersuit /seals around his arms and neck today.
I made it a separate costume piece altogether and my son said he really likes it because it made it comfortable. I ran out of photo room in this post, but it's open in the front and everything else is hot glued together except the strap under his right arm. There is velcro there on the back of it to make it a little easier to take on and off.
Vest itself (Not really sure what he was doing or saying, but his lips look funny. . . LOL)
And with the torso on. . . . .
I forgot to velcro the buckle down on his right shoulder so the two halves were separated there when I took the pics, but it really isn't that bad when I remember to do everything that needs to be done when I put it on him. HA!!!!
I still haven't done the touch ups from where the rondo got on the back and I forgot to do some black paint touch ups on top of the shoulders before taking the pics. I think I'm going to have to do some trimming on the back piece of his undersuit vest on the bottom to make it look a little more even and I still want to add some details to that part. I threw this together as quick as I could today and that wasn't very quick.. . . . . LOL Since I had to take it on and off of him and come up with my own patterns and everything, I think it took me about 5 hours. The pictures really don't show the scallops on the front part of the foam chest part, but once I've got it plastic dipped I'll try to take some better ones and get them posted.
The pics of the front of the torso show the stickers for the Good 'ol 405th and the UNSC Globe and Eagle symbol that I put on there. They actually look really good in the pictures. Just not so much when you see them in person. . . LOL. But like I said yesterday, my son likes them so I am leaving them for now.
After putting in the foam today we found that the metal brackets on the roller catches were cutting into my son's side, so I was able to grind those off and they are no longer an issue. We got his visor in today, but I found that the barrel nuts (chicago screws some call them) are too long and I'll have to go back and get some shorter ones to install it. (sad face) I'm not really happy with the way the visor is colored. The pics of it online were obviously altered to show color variance, but it'll work for the time being. My son likes it, and I guess that's what matters the most about this build. I just keep thinking over and over "my undiagnosed OCD is really kicking in". . . . LOL
I'm sure there is something else that I was going to put in here, but my wife is constantly asking me stuff and wanting me to get stuff right now for us to get ready to go to the coast tomorrow, and I keep losing my train of thought. So, I guess this will be it for the next few days.
I hope you like what I've got done and if you have any suggestions to make anything better, please let me know. I can always alter something to make it better. Again, I really appreciate everyone for their help, comments and suggestions and please keep them coming. Keep on Building and Make it FUN!!!!!!!!!!
These are the ones that I was talking about when my son wanted to dress up.
And him being himself. . . . . LOL
This is what I did to reinforce those things on the bottom when I found they were flexing around after cutting it. And like I said yesterday. . . I'm rondoing everything from now on out. I LOVE RONDO!!!!!! LOL
This is what I got done for the undersuit /seals around his arms and neck today.
I made it a separate costume piece altogether and my son said he really likes it because it made it comfortable. I ran out of photo room in this post, but it's open in the front and everything else is hot glued together except the strap under his right arm. There is velcro there on the back of it to make it a little easier to take on and off.
Vest itself (Not really sure what he was doing or saying, but his lips look funny. . . LOL)
And with the torso on. . . . .
I forgot to velcro the buckle down on his right shoulder so the two halves were separated there when I took the pics, but it really isn't that bad when I remember to do everything that needs to be done when I put it on him. HA!!!!
I still haven't done the touch ups from where the rondo got on the back and I forgot to do some black paint touch ups on top of the shoulders before taking the pics. I think I'm going to have to do some trimming on the back piece of his undersuit vest on the bottom to make it look a little more even and I still want to add some details to that part. I threw this together as quick as I could today and that wasn't very quick.. . . . . LOL Since I had to take it on and off of him and come up with my own patterns and everything, I think it took me about 5 hours. The pictures really don't show the scallops on the front part of the foam chest part, but once I've got it plastic dipped I'll try to take some better ones and get them posted.
The pics of the front of the torso show the stickers for the Good 'ol 405th and the UNSC Globe and Eagle symbol that I put on there. They actually look really good in the pictures. Just not so much when you see them in person. . . LOL. But like I said yesterday, my son likes them so I am leaving them for now.
After putting in the foam today we found that the metal brackets on the roller catches were cutting into my son's side, so I was able to grind those off and they are no longer an issue. We got his visor in today, but I found that the barrel nuts (chicago screws some call them) are too long and I'll have to go back and get some shorter ones to install it. (sad face) I'm not really happy with the way the visor is colored. The pics of it online were obviously altered to show color variance, but it'll work for the time being. My son likes it, and I guess that's what matters the most about this build. I just keep thinking over and over "my undiagnosed OCD is really kicking in". . . . LOL
I'm sure there is something else that I was going to put in here, but my wife is constantly asking me stuff and wanting me to get stuff right now for us to get ready to go to the coast tomorrow, and I keep losing my train of thought. So, I guess this will be it for the next few days.
I hope you like what I've got done and if you have any suggestions to make anything better, please let me know. I can always alter something to make it better. Again, I really appreciate everyone for their help, comments and suggestions and please keep them coming. Keep on Building and Make it FUN!!!!!!!!!!