Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Thanks so much, this is great.

I noticed that this lower chest piece is missing, I did what I could with my limited skills and tools, and also your Noble Six chest to try and merge the two together. If you feel like adding that in, go for it. I should be able to get by with this. Cheers!

View attachment 287685

Here you go:
Is there any way someone can extract the halo 3 flame thrower file or provide a pepakura file please?

Also how would I go about removing the thruster and the thruster cover from the halo reach jetpack. I want to have them as seperate/individual models
Curious as I've looked around a bit. Has anyone made a 3D Version of the Health Pack kit in the Halo Reach archive?
There are a few different models floating around, but I believe this is what you are looking for! :)

I know it is coming out in a while still, but has anyone started on pep files for Halo Infinite? Helmets seem to be out there, but not the rest of the gear. I get that it is a mashup between the Halo 3 and Forward Unto Dawn models. But curious if anyone is working on them as I love the look and am about to dive into making a suit.
There are a few different models floating around, but I believe this is what you are looking for! :)

It was! Thank you, I was having issues getting the Archive's to load to look through everything.
I know it is coming out in a while still, but has anyone started on pep files for Halo Infinite? Helmets seem to be out there, but not the rest of the gear. I get that it is a mashup between the Halo 3 and Forward Unto Dawn models. But curious if anyone is working on them as I love the look and am about to dive into making a suit.

Helmet - Satchmo III did a helmet: Halo infinite helmet E318 (Satchmo III, PerniciousDuke) 2019-02-15.pdo
Torso, xtreemenoob made one here - Infinite Chest low poly
The rest - Attached. MarineSniper got the ball started on this. I didn't do the unfolds yet but I did make pep pieces for all the missing parts.


  • MoeSizzlac - Halo Infinite - Pepakura
    1.4 MB · Views: 516
noticed someone posted about the grenadier from 2017 but still no file for it idk how exactly to start that stuff but i mean hell there isn't even a blender file for it so does anyone know how to start those if not i will watch some youtube on it.
i'm in need of amunition for a project im working on. any of the halo munitions would be usefull but the sniper and spankr rounds are the most important any help is apprecated
Hello there!

I am in need of some assistance. I am terrible at using blender and I need someone with experience to help me finish off a 3d model I have been working on. There are some corrections that need to be made as well as smoothing out the whole model. Could anyone recommend someone who is skilled with blender or a similar program to help? If they work off commissions I am willing to work out a deal.

please pm me if you can help
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Hello there!

I am in need of some assistance. I am terrible at using blender and I need someone with experience to help me finish off a 3d model I have been working on. There are some corrections that need to be made as well as smoothing out the whole model. Could anyone recommend someone who is skilled with blender or a similar program to help? If they work off commissions I am willing to work out a deal.

please pm me if you can help

pm sent.
Hey all,

I'm currently working on a Mjolnir GEN2 Scout variant and finding the foam craft a little out of my skill set, and wanting to try and take advantage of 3D printing, could anyone point me in the right direction for any files for Scout stuff, as well as Centurion. I have the game assets, but they are lacking a fair amount of detail. Any help would be super appreciated.

I also don't need the helmet, that's more or less been taken care of.
I have a request for a foam or pepakura template for the H5: Guardians "Hellcat" Helm and Torso. The file in the armory has everything else except those.
i'm in need of amunition for a project im working on. any of the halo munitions would be usefull but the sniper and spankr rounds are the most important any help is apprecated
I'm currently working on modelling some semi-functional (operating but non-firing) reach weapons and so I've got some models for the ammunition, would you be after the models dimensions directly from the game or the model dimensions from real life? Because I know the model they use for "7.62x51mm" is not the same dimensions as in real life. Also, are you after models for the magazines as well (functional or not?)?
Question for all, am I too picky or are the Spartan ODST shoulder pads from Reach different from every other variation of the Halo series? I grabbed like 3 different 3D models people have made that were not specifically from Reach and they dont seem quite right.
I've made a ODST shoulder for my Noble 6 armour, I do believe that it's dimensions are different from that of Halo 3 and ODST. I can't find the original pepakura file I used, but I do have a 3d model of the Reach ODST shoulder I did manage to get a hold of: Halo Reach ODST Shoulders by Michaluk
ODST Shoulders.jpg

You wont be able to print it straight away, could use a little cleaning up and scaling (I can do that if you really need it), but it's the right dimensions and shape.
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