C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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Dj Khaled GIF
For those of you who will be at C2 Fridaywhich I believe is the majority of us, There is an after dark event called C2E2 Prom that runs from 8-10pm. The plan right now is to show up with our helmets and matching suits/dresses. Dress to the 9s! should be a low key way of relaxing after a day on the con floor and a way to make sure everyone gets plenty of rest (not staying out too late) and so we all make it to the photoshoot BY 8am. If you are interested please let me know! This would make for a great photo op!
I'll get up and workout that early, but I'm with Spidermonkey60 in not doing legs.
I should be in town for prom! Gotta order me a suit as I don't have red and white. I do have a question as I haven't purchased many suits: what is the price range that makes a cheap suit look like a suit and not a Halloween costume? I really like this suit/helmet idea, but my local suit shop sells em for $300 (trop pour moi en ce moment). I'm worried a $80 won't look good. I may also look into renting a suit. What are y'alls thoughts?
I should be in town for prom! Gotta order me a suit as I don't have red and white. I do have a question as I haven't purchased many suits: what is the price range that makes a cheap suit look like a suit and not a Halloween costume? I really like this suit/helmet idea, but my local suit shop sells em for $300 (trop pour moi en ce moment). I'm worried a $80 won't look good. I may also look into renting a suit. What are y'alls thoughts?
Or something formal along the lines of dress pants and a blazer
I should be in town for prom! Gotta order me a suit as I don't have red and white. I do have a question as I haven't purchased many suits: what is the price range that makes a cheap suit look like a suit and not a Halloween costume? I really like this suit/helmet idea, but my local suit shop sells em for $300 (trop pour moi en ce moment). I'm worried a $80 won't look good. I may also look into renting a suit. What are y'alls thoughts?
I think most of us are looking in the $100 and under range for everything.
Reminder and a couple of notes on the sign up sheet.
First if you haven't signed up for any shifts please do so here:

To everyone, add what costumes you'll be bringing and indicate if you're interested in getting deployment photos done as well as any props you plan to bring for display or for non-members to hold in the photo area. The prop list does not apply to anything you're bringing simply to carry around yourself.

If you're listing a prop/item for display or photo area post a photo or two in this thread of each prop or item you're planning on displaying so staff can review and finalize what's going to go on display.
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If you're listing a prop/item for display or photo area post a photo or two in this thread of each prop or item you're planning on displaying so staff can review and finalize what's going to go on display.

NobleofDeath16 / Spidermonkey60

I will be brining all of the 2D props that we had made last fall. They can then stay with all of the Midwest booth supplies.

We have a BR75, CQS48, MA40, VK78, and MK50
I should be in town for prom! Gotta order me a suit as I don't have red and white. I do have a question as I haven't purchased many suits: what is the price range that makes a cheap suit look like a suit and not a Halloween costume? I really like this suit/helmet idea, but my local suit shop sells em for $300 (trop pour moi en ce moment). I'm worried a $80 won't look good. I may also look into renting a suit. What are y'alls thoughts?
Maybe I don't get it because I've never worn a tux, but there is no need to buy a suit for more than $100. The prom lasts for 2 hours(?), you do not need to purchase a $10,000 Louis Crabbermarche' jacket to have a bit of fun.
Looking to see who will be a handler on Saturday during photoshoot times. We will have a lot of moving parts and I also wanna make sure that crew also has 405th handler shirts. Lemme know if you plan on being a handler during 7:00 AM CST to 11:00 AM CST.
Looking to see who will be a handler on Saturday during photoshoot times. We will have a lot of moving parts and I also wanna make sure that crew also has 405th handler shirts. Lemme know if you plan on being a handler during 7:00 AM CST to 11:00 AM CST.
Brittney said she can be a handler if needs be but would need to go back to our room after it's done to get in her costume for the day
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