Coming from you LongShot-X this means alot, Thanks.LongShot-X
Very excellent progress Thorn696!
Everything looks clean, crisp, well detailed and your scaling seems to be perfect.
Keep it up and your on your way to being a great Spartan!
Road Kill
Amazing progress and it looks like the armor all fits perfectly, keep up the fantastic work man =D
Making some nice progress sir. Proportions look pretty good from the pictures. Keep it up buddy, you're trucking along a good clip.
looks pretty good to me keep it up cant wait to see the thigh pieces
Bad news is some how there BOTH right thighs. So it looks like I'm going to be a week and half behind on the build.
Has anyone else had a hard time with the forearms? I can get the length but then my arm wont fit in it, or I can get my arm to fit in it but then its to long. I'm thinking about just harding two of these then grinding them down to fit my arm.
What if you get the length right and split the model and add paper before you harden so that your arm fits in it? Just a thought.
looks great man, keep it up =D
about the thighs, all you have to do in pepakura is go to the 2d menu on the toolbar and go down to where it says invert pattern and if you just click that, it should change where each piece will go and just pep and you should have 2 thighs one for each leg
hope this helped and keep up the good work =D
-Road Kill
For the Forearms, I just went a little long then grounded off the ends a bit. Then I re-cored them. Came out fine. of course you're method probably would have been easier. Thanks I'll Keep that in mind for the next build.
Well I couldn't go a whole weekend with out something so I worked on the collar in the few hours that I had left.
Thanks again to Nick Nack Patty Wack for the idea/design concept.
Collar design by: Nick Nack Patty Wack (page 3)
Well, Till next weekend...... where Hopefully I will have a LEFT thigh pep'd and ready for smooth cast 321. Stay safe.
Thank You for the credit, Im happy I inspired You. Its looks great. Its a improvement over mines. How long did it take you to glue each strip on? It took me like 2 hours lol
Whoa man, that collar looks great on the chest. You really did an awesome job on it. I have a feeling you won't be the only on copying Nick Nack's neck seal idea.
Oh wow.... how can I describe this in words! They looks so amazing! Can't wait to see them finish! YAY you make me really jelly!
Wow, that collar looks fantastic! I'm sure it will be well worth the effort as it looks like you're going to have an awesome suit when finished.![]()