Calladar's Kat WIP

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well now that photo bucket is back up and running. what a pain.. i did not get alot done on my days off. worked 5 12 hour days so i was whooped on my days off. i did not do much with the armor but a little touch up here and there. i have to get to finishing the legs off and get it done so i can move on the the next ones.. dragon con is getting closer by the day.

here is what i spent a portion of my day off doing:


and when the wife got home from work she put on the helmet chest and cod (only pieces pretty much done)


this weekend i plan on getting the shins and boots done and then all i have left is paint and detail.


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You are definitely a lot further along than I am. I only have the shins, knees, and shoulder pieces done. I still have SO much left to do. :( I have a feeling this will be fail #3. :(
You are definitely a lot further along than I am. I only have the shins, knees, and shoulder pieces done. I still have SO much left to do. :( I have a feeling this will be fail #3. :(

First off, Calladar, the suit is really looking great man, nice mannaquin too. Secondly, HG, don't put yourself down like that. You got this girl. Keep pressing on and finish what you started. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
You are definitely a lot further along than I am. I only have the shins, knees, and shoulder pieces done. I still have SO much left to do. :( I have a feeling this will be fail #3. :(
It's impossible to fail when your build is FILLED with win!!:)
Take heart young SPARTAN. There's a whole forum of people waiting to see how your build turns out.

Callader. Your wife must be so proud to have you putting so much time and effort into her costume. NOICE
Thanks for the inspiring words, guys. :)

Calladar, there is something I want to know though, why in my thread did you ask what shoe size I wear? Also, what size is that helmet? XD
wow. i just discovered thisa thread, and for foam, that torso piece looks amazing! and the cleaness of the moulds that you did for the helmet was spectacular, truly a master. i cant wait for this to be done.
holy smoke your work look perfect and your wife is very lucky to have such a talented husband like you make me wish that I would find one that have the same thing as you do but right now I have to do this myself (with a little help from my sons) it's hard to get them to help me because they are busy with their own stuffs.
Calladar, there is something I want to know though, why in my thread did you ask what shoe size I wear? Also, what size is that helmet? XD

didn't think i asked what shoe size was wondering what size you had made the shin files.. i had made one shin and it was wayyyy too small. and the reason i asked was because you and my wife are the same height. little people... gotta love em. also the helmet size i used was H:284 W:251 D:347.

wow. i just discovered thisa thread, and for foam, that torso piece looks amazing! and the cleaness of the moulds that you did for the helmet was spectacular, truly a master. i cant wait for this to be done.

thanks in all reality it was the first glove mold i had made. thanks to alot of help from Brandon McClain i was able to get it right. have made several box molds but was worried about messing the glove mold up but was really happy with how it turned out. learned alot and discovered some things i need to do next time to make the roto casting process cleaner and easier.

holy smoke your work look perfect and your wife is very lucky to have such a talented husband like you make me wish that I would find one that have the same thing as you do but right now I have to do this myself (with a little help from my sons) it's hard to get them to help me because they are busy with their own stuffs.

thanks, tell you the secret.... she beats me.. and it's hard to get the children involved. they want it to done for them and then they are all excited. my son wants to to make jun but so far i have done alot of it for him.
Awesome job on the suit so far, though the sweater kinda makes her look a little squished. Everything looks fantastric, I wouldn't be surprised if this was moved into the elite section. Also in the top right picture, is that a Tactonyx DMR I see sitting there? :D
Also in the top right picture, is that a Tactonyx DMR I see sitting there? :D

why YES, YES IT IS! Love it. still in the process of cleaning it up. just got it the other day. i was waiting till i got it done till i posted anything but the cat is out of the bag. got it about 2 days ago. and thrilled. the detail is incredible and beyond anything i could do with a weapon. talented you are my friend.
didn't get much done this weekend. the weather turned beautiful and i had to get the bike out. spent most of the day Saturday and part of Sunday on it. i did get a little painting done and added the inner thigh pieces to the thighs. also i started putting magnets in the thigh and in the pistol so that the wife can be armed.

got the Kat-320 added to the chest


thigh pieces needing detail


and did some detail to the left arm.


pics of the gun mount to come.


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I'm afraid to do my forearm and bicep piece out of foam because of the detail. XD I am really hoping that I can make it work. I almost have ALL of BOTH legs finished! :D I am also REALLY loving that color blue you are using. I got the same color and when I look at my Kat figure, the color is almost exact! How did you decide on that color? I totally love it!

My other issue with my build though is a weapon. :( In the famous words of Master Chief, "I need a weapon." XD haha I mean, I DO have my laser tag weapons of the plasma pistol and rifle, but Kat favors the magnum so I kind of want that, but I would LOVE a DMR! :D
I'm afraid to do my forearm and bicep piece out of foam because of the detail. XD I am really hoping that I can make it work. I almost have ALL of BOTH legs finished! :D I am also REALLY loving that color blue you are using. I got the same color and when I look at my Kat figure, the color is almost exact! How did you decide on that color? I totally love it!

with the color.. i walked into michael's carrying my kat action figure and then stood in the paints looking like a total dork with an action figure in one hand and picking up every blue i could find and comparing the color till i found the one that was the closest. also the forearm is not that bad in foam (like most of the foam you have to redo the unfold) but the shoulder is a pain trying to get the detail. still have not found a good way to unfold to make the shoulder detail easier to do. with the level of detail you were able to obtain on the shin and the thigh i don't think you will have a problem.
sorry for the double post..

My other issue with my build though is a weapon. :( In the famous words of Master Chief, "I need a weapon." XD haha I mean, I DO have my laser tag weapons of the plasma pistol and rifle, but Kat favors the magnum so I kind of want that, but I would LOVE a DMR! :D

well i have my DMR.. i have Tactonyx DMR that i got from Brandon.. this thing rocks.. better than anything i could have done. still cleaning it up, putting it together and painting. once that is done will get some pics up. only problem i have is it is HEAVY.. solid. i thought it was going to be a roto cast of it and be alot lighter. sooo that threw off my plans to put alot of magnets in it and make it where i can mount it to the back. but will try and figure something out. may hit tactonyx up since he has the mold now and see if he can make a rotocast (hollow) lighter version. but i digress..

soo what i have done is mounted 2 magnets in the pistol and then two adjoining magnets in the thigh. i had to build up the thigh a little to make a "mount" so the pistol will sit right and sit off of the leg a little. works well holds the pistol on strong. i can shake the thigh and it doesn't come off, but it doesn't take much of a bump to knock it off. so wife will have to pay attention when she is waling around that if she bumps something or someone it could get knocked off..

here is the thigh:


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dang for some reason it would not let me write anymore so here is another freakin post. argg..

here is the pistol:


and the final result.


still have alot of cleanup and detail to do.. but have to work so get to it in a couple of days.


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That is an awesome pistol :O!

wish i could claim it as mine. got it in trade with bandon mcclain, it is a thorssoli h3 pistol. really well done.

reall clean build man. how are you geting such clean, seam free, foam pieces?

there are still several seams but as i go i am learning and getting better with it. just like anything else there is a learning / experimenting process. the biggest thing i have figured out is the cleaner the edge the better you can get the seams to match up. i also bevel almost all joining edges and then after i get them connected i reinforce on the inside with a bead of glue. rub the tip of the hot glue gun over the seams on the outside to smooth any hot glue buildup on the seams (this also allows some of the hot glue to be absorbed into the foam) spray on a layer plastidip to seal the foam as well as the seams. then put thin coat of flexible putty on in places that really need it. sand down then a layer of flexible sand able primer and paint. but even with all that i still have seams i am not happy with. it all goes back to the original construction. the cleaner the original seams the better in the end.
I really like how the gun mounting came out Calladar, It really looks authentic. Keep up the great work man.
oh you and taking all of my ideas. i kid i kid. this is phenomenal and love everything about it, keep up the excellent work
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