Skullcandy Girl said:
Hahah errr, I thought the pocket lookin things were on the side, kind by the hips?? Damn I wish I had my Halo Art book
You guys suck
Redeux is what I meant
WEARING is what I meant *cries* I just make cool looking stuff, why do I have to spell well!!! *cries more*
eh? they are... arnt they? wait, whats redeux then? aww, its ok, most creative people are bad at spelling(including me!!!

dislexia got me a free laptop!!!!booyea!!
Crook said:
Wow. I just now realized you were from Ireland. What part are you from? I took a vacation there, and I might have been near your home. I'm supprised you guys don't have wrecks on those incredibly sharp curves.
About the armor though, I don't care which one you do next. I just want it all done. NOW!!!
haha, yup. hmm well i doubt you were near my house, im a good bit out, but im county wicklow,
near a town called Blessington. i say near in italics because im realy 6 miles out into the wilderness from blessington. oh and theres loads wrecks every week, mainly because irish people are to stupid to slow down. then again its mainly the boy racers.
DoC ByTeS said:
We know what you meant Skullcandy, Sorry we were just messing with you. I'm really bad at typing myslef.
Here to make you feel better
Back to subject, I really think (voted) shoulders. It would kind of complete the torso in a way, being the closet thing to it besides the already finished (perfect) helm.
dancing kittys can make anyone feel better!!!!

hmm, i see what you mean. good thinkin. i was guna start on the arms next but i just wanted to check if there was something loadsa people wanted first. haha, thanks.
Nicktendo said:
Wow, glad to hear you're OK FS. Living in Alaska, I know how scary that black ice can be.
Glad you're still with us. (And I mean "us" as in "the living," not just the forum here, heh.)
P.S. My vote goes to forearm. No one has really tackled the detail on that piece yet, and after seeing your torso, I believe in you!
thanks, me too. yea freaky stuff! kewl, ill keep that in mind.

Skullcandy Girl said:
Haha no worries Doc, 99% of the stuff I type on the net is a joke
haha well FS whatever you do after the Torso will be pure gold, I still stand by my diaper... oh that sounds bad XD
ok, first post updated with the torso in the pics. its in pdo and keep in mind
ITS NOT FINISHED SO DONT START WORKING ON IT!!!!! i emphasised that so people who are scanning over will see it. the finished version is underway and wont be long so hang in there. the reason i put it up now was explained a few posts back. anyhu, im kinda hungry now n im thinkin of gettin an ipod touch. if anyone knows of a nice restaurant lemme know

or if you have an ipod touch lemme know if youd recommend it or why you wouldn't.
lemme know if you have any problems,