Build-A-Spartan with OFiveTwo!

What armor do you want to see me make?!

  • Mk. VII

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • MK VI

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • MK V(b)

    Votes: 19 28.8%
  • MK IV

    Votes: 7 10.6%

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • ODST

    Votes: 16 24.2%

    Votes: 5 7.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
one and a third done

so im looking at the Galactic Armory MK IV and im wondering how the shoulder, bicep, and tricep plates connect/attach has anyone else figured it out? (i know it will be with straps but like how?)
so im looking at the Galactic Armory MK IV and im wondering how the shoulder, bicep, and tricep plates connect/attach has anyone else figured it out? (i know it will be with straps but like how?)
Ive been wondering/debating that, if i go by some of the newer mark 4 pictures i see. Its mounted to the top of the outer bicep plate which would make lateral arm movement easy, but GA's outer bicep peice doesnt go up all the way and the front and rear plates don't connect except maybe under the arm, so maybe elastic bands connect them? If anyone else figures it out let me know too please.


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Ive been wondering/debating that, if i go by some of the newer mark 4 pictures i see. Its mounted to the top of the outer bicep plate which would make lateral arm movement easy, but GA's outer bicep peice doesnt go up all the way and the front and rear plates don't connect except maybe under the arm, so maybe elastic bands connect them? If anyone else figures it out let me know too please.
If you're going for the Halo Wars 2 Mk IV, you're pretty dead on to what I'd do. The smaller shoulder plate is what slots into position with the outer bicep, and that *theoretically* means you can attach that plate to the arm there using some foam/plastic sheets and some glue. For the larger shoulder plate, mount it on TOP of another smaller one!

Not sure if this answers your question, but hopefully that helps a little. Send a picture of GA's arm files if you can
If you're going for the Halo Wars 2 Mk IV, you're pretty dead on to what I'd do. The smaller shoulder plate is what slots into position with the outer bicep, and that *theoretically* means you can attach that plate to the arm there using some foam/plastic sheets and some glue. For the larger shoulder plate, mount it on TOP of another smaller one!

Not sure if this answers your question, but hopefully that helps a little. Send a picture of GA's arm files if you can
Yes, I plan to mount the "bell" shoulder piece to the smaller shoulder one. but mounting the smaller shoulder piece to the outer arm piece that goes between the bicep and tricep plates is where I'm struggling to plan. I'm using halo wars 2/ infinite as references


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Yes, I plan to mount the "bell" shoulder piece to the smaller shoulder one. but mounting the smaller shoulder piece to the outer arm piece that goes between the bicep and tricep plates is where I'm struggling to plan. I'm using halo wars 2/ infinite as references
im thinking magnetic clips sewn into the under suit and inlayed into the foam.
so, I tried something in the free time i had between assignments and I think it came out great. it's a TPE bumper for where the bicep plate meets the elbow for some added flex. I've never tried this before, but I think I'll start doing it in key areas. side note does anyone have advice on TPE like what's best to get it off the build plate it did not want to come off easily.


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Any tips on how to get the Bowden tube out of the Bambu P1S extruder thingy? I just ran into an issue with it getting clogged and haven’t had to do this on this kind of printer before. I watched a few videos on how to do it, but I’m just not able to remove the tube to get to the filament clog.
If you dont have the p1s tool printed already you can use a small flathead to push down on the ring that holds the tube in place and be able to wiggle the tube out.
Any tips on how to get the Bowden tube out of the Bambu P1S extruder thingy? I just ran into an issue with it getting clogged and haven’t had to do this on this kind of printer before. I watched a few videos on how to do it, but I’m just not able to remove the tube to get to the filament clog.
how is everyone's prints going?
Good! I printed the helmet already but decided to reprint a slightly larger size just for comfort. The forearms came out awesome and I finished the initial sanding for them! I did finish the torso as well but haven’t started sanding. Then my AMS broke so I’m going to take it apart to get the stuck filament out so if anyone has tips for that then I’d gladly welcome it! How are your prints going?
Heya gang! Sorry for leaving you all hanging, I'm sorta "all printers on deck" to finish my con-crunch.
Did OFiveTwo bite off more that he can chew? Potentially.
Am I gonna pull off some serious sorcery to get everything done? You better believe it!

As all my printers are currently clocked to the max, I'm on hold for making more of my Mk V(b) suit right now, but this does not mean you gotta stop your progress! I'll have a more formal right-up for the next steps before I publish episode 3, but the next thing we're gonna tackle is BICEPS and *general print tips and troubleshooting*!
If things are going well so far, I encourage you to try out one or both of the biceps! Remember to double check your measurements on these, and also pay attention to the inside of the model! Sometimes the interior adds quite a bit of material, and what may appear to fit on the outside can actually be an uncomfortably tight fit on the inside!

Also, do yourself a favor and flex your biceps a little when doing your measurements. You can always add padding if they feel too loose, but I'd hate to see someone split open a bicep piece from flexing their Spartan muscles.

Seriously, it happens.

Anywho, thank you guys for your patience with me for this tutorial! Balancing con-crunch, content creation, and life in general is crazy, and we're trying to do our best. (I'm also looking for a video editor to take some work off my plate, if ya know a guy ;) )

Next episode coming soon!
Happy Printing!
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