smilie120 said:
Ive Decided to start the chest after all,
Heres a pic for scale (do you think its ok?)
Heres an early progress pic
Thats it with you helmet

(will you be keeping the old helm up?)
Thanks FS u RULZ!

looks like a good fit. any more pics?
EDIT:yup, ill be keeping it up there.
Belakor said:
I can't imagine how hard it'd be to try and do that piece if you were to remove it and add the details to your undersuit, I'm nowhere near big enough to fill the chest completely so it would just look odd because of the rather large gap between the front of the chest armor and my undersuit.
Also I would imagine that it would be a bit of a pain trying to line up the details correctly every time you put the chest on.
yea, i thinks ide leave it too. also it helps it hold it shape when its getting glassed.
RadioaciveMicrobe said:
Just a quick question, Is the piece above the chin part, that little rectangle/trapizoid thing, is that angled for Master Chief's curved visor, or our straight down visor?
ohhhhhh, good point! i wouldn't have spotted that. ill add a bit onto it. its always better to have to cut away then try to add.
this is the second time I'm typing this. ugh
OK, the new helmet is comming along grand and its looking good.
here's stuff to do with it:
the struts are back and their back with a vengeance.
as you probably know, this model has templates which can be cut out in thick card and stuck onto the model for the detailed parts
there isn't a texture but most of the templates 'click' into place so there wont be much confusion
the neck opening is right-ish. (it doesn't have the foam) so it should be easier to get on and off without needing to cut away the excess.
like the last one the thin lines that go around the helmet ant modeled in but where the are is in the topography of the model.
the model will be cutup but the pieces wont be organised. i wont be able to do it if you want it by this weekend.
i think thats about it
any problems, gimme a shout,