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smilie120 said:If you need somone to unfold them in pep id gladly help![]()
ME second! Me Seeeeeecccond! *goes to corner and plays with halo figures* (for inspiration)Sean Bradley said:*drools and waits for 3-D wizards to complete their magic ODST potion*
Excellent work on this, both of you have advanced the ODST costume light-years in a very short time.
Can't wait to see the completion of this... you can count me in to produce a costume from your files!
:not worthy:
Spartan-104 said:Just a quick question. How soon will these files be up? and also will there be a modified ODST helmet so it is easier to make? thanks and great work.
You both deserve cookies. or a dancing cat.
Skullcandy Girl said:We have to make sure this will fit a human for properly and perhaps then we will divide the work to a few volunteers. Please do not bombard us with PM's. It may be awhile before we get to the Pepakura stage as we have to adjust scale etc etc.
Vrogy said:Many hands make light work.
Holy S***, you guys been working hard! Also i am up for any pep task you give me. Nothing is to hard for a WarHeadSkullcandy Girl said:As far as NZ's ODST helmet goes, while I haven't built it yet, I think it's pretty darn awesome and accurate. I also give him props for being one of(aside from our boy FS), if not the only guy providing us with helmets that haven' been provided before hand with in the beta files. And he does his from scratch, and that is not an easy task. I'm not trying to start any trouble or call anyone out, just pointing out how hard he's worked for us alreadyAnd without his helmet this chain of events may have not happened this soon or at all.
@Zaso: Thanks, we're excited as well
Loess:We aim to please
@SB: THanks SBGroup efforts FTW! I'm glad everyone is as excited as we are for the ODST gear
Roodkill: Hahah be patient
Spartan: No word yet, I can't promise any time frame since things can change with in our personal time, please be patient! We want these to be quality!
@Smilie: Silly, the helmet is pretty accurate.
In other news, here are the updates I made today on the armor. I added many details, placeholders for some of the soft armor and adjusted the sizes and proportions of the armor. Once the is done I will begin to seal up all the geometry and I will be adding tabs in the pep files so the clicky belts (SOrry dunno what the technical term is) can be attached without messing up the integrity of the armor. Some of the details are option add ons, such as the belt on the bottom chest plate and the nubby circle on the abs plate.
We have to make sure this will fit a human for properly and perhaps then we will divide the work to a few volunteers. Please do not bombard us with PM's. It may be awhile before we get to the Pepakura stage as we have to adjust scale etc etc.
not badSkullcandy Girl said:![]()
Sooooooooooooo since the ultra nice and talented NZ-TK has supplies us with a SWEET ODST helmet that reminded me of the WETA version of the ODST armor seen in the Live action Halo shorts, I figured we were do for a start on body the armor. I love the Chiefs armor, though there's something about the slick ODST armor that just begs for attention. I'm not hating at all, I'm not too nuts about the H3 game models, and I've been wanting to do some 3D work again.
So I started today and I got the upper arm plate and Chest plate done (minus tweaks and possible added detail). I had to do some guessing since there are not too many orthographic pics or drawings of the WETA ODST armor and the ODST upper body seems to mainly be made up of some plating and a TON of field packs, so I took a few liberties with the actual armor.
There's a few funky things going on with the geometry since I'm doing these from scratch, I'll have them worked out later. And I have no idea how to do the Pepakura end of things, so these will take awhile, so don't ask "When can I has these". You probably won't have them for awhile (possibly months). I will do my best to get a lot of these done with time to get them done for Dragon Con, but I can't make any promises.
As far as decals etc goes, 1manbattalion had the "medic" decals made if you're interested speak with him![]()