C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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So i planned on being a handler Sat after the main photo shoot and when i scheduled to be in the photo op area of the booth, But i was juss planning on continuing as Cortana but as a handler. So i didn't have to change. I figured if anything i could throw my Halo or 405th hoodie on so i have pockets. But would i need a shirt or something for Organized Roam Handler? Or is going in Cortana with 405th stuff okies?
Confirmed boots on the ground, Saturday only
Dj Khaled Mtv Emas GIF by 2020 MTV EMA
So i planned on being a handler Sat after the main photo shoot and when i scheduled to be in the photo op area of the booth, But i was juss planning on continuing as Cortana but as a handler. So i didn't have to change. I figured if anything i could throw my Halo or 405th hoodie on so i have pockets. But would i need a shirt or something for Organized Roam Handler? Or is going in Cortana with 405th stuff okies?
If it is after the photoshoot you may do as you like. My main questions was for folks who plan to be handlers DURING the photoshoot. I appreciate you though for letting me know what you plan to do!

The shirt would be for folks not in costume handling so they may be quickly identified as part of our organization when, for example, watching or recording the flag walk to our booth or moving from point A to point B as a large group.
If it is after the photoshoot you may do as you like. My main questions was for folks who plan to be handlers DURING the photoshoot. I appreciate you though for letting me know what you plan to do!

The shirt would be for folks not in costume handling so they may be quickly identified as part of our organization when, for example, watching or recording the flag walk to our booth or moving from point A to point B as a large group.
Ahhh I see i see! So sorry! I thought you meant anyone on Sat after the shoot. Heard Heard kewlies. Well at least i also know now it's okies to do all that. Now i juss have to figure out where to put my stuff during roam and photo booth!
Figure this is probably the best place to put this since so many of us are going to be at this event:

I will be taking my helmet off at various points over the weekend (so that I'm not having all of my meals through a straw :lol:) , and I'd like to request that people taking pictures of our group in casual settings be cautious about having me in-frame without my helmet. I'll have a helmet on my person at all times so that if we do group photos, I can slip it on. Just literally yell at me to put my helmet on.

I know keeping the helmet on is definitely "for the bit", but there are a TON of people who follow me that would be disappointed if a photo of my face leaked, so if we can be a little careful about photos with me in them, it would truly mean the world to me. Thanks guys.
Figure this is probably the best place to put this since so many of us are going to be at this event:

I will be taking my helmet off at various points over the weekend (so that I'm not having all of my meals through a straw :lol:) , and I'd like to request that people taking pictures of our group in casual settings be cautious about having me in-frame without my helmet. I'll have a helmet on my person at all times so that if we do group photos, I can slip it on. Just literally yell at me to put my helmet on.

I know keeping the helmet on is definitely "for the bit", but there are a TON of people who follow me that would be disappointed if a photo of my face leaked, so if we can be a little careful about photos with me in them, it would truly mean the world to me. Thanks guys.
I'm trying my hardest get rid of the wanted posters as I find them oni will never find you I promise lol
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Figure this is probably the best place to put this since so many of us are going to be at this event:

I will be taking my helmet off at various points over the weekend (so that I'm not having all of my meals through a straw :lol:) , and I'd like to request that people taking pictures of our group in casual settings be cautious about having me in-frame without my helmet. I'll have a helmet on my person at all times so that if we do group photos, I can slip it on. Just literally yell at me to put my helmet on.

I know keeping the helmet on is definitely "for the bit", but there are a TON of people who follow me that would be disappointed if a photo of my face leaked, so if we can be a little careful about photos with me in them, it would truly mean the world to me. Thanks guys.
We got you! I'll make sure to be careful with any pictures I'm taking throughout the weekend.

Also feel free to mirror this to the discord and I'll pin it in the C2E2 thread.

If I do happen to catch one, I'll make sure it gets weeded out in my editing before getting posted to the photo drives.
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