Roll Call!

Name: Matt M. AKA Lone Blackfang
Location: Omaha NE
Costuming since: 2009
About me: I been a Halo fan since Halo CE cam out. I currently work at Metro community collage as a lab tech at the Prototype Lab at the fort omaha campus
Favorite Cons: Omaha Comic con
Costumes/Props: Currently working on 3d printing a custom Anubis armor
Name: Matt M. AKA Lone Blackfang
Location: Omaha NE
Costuming since: 2009
About me: I been a Halo fan since Halo CE cam out. I currently work at Metro community collage as a lab tech at the Prototype Lab at the fort omaha campus
Favorite Cons: Omaha Comic con
Costumes/Props: Currently working on 3d printing a custom Anubis armor

oooooooo! A custom Anubis Armor! That sounds pretty cool!
Name: Rike or Cadet is fine being in the Military I'm used to short nicknames.
Location: Rock Creek, MN. About 1 hour from the Cities to the north and 1 hour and 30 minutes from Duluth to the south. Right on I-35
Costuming since: For Halo today, Star Wars its been 2 years.(Mandalorian Mercs)
About me: About to graduate high-school, serving in the MN National Guard as of Jan 2019. I enjoy History and sports, paintball and airsoft are some fun times as well. Playing video games probably number one. Currently deciding what I decide to do after high-school since I have a lot of options. Also my xbox one gamer tag is my forum name.
Favorite Cons: Galaxy con in November of 2019 was the first convention I've ever been too. I hope to hit C2E2 someday since I got some friends who go to that one already. Overall hoping to go to many conventions in the future.
Costumes/Props: I currently have nothing of Halo but I did a long time ago try making a Halo Assault rifle out of a Nerf Recon blaster. I'm not sure what happened to that thing. My goal is to make a basic ODST to probably ease my way into this endeavor but eventually I'll make a Jorge-052 costume since he is my favorite spartan, some form of insurgent/farmer cosplay from Halo Reach, and lastly my own custom Halo Reach spartan.
Name: Jarvis L. Byrd Jr

Location: Redford, Michigan

Costuming since: 2017

About me: I am a Transfer Junior Student in Entertainment Arts: 3D Animation at College For Creative Studies. I recently graduated with an Associates of Arts Degree in Schoolcraft College back in 2018. When I first got into cosplay, I didn't even know where to start. My mind thought that cosplay was only for people that are into anime, comics, or something. I until I watch some music videos about cosplay and that's pretty much where the motivation came from. I always look at all the cosplayers who did there armor just out of foam and I thought they were real life characters! At that moment, in 2017, is when I started building my cosplay!
I won 3 Awards ( one of them is Best Of Show) and I got recognized by 343 Industries in the Halo Spotlight forum and Social Media.

Favorite Cons: Youmacon

Costumes/Props: Here's my Facebook page! It has most of my photos on there!


I'm currently working on Dead Space at the moment
Name: Jarvis L. Byrd Jr

Location: Redford, Michigan

Costuming since: 2017

About me: I am a Transfer Junior Student in Entertainment Arts: 3D Animation at College For Creative Studies. I recently graduated with an Associates of Arts Degree in Schoolcraft College back in 2018. When I first got into cosplay, I didn't even know where to start. My mind thought that cosplay was only for people that are into anime, comics, or something. I until I watch some music videos about cosplay and that's pretty much where the motivation came from. I always look at all the cosplayers who did there armor just out of foam and I thought they were real life characters! At that moment, in 2017, is when I started building my cosplay!
I won 3 Awards ( one of them is Best Of Show) and I got recognized by 343 Industries in the Halo Spotlight forum and Social Media.

Favorite Cons: Youmacon

Costumes/Props: Here's my Facebook page! It has most of my photos on there!

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I'm currently working on Dead Space at the moment
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Your helioskrill is amazing man, welcome to the 405th
Just to give you some insight, I have an almost complete Mandalorian which was made through sintra. I have no experience with foam but I am pretty sure it will not be that difficult to pick up. I would probably prefer to make the suit out of something more sturdy due to the fact it will just look better than foam but I do not have the means of producing such items. Still in highschool with no job is a bit of a struggle. Army training this summer will take about 6 weeks but once home I will be looking at either going straight to work force or enrolling into my local community college. Any assistance in this journey will help as all of you have far more experience than me. I have seen these dudes in Minnesota at galaxy con and if I see them again I will make sure to tell them about this group.
Just to give you some insight, I have an almost complete Mandalorian which was made through sintra. I have no experience with foam but I am pretty sure it will not be that difficult to pick up. I would probably prefer to make the suit out of something more sturdy due to the fact it will just look better than foam but I do not have the means of producing such items. Still in highschool with no job is a bit of a struggle. Army training this summer will take about 6 weeks but once home I will be looking at either going straight to work force or enrolling into my local community college. Any assistance in this journey will help as all of you have far more experience than me. I have seen these dudes in Minnesota at galaxy con and if I see them again I will make sure to tell them about this group.
You have my gun. My glue gun, of course. Any and all help is free in our community.
Name: Rob Brang some people call me Kal
Location: Livonia, MI
Costuming since: 2006 when I joined the 501st legion MI squad, Now Great Lakes Garrison
About me: married Father of a 19yr old son. Helping him make his first costume (ODST) Love building and making costumes, props and learning new techniques to help me get better at my craft.
Favorite Cons: Motor City Comic Con, been going for 23 years. Also FanExpo, Toronto.
Costumes/Props: Odd Man Out Props (@oddman_out_props) • Instagram photos and videos
Name: Rob Brang some people call me Kal
Location: Livonia, MI
Costuming since: 2006 when I joined the 501st legion MI squad, Now Great Lakes Garrison
About me: married Father of a 19yr old son. Helping him make his first costume (ODST) Love building and making costumes, props and learning new techniques to help me get better at my craft.
Favorite Cons: Motor City Comic Con, been going for 23 years. Also FanExpo, Toronto.
Costumes/Props: Odd Man Out Props (@oddman_out_props) • Instagram photos and videos
Welcome to the 405th OddManOutProps !
Name: Hank. Callsign HN2099
Location: Great bend ks
Costuming since: got into it bout a year ago so im pretty new to it
About me: I have been a lover of cosplay all my life but started on it when i couldnt stand watchin everyone have all that fun.
Favorite Cons: comic con and E3 or pax
Costumes/Props: Havent really gotten much completed its hard to make stuff my size without help
Name: Hank. Callsign HN2099
Location: Great bend ks
Costuming since: got into it bout a year ago so im pretty new to it
About me: I have been a lover of cosplay all my life but started on it when i couldnt stand watchin everyone have all that fun.
Favorite Cons: comic con and E3 or pax
Costumes/Props: Havent really gotten much completed its hard to make stuff my size without help

I'm from Manhattan, KS. I used to live there, obviously. Haha!
Name: Hank. Callsign HN2099
Location: Great bend ks
Costuming since: got into it bout a year ago so im pretty new to it
About me: I have been a lover of cosplay all my life but started on it when i couldnt stand watchin everyone have all that fun.
Favorite Cons: comic con and E3 or pax
Costumes/Props: Havent really gotten much completed its hard to make stuff my size without help
Welcome to the group!
Name: Aiden Garcia
Location: Topeka KS
Costuming since: 2017
About me: Huge fan of all things armor. I'm currently 14, and I started building armor at around 11 years old. I love Halo, Destiny, My Hero Academia, and Doom. I love playing competitive reach, and my favorite helmet is EOD.
Favorite Cons: Topcon, planetcomicon, Denver popculture con, and whenever the next outpost is.
Costumes/Props: All of my projects are in the works. A suit of Mk. 5, knight sentinel, Deku, and I'm considering chief's Mk 6.
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