Roll Call!

My name is JT, live in Alma Michigan. My first completed costume was a Jedi,a couple of years ago. I have been working on an ODST build for awhile and I am getting closer to finishing it. I have to rework some of the armor spots and helmet and repaint,but hey it's all good. Can't wait to get it done and hopefully become full member.y favorite Halo is a tie between Reach and ODST. Unsure how to post pics from my phone,do t he on a computer much but I will figure it out.
Hey Alma isnt too far from me, I live in bay city
With the first one, hit the little picture icon and you can add from there for 1 picture and for the second one is attach files for multiple pictures


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It just gives me the option to post a link for a webpage. I might try my computer tonight and see if that's better
With the first one, hit the little picture icon and you can add from there for 1 picture and for the second one is attach files for multiple pictures
It just gives me the option to post a link for a webpage. I might try my computer tonight and see if that's better
Figured it out finally, posted a new thread in one of the main forums. Not sure how to post on this regiment's forum space, even if I can. Thanks for the help.
Name: Nate, Ratava253
Location: Columbus, OH.
Costuming since: 2020
About me: Graphics Shop. Racing Miatas/Gridlife.
Favorite Cons: never attended. Looking to meet you all!
Costumes/Props: only 2D graphics. Vinyl, acrylic signs, wrapping vehicles.
Welcome to the page. Love the EOD Helmet.
Name: Brad Christian "Romeo" Joiner
Location: Chicago, IL
Costuming since: Basic costuming since 2010. New to intermediate and advanced cosplay.
About me: xbox one player, draws, lines to cook at home, working as a security officer.
Favorite Con: Never been. Plan on going to Wizarding World Comic Con Chicago.
Name: Brad Christian "Romeo" Joiner
Location: Chicago, IL
Costuming since: Basic costuming since 2010. New to intermediate and advanced cosplay.
About me: xbox one player, draws, lines to cook at home, working as a security officer.
Favorite Con: Never been. Plan on going to Wizarding World Comic Con Chicago.
Welcome to the 405th Brad!
Name: Brad Christian "Romeo" Joiner
Location: Chicago, IL
Costuming since: Basic costuming since 2010. New to intermediate and advanced cosplay.
About me: xbox one player, draws, lines to cook at home, working as a security officer.
Favorite Con: Never been. Plan on going to Wizarding World Comic Con Chicago.
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