Skullcandy Girl said:
WOWS!!!! *squeal at Torso model* OM OMG SOOOO awesome!!!
Nah, turns out I screwed up on all ends. The helmet would fit, but the is no room for fans, lights etc. I may make a "huge Embarassing failure" thread, haha, it's still fun
Hahaha I used letter instead of A4... so the size is wrong again. I also will be getting a hot glue gun... the damn super glue is not forgiving at all, even when I soften it with alcohol.
*cries at Doc's helmet* So pretty!!
Hahahaha!! No, I wouldn’t make an ‘embarrassment’ thread, ide make a ‘look what I did wrong so you don’t do it’ one, everyone messes it up at some point and the more people who know about the common mistakes the less people will fall into them.
Ah, another unfortunate letter page user. Sorry about that, I realy should do a letter sized version but it took sooooo long *cries*. As for superglue!!!! I hate using the stuff, unless it on sheets of stirine or something. Even at that it’s a s.o.a.b. to work with. I don’t think alcohol will do much to it… it might help you be more relaxed about it when using it thoe. Hahah. Theres a superglue remover solution but its prity damn strong stuff so ide just go with what Doc suggested.
Oh and speaking of Doc: I know!!!!! Isn’t it amazing?!!!!
Darth-Malevelus said:
You know I just thought of something.
I figured Id share just in case no one had thought of it yet. I dont use hot glue for putting the mold together. But this would help with more of the detail work once the paper is removed.
If the pep file is printed with the texture applied, you could use the texture as a guide to get all the indent lines inplace prior to placing your material to the paper mold, via a hot glue gun. Sure it wouldnt be perfectly even, but you could trace out the indent lines on the inside of the paper mold, using a flash light to show the printed texture lines from the outside. Once the fiberglass, or bondo was applied and dried, and paper was removed, just peel off the hot glue ribbons you layed and youll have the indented lines right where you want them.
Do alittle filling and evening them out and it will make little work out of alot of the finer details.
Just my 2 cents.
Mold?? Are you using the pep as a plug?
AHAA!!! I know what you mean, but unfortunately ive edited the model with no regard for the uvw co-ordinates (I don’t think they were there in the first place, as doom will point out, the models ripped from the game have the uvws messed up) so the texture wont work..… BUT!!!!! (hehehe) I did build the more important indented lines into the actual mesh!!!! You can see them especially around those bits at the sides near the back. <*insert picture*>
I even broke it up in pep so if you removed most of the lines to make it smoother they would still be there as a reference!!!! (eeehehehe..teehee *chuffed with self*)
Speaking of smoothened version I must put up a version with most of the lines removed because I don’t think a lot of people are realising I did that.
dannifood4less said:
i havent had time to start working on it again, i just finished the carbine the other day i dont know if too many people know its there tho.

i have it scaled in 1:1 , and for a normal human, (5'11'')
started working on the helmet today i
should finish "smooth helmet mkvi 2.0" by tomorrow night.
I didn’t know its there!!!!! Ill bump it. Did you have much trouble with the barrel? I saw that and though ‘screw this, im goin back to the torso’.
SH_Jack said:
You just gave me diabetes of the eyes.
Hahahahaha, thanks! well hopefully you wont be loosing a foot anytime soon, I think most Spartans have two.. then again…. Simmens doesn’t have his entire body….. *drifts off subject and starts rambling about rvb*
Nicktendo said:
Wow, FS, that looks great... Gah! I'm so torn! There's now like 3 different people doing armor that I want to use! And I'd like to do an entire set of one for consistency's sake, but I might have to scrap that, or I'll never get to start my suit...
BTW, are you like modifying the hell out of the game rips, or are you doing it all by hand from reference?
Hahah, I know what you mean. Im using the game models as a base and the using forge as reference. Don’t wory, its about as game acurite as I can feasibly get it while still having it (possibly?) make-able.
P32 said:
Man we are really spoiled for choices now. I have been working on a chest from Slypho's releases but I am thinking of scrapping that in favour of that chest... seems like I will save time in the end.
Well essentially im using the same model as hes exported and im just modifying the crap out of it!!! Hahaha! But the time you save will be dependent on how good you are at pep vs bondo so its up to you. Personally ive grown to hate bondo, that’s why im going to all this length.
s-meister said:
The angels sang out in immaculate chorus, as the torso piece flew down on a golden cloud.
That's pretty much what my vision was like after I looked at your pep piece. That is amazing. Even the edges around the side holes have been rounded off and detailed.
Hahahahahahahaha, very monty python-esk! Thanks! Yup, but there not over done, its still possible to assemble… so far…
Ok, well, as you know im workin on the torso but im also guna do a version of the helmet with less lines for those of you who like not having to score so many damn lines *shakes fist at lines*. Its all prity much set up, I just need to save it out like that, so it wont take long.
As for the torso, im workin on the back detail atm (there’s a surprising amount, check it out in forge). I was worried that because of the stupid amount of folds in the new structure that it might get weak and floppy so im guna be adding in little support struts into the actual body of it, a bit like the ones in the helmet but these are in between the inner and the outer shell(yes its gunna have body to it(and yes I left space for the females among us)).
Now, I am adding an inside to it but don’t worry, I know we all need to glass this damn thing so its guna be minimal, mainly for support and so that it sits properly while still having plenty of room to get the fibreglass strips into place wile not sacrificing support.
You might be able to make out a bit of what im talking about from the pictures. If not, lemme know n ill post up a pic of it sliced in half.
I think that’s enough of an essay for one day(lol), I should probably get back to work n remind my manager that she forgot to give me a new project since I told her I finished the last one early. Hahaha, I love my job!!!
any problems, gimme a shout