First Build (Halo: Reach) Mk:V

Ive recently built my Mk5 armour based on Carter from Halo Reach and it was fun. something youll learn along the way is that improvisation is key in certain places. I used Pepakura alot and 3D printed most bits
So this project will hopefully be something fun to do with my time. The first thing I hope to get done is the helmet, which will be Hazop. My first choice was EOD but, I wanted to change up my armor last minute. I hope the process goes somewhat smoothly.
I fully support the choice of EOD, but HAZOP is cool too. Have you tried doing some mock-ups to help choose armor pieces?
So been about time for an update, for the month of August thing were going quite well I got both shoulders cut out by the end of month but that's when the first of my bad luck started. The heat gun that I was going to use decided to die a few minutes after powering it on by catching its self on fire. So after that I of course then realized that I was using two different thicknesses of EVA foam, yayyyyyy. Those little hiccups will set me back a little bit, but I have both the Helmet an Waist on the foam. That's all, for now,, at least.
So things are back on track, Goodwill has delivered yet again but, this update is a small question about the paint job below are three paint designs
that I am considering the top left is based on Troupe Master Grimm from Hollow Knight, the top right is what my go to color scheme of primary green and secondary gold, and lastly the bottom left is the warship collage camo from Titanfall 2. One of these might not be my final choice but I would like to hear which one is preferred.
I LOVE the mashup of Hollow Knight with the helmet. It’s obviously something you really care about if you’re considering it and it brings a great personal touch to your armor and makes it unique.
So things are back on track, Goodwill has delivered yet again but, this update is a small question about the paint job below are three paint designs
that I am considering the top left is based on Troupe Master Grimm from Hollow Knight, the top right is what my go to color scheme of primary green and secondary gold, and lastly the bottom left is the warship collage camo from Titanfall 2. One of these might not be my final choice but I would like to hear which one is preferred.
I'm definitely a fan of the bottom left. I'll admit my biases towards anything with orange lol, but I like how the camo makes the visor pop, yet it all blends together well
So huge update but, not in a good way several things have gone wrong like the aforementioned heat gun and different foam. The new issue is the thickness of the foam in of itself is to big, this is causing my pieces to not bend or stick to each other. This means that I will have to retrace the chest, chest attachment, thigh, knees, and possibly the helmet. But now I'm going to vent a little.
I started this project back in late May, early June sense that point I have run into numerous problems not owning a printer for the pep templates and resorting to tracing off the computer screen, not being able to afford the materials and not the tools, the foam its self, and now these new problems. In all honesty I am considering just stopping and giving up, but I knew that this would be challenging, that I would be out of my depth. This is my long way of saying that it might be a month or two before I can start working again, if this does end up being the end to my project I would like to give a huge thank you to Lukavago, N8TEBB,and PerniciousDuke for inspiring me to join the 405th and make my armor without them I would not have gotten this far. Thank you all, see you all around!-Carrion
Hang in there. Totally fine to take a break for a little bit and come back to it. It’s meant to be a fun project, though that doesn’t mean it won’t be a ton of work. I’ve printed 400 hours in the last four weeks with 4-600 more to go. It’s a beast and I’ve messed up a lot, but I think about how dope it’s going to be once I finish. It’s a marathon for sure. You can do it.
It can be a frustrating process sometimes, for sure. I know I had to take a number of breaks. It’s something I even recommend doing regardless of how progress is going. Coming back with fresh eyes can help see the project with a new perspective. It’ll take work, but you got this! Plus, there’s a good number of people around here willing to help
So huge update but, not in a good way several things have gone wrong like the aforementioned heat gun and different foam. The new issue is the thickness of the foam in of itself is to big, this is causing my pieces to not bend or stick to each other. This means that I will have to retrace the chest, chest attachment, thigh, knees, and possibly the helmet. But now I'm going to vent a little.
I started this project back in late May, early June sense that point I have run into numerous problems not owning a printer for the pep templates and resorting to tracing off the computer screen, not being able to afford the materials and not the tools, the foam its self, and now these new problems. In all honesty I am considering just stopping and giving up, but I knew that this would be challenging, that I would be out of my depth. This is my long way of saying that it might be a month or two before I can start working again, if this does end up being the end to my project I would like to give a huge thank you to Lukavago, N8TEBB,and PerniciousDuke for inspiring me to join the 405th and make my armor without them I would not have gotten this far. Thank you all, see you all around!-Carrion
Hang in there my friend, I know its tough- but you'll get there.

My Reach spartan has been in the works since 2021, and she's still not done. We all fumble, we all go at our own pace. Keep going, but take breaks.
Thank you all for your kind words and support it means the world to me. I gave it one last shot over the weekend and focused on on just the helmet. and this was the result-
The right side was cut improperly by me so it is always caving in but other than that and a few small gaps I am incredibly pleased with the result, going to sand it at some point this week or weekend.

This part is for the weapons I did not make them but instead are ether Halloween props or nerf products.
A Prop Needler:

The ODST Boomco Magnum:
This will be repainted with the Warship Collage shown above.

A Nerf sniper rifle a Stand-in until I can get a more accurate one:
Repainted into UNSC grey of course.
The helmet’s looking real nice! And I like your choice for weapon load out. The sniper’s gonna look good repainted.

Take it slow, and be kind and patient with yourself, and I’m sure you’ll end up with great progress
Small update this time work on the chest is going smoothly and might be done some time this week. However this update is showing what paint job I hope to apply to my armor. The blue on top is a mistake I made and didn't see until it was to late. This is just a rough idea, but what do you guys think?
So got got the chest piece done yesterday, some things went wrong however the underarm things, don't know what their called, wouldn't bend into shape no matter what I did so I pinned it in place with toothpicks, an unholy amount of toothpicks. The back is the same. Working on the Thighs next, see you then.
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