Calladar's Kat WIP

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Hey Calladar, so how did those reference shots help? :p I got some more, somewhere. I have stuff all over my computer. XD I even have stuff that I uploaded to tinypic, but for some reason they are no longer on my computer. I'll have to get those up too. Got some VERY good shots of the prosthetic arm. :)
oh they are outstanding you have angles i have never been able to find and unfortunately with those reference pics i have found things that i would like to change but may not have enough time before dragon con.. thank you so much they are definitely going to help.

now i was sitting there working on the cod and was looking over at the chest piece getting frustrated with it because i did not like the fit. as others have had issues with it being too deep front to back and with how it fit the wife i didn't like the look. after constantly looking over at it i decided to pick it up and figure out how i was going to fix this issue. what i ended up doing was cutting the front shoulder area and removing about 2 inches from that area i then went to the side to wards the back and removed 2 inches from that area under the arm. i reattached and did a "tack" in place glue job that way i could easily put the 2 inch pieces back if it didn't work or fit right. i then went back after the cod piece and waited for the wife to get home from work (in fear that it would not fit because i cut too much out of it and the wife was going to beat me).
ok so for some reason i can only put so much in a post.. weird. so sorry for the double post..

once the wife arrived home i had her try it on... it fit sooo much better and did not appear so "deep" and made it ride higher on her shoulders where it just looked better.




and yes i know the helmet looks like it doesn't fit. the wife grabbed a 2 inch thick piece of foam and stuck it in the top so it "didn't touch her hair" (Whiny voice) (hope she doesn't read this) making the helmet ride really high on her head. so it is sitting about and 1 1/2 inches higher than it will when i get it all done.


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Looking pretty good. Don't forget that some part of the ab plate should be black though too. ;) I'm actually using an ab plate from a different file. It's from a file that a friend of mine made when I asked him if he could make the models since he knows how to do that stuff too and since nobody else seemed to be taking the time to accurately make the female armore pieces. I like how he modeled the ab plate so I am using the pieces from that for my build.

BTW, it does seem like that fits your wife better now. I wonder if I should do that with mine OR if I should wait and see what FR comes out with and then possibly build his instead. XD
Looking pretty good. Don't forget that some part of the ab plate should be black though too. ;) I'm actually using an ab plate from a different file. It's from a file that a friend of mine made when I asked him if he could make the models since he knows how to do that stuff too and since nobody else seemed to be taking the time to accurately make the female armore pieces. I like how he modeled the ab plate so I am using the pieces from that for my build.

BTW, it does seem like that fits your wife better now. I wonder if I should do that with mine OR if I should wait and see what FR comes out with and then possibly build his instead. XD

yea not done painting the black or some of the other and still have the "dirty / damage" to add to it as well. when i decided it didn't fit right i stopped painting. now have to trim and blend in where i made the cuts and removed the foam.
Ah, okay. Are you going to add the UNSC symbol on it too? I want to add it, but I dont know if I should create a template, cut it out and paint it or buy a small enough of a sticker off ebay of it and stick it on there. The sticker would most likely have cleaner edges. Decisions, decisions. :p

Also, I will be adding more images soon on my facebook of the reference images, so keep a look out for those. You might want to check them out. ;)
Ah, okay. Are you going to add the UNSC symbol on it too? I want to add it, but I dont know if I should create a template, cut it out and paint it or buy a small enough of a sticker off ebay of it and stick it on there. The sticker would most likely have cleaner edges. Decisions, decisions. :p

Also, I will be adding more images soon on my facebook of the reference images, so keep a look out for those. You might want to check them out. ;)

will definitely be waiting for reference pics. and yes i am going to put the UNSC symbol as well as noble team symbol on it and all the letting on the chest arms and legs. i have a craft robo so i am going to use it and some vinyl to make templates and then paint them on similar to how i did the blue tiger chief but alot less work.
I really like it. Before painting, the chest piece looks big. With the color and helmet on, the chest piece looks just right. Great work.
thanks guys..

i got home from work and decided to finish the helmet attachment..

soo what i started with was this:

and going to put this in it:

so i got down to business:

then have to have a removable cap to be able to replace batteries:

time to break down:

i spent about an hour rewiring and soldering during this time i was concentrating and forgot about the camera.

time to start mounting electronics:

blend it all together and add detail:


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People like you are so lucky that they know how to do this. My husband knows how to do all that stuff too, but getting him to do it for me is a WHOLE 'nother story. :( It's a pretty sad one too. XD

Anyway, the attachment looks pretty big for some reason. Like bigger than it should be. XD Even before you added all the good stuff it looked big. I guess once it's on the helmet though it will look right. :p
yea it might be a little big but i think it looks fine on the helmet and i needed the little bit of wiggle room for the electronics i had planned to put in.

so here it is almost done:


and done:


and halogoddess just do what my wife does. threaten me and beat me about the back of the head. trust me it works.


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Oh man, that looks awesome! She will definitely be able to see where she is going with that bad boy all lit up. Oh, and thanks for not shining that thing in my eyes, lol. I value my eye sight!
Nice, the helmet attachment looks really cool! It does look a little big from the side, but it looks just right in that last frontal view photo.
Wow! That came out looking pretty good. I do like the added light so your wife can see in the dark with it now. You should have her test on the helmet with with the light on to make sure that she doesn't see a bright light out of the corner of her right eye if you haven't already. Just wanna make sure she isn't bothered by the light or anything. :p
thanks all..

well i ended up having surgery on Tuesday and came home to rest. woke up wed and felt decent then that all went down hill when i developed a secondary infection. needless to say has not been a good week. and i am here to tell you, fever induced hallucinations are not fun. my wife enjoyed parts of it though. needless to say i said and did things that i will probably never live down. great material for future inside jokes at my expense.

but i digress... i was feeling better today so i decided to try and sit down and work a little bit

as far as i am concerned the helmet is done. fans mounted, lighting done, padding installed and final paint and clear coat.


i then worked on the "camera" pocket for the cod piece. this will go on the sides and one will be for a camera and the other side will be for whatever... "my wife probably a phone"



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