Spartan_127 you'er an Infantryman now, You have been for some time

YES that means that you're not aloud to post in the Noob section any more.

So I guess that means that you'll just have to come join the rest of us.
I hope this helps you, and sorry for being so long winded. :cool
Thanks a bunch, Thorn. I guess that makes sense. I just don't pay attention to things like that I guess.
And I don't care how long-winded you get. It definitely helps me out when I get those kind of answers. I really appreciate the info.
Photos and an Idea . . .
As promised, here's what the new foam work on the torso looks like while he's wearing it.
And here's an idea that I had. I don't want to make things overly complicated, but . . . . WHY NOT!?!?! LOL!!! In lieu of make straps for the biceps to hold them up, I was thinking about making the part of the upper arm and attaching it to the torso and bicep and let that serve as the strap. Here's what I'm talking about.
I want to play around with it and form it and then I can use velcro or elastic that I have here at the house to attach it. It serves as padding on the bicep and a strap to hold it up. Plus, I think it would complete the look with what I've seen in the reference shots that I have. What are y'all thoughts on it. The look I'm going for is this:
I think it's doable and after uploading this post. . . . I'm going to get started. . . LOL.
Let me know what you think and as always keep the comments and suggestions coming.
EDIT with UPDATE! and PICS Yaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!
OK. This has been done for about an hour and a half, but I've been chasing a trojan horse virus on my PC. I think I got it fixed though. It was a nasty one too. Since I found the file and restarted I haven't got the pop ups, so it must be gone for now.
So without further delay, this is what the shoulder pieces came out looking like.
I just hit the image maximum so I'll continue in another post with the walk around.