Skullcandy Girl said:
Oh here's a question on the torso, how many pages do you think it will be?? And will there be a scale tester?
I just had another question when I get to the point of fiber-glassing etc... when should I take out the supports? Or do I just cut them out after I fiber glass and resign the inside?
not sure at all to be honest but if you unfold the pep preview and take away half the pages that's roughly how many(that's how it worked out with the helmet as far as i remember anyway).
Ide recommend taking them out before fiber-glassing. just use em to keep its shape while applying the outer coats of resin. after that there's not point to em and they'd end up just getting in the way.
DoC ByTeS said:
I hate you... j/k Can you arrange a meeting for me
Have a good one
well if you, or anyone else for that matter, is over in Ireland I'm sure I'de be able to set up a 'business' meeting.
RossOtterProphet said:
+1 for a really simple size tester for the torso.
oh, and they look amazing! ive already utilized your size tester helmet... its going to save me mucho time in the end.
don't worry, it'll be there (thats the easy part). thanks. oh, how'd you find it to build?
zeco249 said:
Hi sorry for the Spam,
first of all...
....too over sized so please help me.
Thank you very much und greetings from Germany
don't worry, thats FAR from spam. it was a perfectly good question and your English is very good, better then some here whose first language is English. i hope the answer from 'nicktendo' helped but it your still unsure or have ANY other questions don't hesitate to ask.
DoC ByTeS said:
The reason to use a FS model!

:not worthy: wow, talk about good advertising!!!! hahaha. thanks!!!
Rocknrollcows said:
i needs new diapers
hahah, its working!!
Primal Weyland said:
That's extremely good work. I'd love to be able to do an Elite helm of the same quality some day, when I can lay my paws on suitable materials.
i would love to see that!!!
Larven said:
I can't wait to see the whole suit with this amount of details.
Really nice work!
me ether, hahaha.
Skullcandy Girl said:
Here's my Album of how much I screw up my first attempt at Pepakura... namely the FS helmet. Heheh but I'm trying again and with rubber cement this time
hahaha, the first picture is really funny. it doesn't look to bad!!! granted its a bit wobbly but ive seen FAR worse. its nothing a little bondo and sandpaper cant fix. far from a failure and hardly an embarrassing failure!
love the new avatar bdw. is it hand drawn or is there a bit of cg in there?
Razgriz said:
I voted for the Lower Torso myself. The main reason is because I planned on doing my armor like this.
1st Chest
2nd Lower Torso
3rd Arms
4th legs
5th boots
6th helmet
The reason why I was going to do the helm last is because I would then have A LOT of pep under my belt.
thats a good reasoning! i just started with the helmet cuz I'm pretty sure i could do it (3 years training as a model maker). but even so, i probably shoulda started on the easier parts. oh well.
excuse reason why the torso isn't done---->
well now, that was a good weekend!!! tiring but fun! met up with friends when the business meeting wrapped up (one of which is bunnyumptious. yea, she does exist), got Japanese food (i love sushi) and then... em... huh, i cant remember... ohyea, met with another friend n went to the pub. went home, got up early and met them in town the next day. got food and went to an xbl gaming center!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!! FUN!!! played halo 3 for hours, got hungry from the adrenaline got food and went home. bunnyumptious (feels weird calling her that but i dunno if she wants me to type her real name) crashed at mine, so we played halo 3 till about 3 in the morning and then most of the next day when we got up then we went to or friends house, got hopelessly lost on a dual-carriageway of hell where every exit inexplicitly led back to the damn thing!!!! finally got there, stayed there till late, got home at 1.30am, got up at 5.30am and now I'm in work....ugh.
and THATS what i don't have the torso done yet.
ill be able to work on it tomorow thoe.
any problems gimme a shout,
(my god im tired, i was staring at my screen for ages there before i relised someone was talking to me)