Hey Crimmson, I have a small request. I need a model of this gun from a game I use to play. Its the Nightshade Pistol.
If you need some reference. I can give you what I have but it is not much.
I wouldn't be able to make with references available. I looked on the internet for the game wanted and I could not get suitable pics.
I cut a lot of detail into this one especially the top and back, straightened out a lot of twisted faces, low hanging vertices etc, cut the helmet in half and mesh welded back together for symmetry.
aligned and mesh welded the visor in place, straightened out the faces as well as defining it some.
not unfolded
this one was a pain in the, watch your mouth sucka, to straighten out almost as bad as the gungrir. cut details into the front and back, align verts and faces.
by the way with these I am aiming for a happy medium in detail-ease of build ratio. on a scale of one to ten, I am aiming for a five or six, maybe higher depending on the model.
anyone want to look these over.
not unfolded
copyright Microsoft, 343, non profit only kidos.
I think I will stop here and start on my all time favorite armor set. RECON, with the rest of the armor I like (I am leaning towards the ones I typed first)
recon helmet
recon chest
gv09 arm or twin plate
xg89 narrow legs or lg50 bulk
I am aiming for a 8-9 on the scale.... so I might disappear for a while guys and gals.
and then I have had an idea for a crazy set up, that would take a crazy person to build when I get the model ready. think along the lines of decay.
watch this. it will pump you up. red vs blue vid