Calladar's Grunt WIP (pic Heavy)

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Nope, thats the full size in all its glory =D
Halo 2 and 3 had slightly smaller needlers, But the original needler was a good solid size. If you need proof, Play through Truth and Reconciliation and watch for when Keyes picks up the needler.
ok now have had a chance to jump back on this one.. dragon con is only a few weeks away and i almost have the other kits done so i have to jump on this one..

almost have the arms done. started working on the feet tonight.. have one made and the mod podge is drying now.. now that i have it made have to figure out how to get the daughter's foot into it. figure that out later.. for now here is where the foot stands..

putting the detail into it.

the toe flexing. make it easier to walk.

detail done and mod podge drying.

now to make the other one..


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Sir that is some sweet looking foam work you have going there. I can't wait to see how all the pieces come together.
thanks guys.. well down to 13 more days till dragon con.. gotta get things done..

a little closer with the grunt. was out in the garage working on it when my daughter came out with the chest head and arms on so she threw on the feet so i could take a picture.. here is where i stand.


ok break over back to shaping the foam..


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Well...I guess I did say that I can't wait to see it all the pieces come together. And did you let us down....NO, not you. THAT looks AWESOME!!! The amount of detail in this build is great. Thank you for sharing this latest pic's with us, and I for one will be looking forward to you're next update.
what is left to do?
it looks cute and EPIC

oh man allot.. i still have to do the detail work on the hands and feet.. paint.. detail paint.. under suit.. rib cage guard.. lighting..

This looks awesome!!! What is it made of, EVA foam? or PURE WIN!!! lol now if they only made a voice changer in grunt......

Eva foam mats.. and then carved using a dremel to get the detail and "folded" skin look. i wish i could find a vioce changer for her but she will just have to make due.

well now have both feet carved and first coat of paint is drying. now i have to do the carving on the arms. the under suit is dyed and drying. ugg the day is going by too quickly.
wat if you give her an mp3-player and mobile speakers.
and you put sounds of grunts on the mp3

If you have an iPhone, you can get an app that has halo sounds, some of which are grunts talking, screaming, getting owned, etc.
wow that grunt is a grunt of pure epic awsome awesomeness!!!

Couple suggestions:

1: Put some confetti things in the back of the head so there will be real grunt birthday party =DD

2: Make her run around yelling "Kill the Demon!!!!!!"
wat if you give her an mp3-player and mobile speakers.
and you put sounds of grunts on the mp3

i have put sound in both the Carter and the Kat and i am running out of off days.. going to cut it close as it is.

wow that grunt is a grunt of pure epic awsome awesomeness!!!

Couple suggestions:

1: Put some confetti things in the back of the head so there will be real grunt birthday party =DD

2: Make her run around yelling "Kill the Demon!!!!!!"

funny thing is she has been running around practicing the grunt run..

ok i now have the feet done..

now trying to get the arms painted. so humid here it is taking FOREVER for the paint to dry..


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Feet look epic. As for paint drying use hair dryer low temp setting, High fan.

yea know about that one.. luckily i have so much other stuff i have to get done that i have plenty to do while i wait for it to dry.

well almost done..

was sitting there working on my sons kit and my daughter was running around as the grunt and i noticed something..

CRAP!! i forgot the rib looking things... so now more work to get done...
you can really notice in this pic..


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