C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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I’ll be boots on the ground for this year for the first time can’t wait! I’ll be staying at the Hyatt and will also have an amazing photographer with me.
Talked about this in the Discord a bit, but I wanted to mention it here too. It was recently announced that the major highway that leads from O'Hare airport to downtown Chicago (where the convention center is) is about to continue a big construction overhaul that's been going on since last year. When they were working on it last time, traffic slowed to a bare crawl and everyone started looking to the side streets to get around the congestion. I'm bringing this up as a warning for those of you who plan to fly into O'Hare for the convention; either be prepared for a very long car ride or start looking for alternative routes to the convention center. I believe the Blue Line (the city train system that runs from O'Hare to downtown) shouldn't have service be affected by the road work, but I can easily see the trains likewise getting more crowded. Be smart, people. And more than anything, be safe.
I will also be looking for a spot to crash, i can help pay of course, i just don't want to pay for a full price hotel, i would be willing to split if anyone else needs last minute accommodations. Trying to make this trip as cheap as i can, since it wasn't on my original schedule.
I will also be looking for a spot to crash, i can help pay of course, i just don't want to pay for a full price hotel, i would be willing to split if anyone else needs last minute accommodations. Trying to make this trip as cheap as i can, since it wasn't on my original schedule.
Omg we both going
Go ahead and put me down as Boots on the Ground! If anyone wants to split a room or has extra space for me (willing to contribute shmeckles) please let me know ASAP. I'm looking at rooms at the Hyatt now and a queen plus double runs about $364
worst case scenario i'm down to split, i'm still looking around for other options tho because i really don't want to dish out that much for a hotel. i know a lot of people are looking for spots, do we want to try and book a airbnb? all of you still looking for a place please let me know so i can get a headcount to see if we'd have enough to make it worth the money. with that said i will only be there friday night and saturday night.
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worst case scenario i'm down to split, i'm still looking around for other options tho because i really don't want to dish out that much for a hotel. i know a lot of people are looking for spots, do we want to try and book a airbnb? all of you still looking for a place please let me know so i can get a headcount to see if we'd have enough to make it worth the money. with that said i will only be there friday night and saturday night.
That works for me and my wallet lol. I'd also only be there Friday/ Saturday night
Go ahead and put me down as Boots on the Ground! If anyone wants to split a room or has extra space for me (willing to contribute shmeckles) please let me know ASAP. I'm looking at rooms at the Hyatt now and a queen plus double runs about $364
I'll can look at help splitting the cost as well. Need to find a place. Plus I'll also be there for Friday and Saturday.
worst case scenario i'm down to split, i'm still looking around for other options tho because i really don't want to dish out that much for a hotel. i know a lot of people are looking for spots, do we want to try and book a airbnb? all of you still looking for a place please let me know so i can get a headcount to see if we'd have enough to make it worth the money. with that said i will only be there friday night and saturday night.
I'm looking to find a place to stay.
worst case scenario i'm down to split, i'm still looking around for other options tho because i really don't want to dish out that much for a hotel. i know a lot of people are looking for spots, do we want to try and book a airbnb? all of you still looking for a place please let me know so i can get a headcount to see if we'd have enough to make it worth the money. with that said i will only be there friday night and saturday night.
I too am looking for a place to stay. I wouldn't mind paying if you guys find a airbnb or a cheaper hotel that's somewhat close to the convention. I will be driving up with my SSG gangs on Thursday and will be staying for the convention for Friday and Saturday and head back Sunday morning.
I'll can look at help splitting the cost as well. Need to find a place. Plus I'll also be there for Friday and Saturday.

I'm looking to find a place to stay.

I too am looking for a place to stay. I wouldn't mind paying if you guys find a airbnb or a cheaper hotel that's somewhat close to the convention. I will be driving up with my SSG gangs on Thursday and will be staying for the convention for Friday and Saturday and head back Sunday morning.
So the 3 of us roomies?
Plus anyone else that needs it of course
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