C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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I am still very much in need for a place to crash Sunday night. Unfortunately, I haven't heard whether anyone is able to steal me (I wouldnt have this issue but flights back home are/were INSANELY expensive for Sunday compared to Monday.
If you can have space for me somewhere, I would be much appreciative if someone could let me know < 3

EDIT: I appear to be stolen by Monker, I shall confirm if this is the case
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I'll repeat it here again. If you are planning to bring a prop for display or want to be proposed for photo area post a photo here. Having added it to the prop list does NOT guarantee it will be put on display.

As an example while I'll have 2 props I'm carrying, the only one I'm offering up for display is the skewer.
2024-03-04 09.01.57.jpg
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My items for display, not pictured is the massive flagpole (Fred)


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Jocko03 CozmiqVixen

I've been super busy working on my needler and those helmet charms today. It will all be worth it soon enough. but I made 72 of them. Mark V, Mark VI, and ODST. I made enough to cover the list of people on the original post of this thread then a few more for people here and there. I will be bringing them to C2E2!
Jocko03 CozmiqVixen

I've been super busy working on my needler and those helmet charms today. It will all be worth it soon enough. but I made 72 of them. Mark V, Mark VI, and ODST. I made enough to cover the list of people on the original post of this thread then a few more for people here and there. I will be bringing them to C2E2!
So kewl! Thankies so so much, you're amazing. If you happen to have a Mark V left once you get to me I'll be ecstatic. If not I will take whatever you have left with a happy soul ☺️ I hope your Needler comes out smoothly!
So kewl! Thankies so so much, you're amazing. If you happen to have a Mark V left once you get to me I'll be ecstatic. If not I will take whatever you have left with a happy soul ☺️ I hope your Needler comes out smoothly!
Seems like Mark V is the overall favorite choice lately. Should have made 90% Mark V helmets instead of equal parts of each.

Needler progress was great today. Here's a sneak peak


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