Calladar's Grunt WIP (pic Heavy)

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Wow lol., the head is like 50% bigger than it should be,

It's going to be a super intelligent Grunt with a big brain. That's why we haven't seen him in the game: He's smart enough to live alone on some unknown planet, far away from the Covenant military :)

(The body piece is looking good by the way!)
so after watching my daughter run around the house for about an hour wearing the chest and head (chasing her big brother) i just cannot "go with it" that head is just too freakin big. doesn't look bad, just soooo out of proportion. so with that i have another idea i have been wanting to try so this looks like a good time.

i agree with you all that it is just too big. going to start over on the head. will post pics of the idea i had if it works, if it does not then time to try something else.
Well i am at the drying stage so i fugured i would put up what i was trying. well like i said before head way too big. I still wanted to use the idea of the gas mask for vision. well i wanted to make it smaller to look right but my daughter still being able to see. So what i came up with was to to make the main body of the mask (the part that goes against the face) out of clear plastic and tint it. first thought was to make a positive and then vacu-form it. problem.... my old vacuform box was broken in the move a few years back.. solution... build a new one. problem was i was feeling really lazy and i don't have any of the right plastic just laying around.

so what i decided to go with was some of the plexiglass i had laying around. i went to blender and made a 3d model of what i wanted and then unfolded it. i then peped it out to make sure it was the size i wanted. yup good to go. i then re-unfolded the pep for making a template for the plexiglass. i cut the plexiglass, bent it to shape. had some old scrap windo tint soo i tinted it. I am now waiting for the window tint to set and then i am going to try and put it together.. don't know if this will work or not but i am going to try.
ok wouldn't let me type any more in..

As i was saying.....

Here are some posts of where i am now:

i will post end results pics good or bad.

pep of what i am shooting for:


Cut out pieces:


Tinted and drying:



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ok finally had a little of time off so was able to do a little work. i was able to get the plexi-glass together. ehh could have been alot better vacu-forming with some tinted lexan but going with what i got. i am now going to be trying to get 5 kits done by dragon-con. sooo beggars cannot be choosers. here it is all put together.


the joints really stand out with the flash from the camera. the joints really don't look that bad and actually blended in fairly nicely. figure a little creative painting and you won't really notice.

so with that i moved onward.


at this point i was not too sure of the way it was coming together so i decided to move on to a little detail to get a feel for how it was coming together:


i then placed it on the chest to see if i still had the bobble head effect. and this head is sized up pretty close so i feel a whole lot better with this one. still have alot of detail to go. the fun is just beginning.



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that looks GREAT so far. I cannot wait to see the finished product. BTW, the arm holes look really narrow. Can her arm fit through that? lol
that looks GREAT so far. I cannot wait to see the finished product. BTW, the arm holes look really narrow. Can her arm fit through that? lol

Thanks.. the narrow arms are just because of the angle that the picture was taken. here are pics of my daughter with it on. i have to do some adjusting to the chest piece and add some to get it to fit the way i want it to.




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1 C4N'7 H4NDL3 73H GRUN71N355!!!1!!!11!!! :p
But seriously, awesome work. This looks just great, I'll be checking in here for sure to see how it comes along :D
ok i can't figure out how to reply with multi quote soo going to go this route....

Ithica- thank you.. I have been a big fan of your work for a while and to have you comment on my work is inspiring.

ONI agent- thanks to you as well.. even though i almost went cross eyed readin that. lol. that was cool.

Tatonyx- thanks to you as well. My Daughter is not a big fan of halo but like any kid loves the idea of wearing a costume and this time she gets to be a "monster" not a princess or a fairy that her mom always dresses her up in.. lol

I spent the better part of this morning getting the final touches on the grunt head and finishing the back. i finally found some decent reference pics but none of them show the back of the head so i used some creative license with the back of the head. While i write this the head is out in the garage drying from a coat of plasti-dip to smooth and seal it and then a coat of primer and a little sanding and it will be ready to paint. here are pics before plasti-dip.





Plasti-Dip Drying:



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Whoa... freaky. How are you going to do the eyes?

There's also normally a top part that goes over the top of the grunt's head.
Awww it's so cute! <3

Great job on remaking the head.

Santicity, you're thinking of Halo 1 and 2 grunts. Halo 3 grunts (which I think is what is being referenced here) don't really have that thing over the top of their head, it's more like it wraps around the back.
Awww it's so cute! <3

Great job on remaking the head.

Santicity, you're thinking of Halo 1 and 2 grunts. Halo 3 grunts (which I think is what is being referenced here) don't really have that thing over the top of their head, it's more like it wraps around the back.

Santicity - thanks and i am not sure what you mean by the eyes. most of the ref pics i have been able to find have a grunt with red eyes and i am looking at that for the color of the eyes.. if that is what you meant.

started painting and not sure if i like the color and how it is coming out. mose reference pics have the skin color as a grey color but the contrast with the metal color for the gas mask and other parts are too close.. thinking of adding a little Green to the grey and darken it up a little and give it a slight green tint. don't know still playing with it.

thanks and i am going with the halo 3 version. didn't like the thing on top of the head..
My boy loves Link from the Zelda games, and that is the only thing he'll dress up as. The back looks great, but correct me if I'm wrong, isn't there a band that went from the back of the head, over the head and connected to the breather?
My boy loves Link from the Zelda games, and that is the only thing he'll dress up as. The back looks great, but correct me if I'm wrong, isn't there a band that went from the back of the head, over the head and connected to the breather?

yes there is in halo 1 and 2, but in 3 that band was removed. that is what i am making this one off of. for clarification here are ref pics i am using:




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Ok. Yeah I was gathering some references in Halo 2 last night and I noticed that. Can't wait to see more pics
Santicity - thanks and i am not sure what you mean by the eyes. most of the ref pics i have been able to find have a grunt with red eyes and i am looking at that for the color of the eyes.. if that is what you meant.

started painting and not sure if i like the color and how it is coming out. mose reference pics have the skin color as a grey color but the contrast with the metal color for the gas mask and other parts are too close.. thinking of adding a little Green to the grey and darken it up a little and give it a slight green tint. don't know still playing with it.

thanks and i am going with the halo 3 version. didn't like the thing on top of the head..

Ahh okay, I wasn't sure which grunt model you were going with :)

What I meant with the eyes was how you were going to see out of the costume? I thought you were making a grunt helmet, so I was just wondering how your daughter (or whoever you're building it for) was going to see out of it. Are they just going to wear it off the top of their head?
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