Centurion Build

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Thanks mawrTRON......I'll do that.

Didn't get a chance to update on Friday....had family emergency to deal with

My usual method of filling gaps is to use paintable caulk and then seal up the piece. For some reason after I did that, the caulk started to pull away and I was able to peel away adn everything too easily. Even the holes and gaps. everything was falling out. And I had a lot of these little divots to fill (Bad batch of foam pads). I don't usually seal a piece before I fill it but I had to try something....I used mawrTRON 50/50 sealant method but this made the caulk stick even less so again change of tactics. I have heard of people using Spackle to fill the gaps but never tried thinking that it would be too brittle for foam.

OK so lets look as the progression of my insanity....

So this is one of my pieces w/ just plasta dip w/o filling the gaps. A lot of holes

A quick check of my supplies and no ready made spackle handy so let's go w/ some Duram's Water Putty

At first it looked like it was working. I was going to sand it down and then 50/50 them.

But as I sanded it down, everything pulled out again. It must be the foam or that I heat sealed it first....something. Then I took 1 piece and 50/50 sealed it first BINGO!!!!

That was the order: 50/50, spackel, sand, then another coat of 50/50. Smoth as silk. the Duram's held beautifully. Luckily I don;t have huge gaps or gaping holes to fill but I do have a lot of little ones. I think 1 more coat of either a primer or another coat of plasta dip would be in order and then I'll be ready for painting. It seams like a lot of work .....which it is, but the end result should be a nice smooth piece.
Glad to see its working for you.
A lot of the paint process is experimental. Esp with all the different brands,methods and materials out there.
My reccomendation to anyone would be to conduct a test on anything first before commiting to an actual piece of armour.
You don't wanna make a mess of a nice foam piece.

Also if makes you feel better.
Im a qualified Painter/Sign Maker and sealers/paints still misbehave for me all the time!
I hate painting...........I stink at it. Building.....not bad, I can muddle through that, but painting......rather shoot myself in the foot. I have to read through your thread again....a few times actually.
I love painting bro that's one of the best parts, I find it super relaxing. Cant wait to see what methods and techniques you use. If you want to get together sometime during the weekends since we live so close to each other you know my workshop is always open to you and yours.
HA!!.....That's what they all say.

Ok, quick update:

I have my spine pieces all attached to some craft foam w/ the butt plate. W/ the help of the wife, the sizing was good and will lay just and inch or so under the bottom lip of the back piece.

My test piece

I want to make sure I have done my sealing and gap filling correctly. So here I have my knee plate. Primed up and ready for the next. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if I wanted to do weathering that would show, I should paint this piece silver or can I go w/ a darker metal color? What would be the best material to use to create a chipped paint effect?
By staring at pictures of Fred's armour it looks to me that the metal under his paint is a darker metal colour as opposed to silver, you can kinda see it on his knee plate in this picture:
By staring at pictures of Fred's armour it looks to me that the metal under his paint is a darker metal colour as opposed to silver, you can kinda see it on his knee plate in this picture:
View attachment 240406
That's what I thought as well......looks more like a gun metal grey....and Schankerz, if you have any more of these close up shots.....send them to me!!! Please. TY. :notworthy: :notworthy:

mblackwell1002, at least you threw in the "Mr." part........:D
You can also do your base colour and then paint in the darker shade to the inside and add silver metallic around the edges.
You can also do your base colour and then paint in the darker shade to the inside and add silver metallic around the edges.

you could aslo do the base gun metal coat then add either masking fluid on the edges then spray your primary, then once thats dry just peel of the fluid( toothpaste works the same, only difference is that you sort of rub it of, and it smells nice)
you could aslo do the base gun metal coat then add either masking fluid on the edges then spray your primary, then once thats dry just peel of the fluid( toothpaste works the same, only difference is that you sort of rub it of, and it smells nice)

So....I'll have a battle weathered suit that is minty fresh......? Gingivitis and tooth decay don't stand a chance!!!!
Ok Quick update: Status of helmet!!!!

Resized, resined and fiberglassed. Sexy as hell!!!!

and just for the snot and giggles of it, a side by side of the previous build:

Hysterically off sized. Ok so the next is to trim the inside of all fiberglass shards, rondo and remove the visor section and opening excess to allow my neanderthal noggin inside.

A huge thank you to PerniciousDuke, for his help in the completion of my brain bucket!!!!! THANK YOU DUKE!!!!!! W/o his help.........there would be no Dirt S-104 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:!!!!
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