1st Build First Spartan Outfit [Mk V b]


Jr Member
Welp, I probably should have started this thread a bit ago, but here we are. I started planning out my suit back in March and have so far only been 3d printing all the parts. I tried my best to scale the parts correctly using HaloGoddess' tutorials since I don't have Armorsmith. This is my progress so far:

So far I have the:
- Chest
- Biceps
- Forearms
- Belt
- Helmet ( got it from Jeff at OdiesPropShop on Etsy [link: OdiesPropShop - Etsy] )
- M45 Shotgun

For printers, I'm using a Creality Ender 3 and CR-10. I changed slicers three times and now I'm using the Prusa Slicer and it's been good so far. I've got through like 8 rolls of filament as of today and will probably need 8 more. I also learned the hard way that I shouldn't make pieces too big or if it fails, it's just a bigger mess.

I'll keep posting updates as I make more progress. If anyone has any pointers or advice, please do share them. Thanks in advance.
Update: 30-05-24
Well, the CR-10 is down while I wait for a new heater cartridge to come in. Took some time and started wiring my helmet. I plan on making it usb powered so I still need to solder that together but regardless it's looking good so far.
Update: 30-05-24
Well, the CR-10 is down while I wait for a new heater cartridge to come in. Took some time and started wiring my helmet. I plan on making it usb powered so I still need to solder that together but regardless it's looking good so far.View attachment 348684View attachment 348686
Looks amazing!!! What color pattern are you going to do for it?
Yea, the titlewave chest has a pep under suit file but it's got slits in it that I wasn't sure what they were for
Oh yeah I see what you mean. I got the files for my armor from a friend and it didn't include the undersuit files. From what I can see on the Etsy, the pieces are broken apart differently from the files I have so I don't think I have Titalwave designed ones
Update 21-06-24

Well, I had to reprint the chest because I didn't notice the scale was waaay off until it was too late. So I started printing out a new chest and I'm using the one and only moesizzlac's stl files from his Thingiverse. It uses way less filament than the first one I printed so it's way faster progress. Besides that, I've printed the shins, boot armor, and a MK V shoulder pad. I still need to bondo the chest as I go along so it'll be ready for paint as soon as everything is finished printing. I've started painting my M45 shotgun and altered it so that the forend actually moves now. I'll post pictures of it once paint is finished.
Looking great so far! Smart choice tackling the wiring early, retrofitting sucks.
Reprinting does too - I strongly suggest test fitting often, and with as many pieces as you can get on at the same time. Its a pain, but it will show you quickly what your mobility will be so you aren't surprised like I was at the end when you can barely sit down. It will also help you learn how best to put it on and what the process will look like so you can accommodate for that with fastenings and such. Keep up the good work!
Update 03-07-24

Finished the mock up for the rigging so I just need it sewn together now. Started sanding down all the pieces and decided to do a silver undercoating for the helmet. Just hope I don't mess up the weathering when I get to that stage.
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