Centurion Build

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Damn, Duke your'e one heck of a guy for doing this, great job on the helmet, can't want to see what you do with it Dirt! But where's the bucket testing picture! We need to know if we can make fun of your Bobloheaddesh-ness again! :p
I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this before, but Dirt has posted pics on the wall of other members memes lol! Good work on the helm! I agree let's see that test fit!
No....is that a self portrait? :p SavedbyGraceG12, those memes were directed towards me......making fun of me really, but all in good humor. If you can laugh at yourself, you're be all the better for it.
Ha, that is awesome seeing them side by side. You know I am happy to help you, kind sir. I just hope it actually helps and I didn't make it too big. While it is quite a bit bigger than your last helmet, I'm more curious how it compares to your other armor pieces. In one of the shots in front of the shins it is looking pretty good. That was a hard helmet to scale. There is so much extra stuff on the top and the sides. Well, best of luck my friend.
OHHH I see them now!! Wasn't sure what you guys were on about but I now....now I see. It's a great honour to have my dank memes displayed in your humble work space good sir!
Looks good I cant wait till I have a space of my own to work on things like fiberglass and what not..... Living in a basement suit kinda has those problems But keep up the build. I'd love to see the finished product !
Speaking of finished products, I wasn't happy w/ the way my cod/ab piece came out. It was a bit too 2 dimensional, so I re-did it:



I think this is a vast improvement on my first attempt. Again, major kudos to mawrTRON, for the creation of this template.

It is too cold out right now to work outside on my helmet so I started on the last part of my armor: The Thighs.

I have done the basic shapes of both which fit nicely and will begin to detail the hell out of them.

This time I went the smart rout...... I'm working on both of them at the same time so what I do for one...I just double it for the other. Something I failed to do w/ other parts of my build which resulted in some size discrepancies. Not much......and nothing that people would notice while I was in motion....but I know about it and it just irks me a bit. Not so this time.....Live and learn. Once I have some detailing done, I'll post some more fitting pics.
Build looks like it's finally all coming together nicely. Speaking of mawrtron's templates did you scale them at all or use them as it? I downloaded the files as well (Thanks mawrTRON they are great) but they are a PDF and not much I can do with it short of printing it then scanning and resizing it. I tried loading it into MS paint but it gets a screwy on the size. I'm looking to make these scaled for a couple people that are about 4 ft tall any ideas would be helpful.
Build looks like it's finally all coming together nicely. Speaking of mawrtron's templates did you scale them at all or use them as it? I downloaded the files as well (Thanks mawrTRON they are great) but they are a PDF and not much I can do with it short of printing it then scanning and resizing it. I tried loading it into MS paint but it gets a screwy on the size. I'm looking to make these scaled for a couple people that are about 4 ft tall any ideas would be helpful.

Unfortunately I couldn't make a one size fits all sorta thing. Each will have to be scaled. If it helps Im 5'10" and its scaled to fit me... also please note these are made to be printed on A4 paper. Im using international paper standards, none of this exclusive "US Letter" paper size.

I think Im just spitful because when I was pepping my first suit I had to convet all the pep files from letter to A4. This is my own way of getting revenge...
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