I feel like making armor from fiberglass is dying out since apparently everything is going to EVA foam.... Your build here is a big inspiration to me as I plan a fiberglass Carter suit since I plan to build it the exact same way with lighting and everything.
Good work boss!
Thanks a bunch AsthMattic. I really appreciate it and I'm glad that this build is inspirational to you. If you haven't built anything like this before, take your time to make it right is what I've learned. . . . LOL. I have my share of funky parts on this build and it is in no way perfect in my eyes, but I chalk it up to my first build and a learning experience for my own later. Good luck with your Carter build and I look forward to seeing something from you in the future. Let me know if I can help.
Looks great!
Thats not barefoot, its a new type of boot that tricks people into thinking that he is barefoot. Right?? lol
Anyways, looks great man
Yeah . . yeah . . . that's it. . . Invisible boots!!!!! Maybe I can tell him that is the new thing with Spartans and I won't have to make them for Halloween. . . . Yeah Right. . . He'll still want the boots. . .

Thanks a bunch for the compliment.
Great work on this build. He looks awesome even if he is barefoot!
Thank you, vshore. I really appreciate it. Maybe he'll go for the invisible boot thing. LOL!
Your son should be very thankful!
Thanks. Loving your build too. Keep up the good work.
can this plz be moved to the right place?? this doesnt need to be in noob forum
Thanks so much tankball. I appreciate that very much. Still got a lot to learn though.
As for updates. . .
I really do have photos of this stuff, but for some reason, Photobucket isn't uploading right now. I'll explain what I've done for now. . . though not much and get the pics in later on in an update. Promise. I know how people here love pics. LOL!
I got some stuff done to button up the torso and cross it off the list of things to do. Just small detail things I did all the paint touch ups that were still needed since I cut it after final paint and from the Rondo incident. LOL. I painted in the recessed part in the back on top around the triangle black. I put in the Spartan T-Bagging warning label on the back there on the top of it and painted a red triangle warning on the upper right part of the back like I've seen in reference shots. I couldn't bring myself to hand paint "Danger" that small, so I just made some white dots to make it look like writing. . . LOL. I also got the little silver spine pieces on the lower back of the torso piece too. I made those out of foam, plati-dipped them, painted them silver and brushed on some black for effect. I don't think the black detailing on them really shows up in the pics though.
I plasti-dipped the foam vest after burning in some details and cutting it to make it look a little better on the back, so I think it's pretty much done. Some of the details that I made on it really don't show on the outside after the torso is on, so I'm debating on changing it. . . . Maybe. I'm still on the look out at local electronics stores for more blue LEDs so I can put the other two that are supposed to be on the back on there, but as of today, no luck.

I am also needing at least two more for the bicep pieces. If I can figure out whether there is enough room in the thighs for electronics, I'll be looking for at least six more blue LEDs, but right now I'm not entirely sure that there is enough room in the thighs for the lighting.
I have a days off rotation coming up again this month tomorrow and will be off on Sunday, but since I will be working tonight until tomorrow morning at 7, I'll wind up sleeping most of the day on Sunday. Then, will be working Mon - Thu for August. So, progress will be slow I'm assuming. However, lighting won't take me long if I can find the stuff to do it, so I may be able to get that done this week and will possibly be able to finally make his hand and knee plates this next weekend. That's the plan any way. . .LOL
Guys, I really appreciate the support and feedback you're giving me as the Noob I am. It means a lot. As always, let me know what you think and all comments and suggestions are welcome at any time. Keep your own builds fun and I'll update this with pics later if possible.
Wouldn't you know it. . . . As soon as I get this post up my pictures finally upload to Photobucket. . . well, some of them. . . LOL. Here they are.
First two are just to show the lights I put in in the dark.

Everything else. . . Going for thumbnails to try and save some space. . . . so bare with me.

I still can't get a couple of them to upload to show the burnt in details on the foam on the back, but I'll try again later. . . They're a bit fuzzy, because the flash kept drowning out everything when I was trying to take them. . . Then again, it may be because I'm super tired this morning. This whole graveyard shift is for the vampires, werewolves and dead people. . . . LOL. I need to hit the hay. I've been up entirely too long. . . . Hope you enjoy!
OK. . . Couldn't go to sleep knowing I had something left to do on this. .
Here's what I did to that foam on the bottom in the back.

Alright. . . Night night or morning morning. . . . however you want to look at it. . . .LOL