Team Psh First Mjolnir Suit

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Dude, thats looking great, and it looks to me like that helmet is a perfect fit! I was afraid I might have made it too large at first...
The crotch area looks a bit large, but besides that, Good job! How many people are on your team, and how long did that take? It looks great for your first try!
Tsabo Tsaboc said:
The crotch area looks a bit large, but besides that, Good job! How many people are on your team, and how long did that take? It looks great for your first try!

Well members come and go but right now we have about 7 people working on the armor, there are more people in PsH but only about 7 working on the armor. Many MANY thanks to Ryan for all his help, could not be this far without him. Big thanks to my friend James for his Bondo work, my girlfriend and a my friends Chris and Josh for their amazing sanding job and james girlfriend Candace for being our nurse if we got hurt.

The Under Armor

Should be here sometime today! Can't wait! Ryan, we will be able to record a good video of it very soon.
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good choice of underarmor . mine is from Fox Racing. a little hot tho.. i suggest u remove the top shoulder armor piece. i found em distracting. and it add more height to the chest piece causing the back of the helmet to bumped to top of the chest piece. just my experience ..

p/s: any updated pictures ?


Under armor really adds to it, we should be able to pick up a Dremel tool this weekend and get the Helmet finished.
Looking good, We both have the same chest piece im also working on my son's mkVI suit. it's just to cold to do fiber glassing and resining the whole thing.
FrozenSniper said:
armors looking good! those decals are really nice! makes your armor look way cooler! :D

Thank you, still have work to do like put in the LED's which we have we just ran out of time tonight and a few little details.
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Tsabo Tsaboc said:
The completed armor is SO nice. I love the color scheme. Great job!

Thank you so much, this is our first time and well I am pretty happy with it. Once the LED's are in, it will look so much better. We need a way of making the inner thy area and keeping them closer to my leg.
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soul products said:
thanks need them for the spirit of fire emblem on the shoulder and forehead

Well I can't wait to see it when its finished. Back on topic though...
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soul products said:
yep sorry

are u trying to become a professional group(psh)?

Well Ryan and I would love that in all truths.

We have been an XBL clan for years now but a cosplay group would be fantastic.
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