TORG Gaming Expo Info and Roll Call: November 1st, 2024 - November 3rd, 2024 (Columbus, Ohio)

I see you’re on the Attendance sheet we sent to the organizers, what seems to be the issue?
I DMd Jonah three weeks ago asking if my plus one was good as well and I've received no answer or even acknowledgement of the message. She is dressing as Dr Halsey
I DMd Jonah three weeks ago asking if my plus one was good as well and I've received no answer or even acknowledgement of the message. She is dressing as Dr Halsey
Going solely off the list, it doesn’t appear she is on it and we are capped out on provided passes. You will most likely have to buy her a pass, if I am mistaken in my information please let me know
Going solely off the list, it doesn’t appear she is on it and we are capped out on provided passes. You will most likely have to buy her a pass, if I am mistaken in my information please let me know
If that's the case then I won't be attending, I listed her as my plus 1 months ago and we specifically put an outfit together for this event.
If that's the case then I won't be attending, I listed her as my plus 1 months ago and we specifically put an outfit together for this event.
I would double check the sheet linked in the main thread, as I said I could be wrong
Hey, just popping in here as I also responded to your DM cause it literally just flew under my radar with everything going on ( I believe I was at HaloWC when it was sent so just, very bad timing I’m so sorry.) So you and her are all good for passes.
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TORG has room blocks for our members at two Hotels, one connected and one a 14 minute drive away, but these are simply groups of rooms that have been set aside for booking at a special discounted rate, available through the links in the first post. These are not free rooms that are being assigned out to attendees. Each member is still responsible for organizing and booking their own accommodations, again through the links provided in the first post to take advantage of the discounted rates.

Rooms are available to book now, and have been since the link went live in the first post, and are still available. The discounted rate is available for Thu, Oct 31, 2024 - Mon, Nov 4, 2024, and Check In for the Hotels is 3 PM.
I should have elaborated, but Noble has helped straighten out my concerns about the blocks set to the side. Thank you! :)
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To provide clarity, we were provided three rooms by the venue to dedicate as we see fit. These were three double queen Hyatt rooms that after discussing with my staff, felt would be most appropriately dedicated to out-of-regiment members making the trek to come to our region. With that being said, here is how we shook out those rooms:



Satan Farted

As a note, these rooms were also only for Friday through Sunday. I wanted to make sure they went to folks going the extra distance to make it to this event and this felt like the most fair and appropriate usage.
052 is a canadian PROOF.jpg
052s REAL passport.jpg
052 holding canada flag.jpg

In all seriousness, thank you very much for selecting me to receive a complimentary hotel room! It certainly makes it MUCH easier for a student like myself to participate in conventions, especially ones in the US of A :D
To provide clarity, we were provided three rooms by the venue to dedicate as we see fit. These were three double queen Hyatt rooms that after discussing with my staff, felt would be most appropriately dedicated to out-of-regiment members making the trek to come to our region. With that being said, here is how we shook out those rooms:



Satan Farted

As a note, these rooms were also only for Friday through Sunday. I wanted to make sure they went to folks going the extra distance to make it to this event and this felt like the most fair and appropriate usage.
I believe I was supposed to be in the southern room aswell? I was told I could borrow a cot as there wasn’t enough beds (which is fine)
I have a silly request that I only now thought about... Will any of you guys or gals be getting up early to do your hair or makeup, and may I sneak down to your room to prepare with you? I will most-likely be doing routine matinee to my hair on Saturday OR Sunday, I don't want to wake up the folks in my room with clacking and the beeping of my iron. I can do it during the middle of the day, but I'd be missing time to hang out with you guys.
I honestly don't mind. I don't have an extensive routine for me to get ready, but if nobody else offers their room you can use mine :)
Thank you! I wish my hair did not need matinence, but i've come to accept it. What hotel will you be staying at?
Ok all of you who are going to TORG I have got my hands on some small LCD screens that will work on 3v these are just light up no way to program them they cut the ribbons off but they light up white blue be great for a reach build. But if any of you want a couple let me know I will bring them with me to TORG. Free see the picture these might work for the sniper scope not sure but use it how ever you can.


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