Darth-Malevelus said:
sweet dude!
R the shoulder/upper arms next?
judging by the poll... yup.
DoC ByTeS said:
So I love the torso, but now I'm sure I'm not leaving the house. You and your details, guess I'll call off Christmas and get out the rubber cement. Wait!

You think Santa delivers finished pep ready to fiberglass to good

little boys?
hahahahahaha. well i think santa delevers to good little boys but 'good' little boys who play with toxic chemicals in their free time?? :lol2:
NZ-TK said:
Quick question for you Squirl, are you doing the torso and sternum as one part like in your renders (which are nice btw, is that an ambient occlusion render?) I may be wrong here but it seems to me that the sternum plate should be separate, as I'm sure Ive seen it move independently from the breast. You're doing a bloody good job of remodeling it by the way.
theres actualy seperate in the renders but there modeled so close it looks as one. its a vray render: single direct light with global illumination turned on, a vray plane as the base and a nice fall-off reflection for the material. anyhu, yup, its guna be seperate and ablt to move. im also building in split lines so the front chest can be seperated from the back. i wanted them to be optional so im just putting in the markers for where they are in the game. thank you, much appreciated.
dannifood4less said:
i looks like its seperate, in the pdo file it seperates them.
great work FS, this thing is going to take ages to build, its kinda sary actually.

great detail though its amazing
yea, im a little worried ive made it too detailed. still trying to work out the braces and supports so it holds for the first resin coat. :\
Greg said:
Great googly moogly!! That torso looks AMAZING! I agree with whoever mentioned that the gap between Pep armor and molded armor is starting to narrow. I may have to postpone my future armor builds until these pieces are completed. Between you, Robo and a couple of others, I'm not sure WHO'S armor to build!
FWIW, I would like to see the sternum as a separate piece as well. I think this would be more game accurate as well as making it easier to put the armor on.
Good work and I cant WAIT to see what you do to the rest of the pieces. I'm just glad I have access to a large-format printer and 80lb 23"x35" cardstock. I can't imagine how many sheets of A4 the torso will be.
hahahahahha, that had me laughing for ages!!! thank you!! yea, its all getting a lil crazy (in a good way). well im trying to not over lap with anyone (appart from the helms that is :lol2: ). yea, i thought so too. 23"x35" damn thats big! should make things easier on you.
Skullcandy Girl said:
*twitches* Sheeeeeeesh! That is one hellaciously sweet looking torso O_O hahahaha by the time I finish all your armor it'll be time for the convention I want to wear this to. But first the helmet!
Modeling in Tri's?? Sacrilage! As usual once my schedule clears I may try my hand at pep, but for now, I'm all about building your Armor
hahaha, its sure guna be a good time filler! you better take lotsa pics! that goes for anyone else too!!
aww, but when its guna stay low poly the tri's dont matter...right? haha. you should, its fun!!! aww, thanks.
DoC ByTeS said:
That's easy, build anything FS comes up with. FS your work speaks for itself!
awww, thanky. but in fairness you did the majority of work on your one!
JediFraz said:
Nice Work flying_squirl..
Can't say how great it is to see your work, and what everybody has done with it here.
Watch out there are some others pretty close to you..
Scotland FTW!
If your ever make it through. The first rounds on me..
thank you, i appreciate that. WOOH! Scotland!!! ive wanted to go there for a long time! thanks, likewise! *****************
Razgriz said:
"And I shall worship you as if you were a god!" RvB
You added the detail that I wanted!

I destroyed my last torso trying to add detail in that stupid spot! (Now there is just a big hole there. I could have fixed it but I lost my will to go on...)
hehe, rvb "i lived as few men dared to dream!". i love those guys, dont they sound realy like the grunts in halo 3.... or the other way around. ouch! i know the feeling, ive got a few projects 'on hold' too.
Ruze789 said:
Seconded! That's my plan, anyway...
Ahh FS gets well-deserved praise from JediFraz!
Was wondering how you felt about the recent leaps and bounds in pep detail, Fraz, and nice to see you back. Haven't seen you around in a while...
ok, no news since eirlier by way of torso modeling but i did get a fricking ipod touch!! woooh!!
i also got a new sig!
oh and my right foot is going numb!
i think thats about it....
off collage tomorow so ill be packin in a bita torso modeling... or rather torso bracing during the day. trying to figure out how to get this thing to hold its shape. gota do damn AutoCAD designs for a stage play too. ugh.
anyhu, any problems (including something you think i misssed in the model so far) gimme a shout,