Roll Call!

Thank you! I agree with that statement, there will be more of us one day... once the MCC comes to PC i'm guessing. I agree, we more than likely do. I just didn't want to stay in school for another year. $$$
Oh yeah, MCC PC is going to be huuuuuge!
And yeah, I definitely feel that. I'm attending MSOE, and idk how familiar you are with MSOE... but it's gone up $10k since I applied. I'm just a po' boy, from an engineer family
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Name: Jeff or Spartan 095.
Location: Minnesota, specifically Woodbury, but very close to Hudson, WI and also the Cities.
Costuming since: Does when I was a kid count? Ha ha, cosplay has been on my mind for a while. I'd say the first time was back in 2009. Got my first Halo armor a year ago from a fellow 405th member, said he was gonna trash it but I chimed in and saved what you see in my pic.
About me: Well, for starters my name is Jeff (yes the meme from 22 jump street has hit me lol). I am 26 at the time of this post. I am a degreed Meteorologist from University of North Dakota class of 2018. Currently working at Weatherology: a radio network, where I provide forecasts and Severe weather coverage for many states (Mostly in the Mid to Upper Midwest). During time off I enjoy volunteering for TV broadcasts of High school sports events and graduations, also any volunteer opportunities that may come along. Hobbies and sports include: Tennis, Pickleball, and bowling for the sports. Hobbies: Dressing up in armor of any kind or just costumes in general. Finally, am an avid video gamer. No streaming yet, but that might change here as a few of us on 405th want to get somethin going.
Favorite Cons: Any I can make it to. Ha ha. The last one I was at was Anime Detour back in probably 2012? I think I remember Convergence too, but it's been a while. Youmacon. Halo Outpost (needs to be a regular thing).
Costumes/Props: So my list of costumes is rather on the short end, but time restraints and lack of funds hold me back.
My current Halo Suit: Originally built by Jesse Rodriquez, refurbished by me. Still needs work.
Fallout NCR Ranger: All built by me, with inspiration from etsy builds. Needs a lot of work. Almost complete overhaul.
Call of Duty Infantry: Built by me, but needs new gear as I grew out of the older stuff.
Costumes I want:
Always want newer Halo suits: EOD build from 3 is sought after as that's what I wanted in the first place.
Alphonse Elric in armor from Full Metal Alchemist.
Knight armor from Dark Souls (any game).
New updated Call of Duty Ghosts infantry or even Ghost himself.
Fallout NCR Ranger (as mentioned previously, needs work)
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel Armor: This may always be a dream, as the cost and materials would be high.
Plague Doctor full costume: played one in a Scare Zone at a Theme park... didn't let me take it home. :cry:
Anything Steampunk origin. They look awesome.
Finally, anything with a badass Helmet. Gears of War- Anthony Carmine. Love that guy
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Whats up, gents?
A lot of you guys know me already. Unfortunately, I had to make a new account because I got locked out of the old one. Made it many years ago, with an old email, and nothing to back it up. So- here I am, doing this all the correct way now.

Name: Nathan Valdez
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Costuming since: 2010, with my first suit being entirely out of cardboard and duct tape.. boy, was it an interesting suit.
About me: Currently go to Ball State University, studying Technology and Engineering Education, as well as Spanish and French language. I'm of Hispanic and Native American ancestry, a mestizo as you will, and have been learning my native language for the past year or so!
Favorite Cons: All of the stuff in Indy. Being a college kid, I'm a bit broke to travel, but oh well. Indy Pop Con, Gen Con, and Indiana ComicCon is where you'll probably find me throughout the year.
Costumes/Props: So far, I've only built the one kit- a Halo 4/5 Venator kit, red primary and white secondary. The kit is about 3-4 years old, and, as cosplays go, it's almost at retirement age, so I'm slowly in the process of rebuilding it. I'm also currently working on a Clone Trooper suit for the 501st as well, but thats for their thread, not here.

Whats up, gents?
A lot of you guys know me already. Unfortunately, I had to make a new account because I got locked out of the old one. Made it many years ago, with an old email, and nothing to back it up. So- here I am, doing this all the correct way now.

Nate, looks like this account you are usingfor this post is from 2012. If you have another, older account you are having trouble accessing, let us know and Angela and I can see if we can get you back into it.
Nate, looks like this account you are usingfor this post is from 2012. If you have another, older account you are having trouble accessing, let us know and Angela and I can see if we can get you back into it.
No worries- I think I had it mixed up. I think I had made a newer one, and then was able to get back into the old one. It's all updated now to this point. Either way, this works just fine and dandy. Thanks!
Name: Alex-A126 XBL:Negativecacti

Location: I live in Bay City MI ( fun fact: there are 10 Bay Cities in the US)

Costuming since: I first got a helmet about 3 years ago just to mess around with it. But I really got into building g suits about 2ish years ago

About me: I served 4 years in the army as a tank crewmember I was a leader, now I work on car as a quick lane tech. If I'm not at work I'm playing games with some buddies I meant on halo 5 through the spartan companies, playing with my dog ot just relaxing with my wife.

Favorite Cons: Michigan and Indiana Comic Con, and Halo Outpost in Chicago

Costumes/Props: I have made a total of 3 suits 2 for me and 1 for my wife. I have a Spartan IV and a Spartan III inspired by a McFarland mk.V B figure and my wifes' is a Spartan IV with the upgraded Gen 1 Recon helmet
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Name: Jason Estes aka “Rook”
Location: Grand Forks, ND
Costuming since: been a cosplayer since childhood.
About me: I’ve been into cosplay for ages. I started Umbrella Corp World Wide and founder of Umbrella Corp ND. This is my first halo cosplay
Favorite Cons: Dragon Con
Costumes/Props: I’m working on printing my helmet right now. Started the print today. I already have boomco weapons and working on mixing the battle riffle to have a working light and compressor to make it self charge. Working on a mod design to make it work with a normal mag instead of a harmonica mag.
Hello all new members. Also, yes very happy and excited to see more people posting. Cannot wait for outpost, gaming nights (which we already had a Minecraft night), and just trooping. Got about a month and a half left for Chicago, need to make those adjustments to my suit.
Name: Jason Estes aka “Rook”
Location: Grand Forks, ND
Costuming since: been a cosplayer since childhood.
About me: I’ve been into cosplay for ages. I started Umbrella Corp World Wide and founder of Umbrella Corp ND. This is my first halo cosplay
Favorite Cons: Dragon Con
Costumes/Props: I’m working on printing my helmet right now. Started the print today. I already have boomco weapons and working on mixing the battle riffle to have a working light and compressor to make it self charge. Working on a mod design to make it work with a normal mag instead of a harmonica mag.

Hey, used to live up there from 2014-2018 for college. I had my armor too, wish I had known. But welcome to the page. :)
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