samuraiAce's ODST Build + Reach AR + H4 BR + Softair Pistol *FINISHED!*

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Now that the registration is open, im glad that i can share a bite of my progress here :)

A few mates and i are big halo fans from germany, last year we started to build an odst suit (like in the live action trailer) including a fully function softair pistol for the GamesCon in Cologne. Here are a few pics from the progess:

Unfortunately we were running out of time, so we couldn't paint more details on the pistol. But again, the softair is fully functional, so i think its pretty cool, even its not 100 per cent the original look from the games :)
Our final Outfits:

For this year, we're building a complete custom ODST pepakura armor for each of us. Thanks to Hugh for his great models btw!

The first paper armor is now finished, still hoping its getting a bit warmer outside, so i can start resin :)


Meanwhile even the last parts are finished for the armor, like the biceps armor, the pic is a few weeks old. Its just taped on my cloth to look, if the armor fits to my body, so all the parts are not hanging in the right position

Hope you like it :)

~I'm done with my build, except some few tweaks i will do. some impression:






Sweet looking side arms. As for the pep it looks spot on. all in all awesome job on you're build.:D
NICE build man. One bit on the M6 pistols though. I see you left the bottom of the trigger guard from the regular pistol in the final product. You could cut it to be more precise. But that's just me. Still love your ODST build though and am jealous of your working M6!
Wow great looking pistols there. Pep is looking good too, especially since ODST is SO much more work than the Mark series. Can't wait to see the rest!

I had the same idea. judging by the picture i can tell your using the crossman P9 (its a p99) which looks, without any modification, like the pistol from halo 2.
Thanks guys :)

NICE build man. One bit on the M6 pistols though. I see you left the bottom of the trigger guard from the regular pistol in the final product. You could cut it to be more precise. But that's just me. Still love your ODST build though and am jealous of your working M6!
i thought about removing the trigger guard, but the problem is that the trigger to release the ammoclip is mounted on that guard. Still thinking about repainting the pistol, maybe i'll remove the guard then.

I had the same idea. judging by the picture i can tell your using the crossman P9 (its a p99) which looks, without any modification, like the pistol from halo 2.
you're right, the base was a p99 softair. we chose that model just because it looked kinda equal to m6. we also added magnets to the pistol to use a custom holder for it. so u can see the complete pistol like its kinda floating on your leg as u see it in the games :)
[/QUOTE] we also added magnets to the pistol to use a custom holder for it. so u can see the complete pistol like its kinda floating on your leg as u see it in the games :)[/QUOTE]

Dam you lol, I had that idea, but I never really got around to completing my armor, lol. Even in the barracks, sometimes I pull out my cpu, cutting board, and start pepping. My Sergeant doesn't care thank god. But I love to see people has the same ideas as me.... I love it even more to see that they work!!

(Made a boo boo on the quote, but I ain't gonna fix it.)
Finally the weather in germany allows me to work on my armor. meanwhile I build the Reach AR:

Will add some pictures of my resined and fiberglassed Armorparts later. :)
finally another person from germany :)

first of all very nice work on the armor.

i can only agree that the weather here sucks and it makes it difficult to get constant progress going.

keep the good work up :)
Yeah dude, the pepping looks dead on! Thumbs up. Also the pistols are awesome.

If you want to join the other german lads you can find us here
Took some pictures today, still a lot of work to do :cool

not finished fiberglassed helmet

fiberglassed shoulder

some parts I've got to fill und smooth

other parts im filling and smoothing

painted a knee to test the color. with painted highlights and scratches it should looks really cool imho :)
Just finished the Pepwork for my H4 Battle Rifle. Just have to add some custom parts (the scope and a part of the front)

The two weapons for the suits:
also die assault rifle ist echt spitze ;)
wenn du die molden würdest beim fertigen zustand würde ich dir def. eine abkaufen und glaube dann hätteste auch einige deutsche / österreichische abnehmer dafür.
wie lange haste dafür gebraucht die zu falten?
Gute Frage, vom ausgeschnittenen Zustand bis zum fertigen Modell saßen wir zu Zweit um die 5h glaube ich, mit Musik oder TV nebenbei krieg ich nicht so ganz mit wie viel Zeit das effektiv war :)

Muss gucken ob molden in den Zeitplan passt, muss alles zur GC fertig werden :)
tolle Arbeit bisher. Ich hoffe, mein Deutsch ist ok. Ich bin tatsächlich machen werden meine AR bald aber ich für meinen nächsten Gehaltsscheck warten.

i hope my german is ok. my gf is german so i learned a bit, hopefully enough
tolle Arbeit bisher. Ich hoffe, mein Deutsch ist ok. Ich bin tatsächlich machen werden meine AR bald aber ich für meinen nächsten Gehaltsscheck warten.

i hope my german is ok. my gf is german so i learned a bit, hopefully enough

Also ich habe alles verstanden :D

Mold wäre super :D Ich hab die Teile für das H4 BR zwar schon ausgeschnitten, aber das Projekt mal hinten angestellt, Rüstung hat im Moment Vorrang.
Jedenfalls beide Riffles sehen gut aus. Wie hast du vor die weiter zu verarbeiten? Müssen ja irgendwie gehärtet/gefüllt werden.
okay, ich bin def. dafür die zu molden :D egal ob GC oder eben erst zur Promo. Würde dir dann eine abnehmen. :p
Härten ist bei soetwas immer schwierig. lass am besten zunächst außen mehrere schichten harz. dann gibt es zwei methoden.

In der öffnung alles dicht verklebt zu haben würde ich dir das gießen von harz empfehlen. Dabei einfach 100-200ml harz in eine öffnung laufen lassen und so lange rumdrehen bis alles gut bedeckt ist. beim trocknen wird sich das harz dann aber schnell an einer stelle sammeln bzw. absetzen.
das ganze muss daher mehrere male wiederholt werden.

ausschäumen solltest du lassen. kannst zur verdickung der masse aber spachtel hinzugeben. (Rondo)
ansonsten gibs nicht viele möglichektein, da die Reach AR zu viele ecken hat und halbieren daher schwierig werden dürfte, bzw. das anschließende zusammensetzen. Einzig schnitte entlang der Einzelkomponenten kann ich mir gut vorstellen.
also z.b Schulterstütze einzeln ausschneiden bei hoher härte durch laminieren von außen.
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