I had a thought, is it possible to coat a piece, Im going to use the helmet as an example, but coat the helmet with the resin on the outisde so it gets stiff/hard. Then cut it in half, like from ear to ear so that the helmet is in 2 pieces and fiberglass teh inside, since it would be easier to get into all the parts with the back of the helmet off. Fiberglass both pieces, then attach them together and fiberglass the seam? Im a noob at all of this, and am still stuck on the sizing part, but tahts a whole nother story! I have not tried this to see if it would work, but Ive got a few extra helmets, well 3 to be exact taht I can try it on since they dont fit, that way I dont ruin the "real" one. Good think Ive got a lot of time on my hands!!