welcome (as a member) to 405th.T Cheeseman said:hello everyone,
I'm newish here (found the forum last october but only just posted, wanted to have something to show you guys before I posted)
I have built about 10 pep helms since october, each time improving my techinique I must have built 4 fs helms from his first release to this final one,
Here is a built version of the final helm.
I'm sorry I do have more to say but its 6am and i've not been to bed yet. (Said I was gonna get the helm ready to resin for the weekend)
I will add more photos tomorrow and have more conversation when my brain is making sense.
Thanks everyone, and look forward to talking to everyone tomorrow,
Ooooh before i forget... Heres a teaser of a movie project i've starting up
Good night / Good morning.
T Cheeseman
haha, yea, tell me about it. i havnt been able to do any models matle cuz ive been workin on the digital ones so much.WetOkole said:I'm impressed...I just d/l the file and I look, someone actually finished it!!! It is 12:00 midnight here, makes me want to start cutting and get to folding this helmet as well!
Good job T Cheeseman!
well your just racin ahead!!!T Cheeseman said:Thanks WetOkole![]()
Though call me Tom
Right now I've had some sleep (6 hours worth) I am ready for my introduction/rant.
I have started to resin the the helm and can't wait for it to dry.
FS you are a legend and I thank you for all your hardwork.
I'm not going to lie, this helm was really tough to put togeather, mainly for the tiny folds but I love the detail and it is totally worth it. I'm hoping to have the helm fully resined and fibre glassed by the weekend. I'm not gonna use bondo on this one but thats cause we don't really have it over here in the UK and I've got something else I want to try.
I'll start a new thread on how my helm is going when i've got some real stuff to show, I'll also show some previous helms I've made.
- Tom
blarg! are they alright now? sorry for dissapering as you came on the other day, i had to go to bed, wuz very tired.Skullcandy Girl said:Well the numbers smeared because I used the wrong print settings XD
Ooooh nice work Tom
Robogenisis said:Yes. Be proud. You have made great models and your post now is the #1 most posted upon topic in the "Pepakura and Cardboard Armor". Mine's only number 4.
1st place: Flying_Squirl's HD model post
2nd Place: Slyfo's "The first Halo 3 Files" post
3rd place: The Pepakura Tutorial Sticky
4th place: Robogenisis's HD models post
5th place: The Official Scaling Sticky
I've started on the helmet, and have cut all of the pieces out, assembled the supports (something easy to do first), and am going to start on scoring the tabs (which is about all the folds there are). I wan't to finish it on our 3-day weekend, but I don't think it'll happen
damn, i have to go back to the thread for this one, the pic's gone. BRBtimecon said:alright here it is with its first layer of resin
MWAHAHAHA, it all part om my evil plan of robbing everyones spare time.jimmyfu said:my GOD this is one tough pep piece. but soooooo worth it
flying_squirl said:ok, so i didnt get the lil treat model i had planned for yesterday done so im guna try get it done today during lunch n then do the texture when i get home. antone who's fans of the comics on HBO should like it.
now... are you read to get your minds blown?
ok, then click here and watch the video-----------> I want my mind blown
and while watching keep in mind its a papercraft
for those of you who cant or arnt bothered its a V8 engine which acuialy moves and has lights in to to signify ignition and exhast from the chambers at the correct times. the instruction manual alone is 595 pages!
any problems gimme a shout,
oh someone invided me to a game yesterday n i tryed to accept but when i pressed the big X booton the invite wasnt there and i didnt check who sent it before i pressed it. sorry.
EDIT: you all know im 23 right? it seem alot of people think im 15 or something. 15 year old shouldnt grow stubble at the rate i do!
Skullcandy Girl said:GAH!! A papercraft with moving parts and all those complex folds... GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!!
And WOW timecon, done already... I feel slow...![]()
timecon said:I wanted to say even if your new if you know the concept about pepakura then you can do this everyone keeps saying how much harder this one is, well as a noob its not that hard just more time consuming.
Nah. Spartan-sized helmets have an assembled height of about 32 cm. The files here were sized for regular-sized heads at around 26 cm.rachciav said:i feel so stupid.....i tried my helmet on for the first time after almost completeing it.....and i noticed its too big......i forgot to scale it. its still sparten sized.
I'm afraid you're SOL. You have to start over unless you like to put a lot of foam padding inside. Even then, it might still look too big for you.is there any way i could make it fit me better, or am i pretty much screwed. cause im reeeeaally not looking forward to making another one of these
Are you sure that you have your facts strait?Shorion said:I'm using your chest too but sylo's other parts. You and him should work together to finish the rest of them off in high def. you'd only have to do 3 more things since he's working on the thighs atm and already done the boots and hands.
Datahar said:http://www.4shared.com/file/35623185/8a10a...-ref-shots.html
Hope these help, I know how hard it is to get ref shots
its lookin good. if you want to use this thread till you can make another feel free.T Cheeseman said:Hey all,
I have some photos of the Helm at different angles.
I've not added in the floating layer details yet because I wanted to get the first few layers of resin on first, glue the detail on and then another layer of resin.
I'm sorry i've not taken any photos of the helm being resined as I forgot to take my camera out to my garage.
I tried Isopon on my previous helm, I found it very difficult to use and then sand down as parts would break off or chip.
50 posts till I can post a thread, I thought it was till I could post photos :S... My Bad![]()
Helm looks good Timecon
Oh before I forget; Here are some previous helms. I've not include the previous one to this because no photos and its in the garage aswell.
Finally another teaser poster
I'll add more photos over the weekend when I've done more work, today wasn't feeling good so have been in bed.
Take it easy everyone.
that is a VERY good idea! ill put that in the first post if thats alright?timecon said:Dont worry your not slow, I downloaded it the sec it came out and started working on it, at work at the call center I would cut all the peices out in between calls then when i got home I woulld start folding and glueing every day for a week because Im a freak, I know. and now that its done it feels just a tat to big I dont know yet I fit a 31 in on the old fs helm (which by the way I think Im likeing better but not sure yet) just barly so I put this one at 32in so I think that Im in the middle like 31.5 in, yes I got a big head. also I wanted to say even if your new if you know the concept about pepakura then you can do this everyone keeps saying how much harder this one is, well as a noob its not that hard just more time consuming. I also wanted to give everyone a hint make a cardboard peice that goes under the part above the viser that sticks out (the bill that prodects your eyes from the sun on a basball cap) and glue it on inside that way you will get a strait bill and fiberglassing is way easiser. hope that makes sense
oh, good thinkin. heh, yea, its the last torso.Datahar said:Well my helmets drying now, sadly it's not the "final" version but the 1 under it, tho i did add those lovely floating faces to it,
and then if u promise this version is done i can start on the torso
thanks. kewl! gots any pics?TwitchFMX8811 said:hey man great torso model.Im having a blast putting it together. Its coming together with no problems at all so far. Cant wait to the helm next.
kewl, glad ur liking it.Shorion said:Just thought I'd say that I've started making my MC Mark VI for Australias Supernova and GO3 conventions. Fingers crossed and I win a trip to Japan with it, started it 3 or 4 days ago, was slow going to begin with dam made like 5 different pieces before the scale was right lol
Awesome helm by the way Flying, I've had a blast putting it together lol the Jaw..... I'm not gonna say it was easy, I chopped out a few connecting tabs coz it was to hard to fold under lol but awesome work. I'm using your chest too but sylo's other parts. You and him should work together to finish the rest of them off in high def. you'd only have to do 3 more things since he's working on the thighs atm and already done the boots and hands.
p.s. will be adding a ton of led's a couple of cooling fans in the helm, I'll take some photos of how I hook them all in for you all
ouch. em, well, i dunno for sure but i think you might have to start again. :/ i could be wrong thoe, hopefully i am.rachciav said:i feel so stupid.....i tried my helmet on for the first time after almost completeing it.....and i noticed its too big......i forgot to scale it. its still sparten sized. is there any way i could make it fit me better, or am i pretty much screwed. cause im reeeeaally not looking forward to making another one of these
eeep. there ya go.Ral Partha said:Nah. Spartan-sized helmets have an assembled height of about 32 cm. The files here were sized for regular-sized heads at around 26 cm.
I'm afraid you're SOL. You have to start over unless you like to put a lot of foam padding inside. Even then, it might still look too big for you.
phew, well thats ok. keep us updated thoe.rachciav said:well good thing its not spartan sized. i think im gonna add alot of padding, because it looks pretty like its in pretty good proportion to my armor. im just so mad i forgot to scale it.
yea, i think they ment you, not sure thoe. "...with extra open edges" XD lolololRobogenisis said:Are you sure that you have your facts strait?
FS has made the HD chest and Helmet,
I (Robogenisis) have made the HD hand plates and boots, and the low detail Mk VI pieces,
slyfo has made no HD parts. He's made the low detail Halo 3 models, with extra open edges.
Also, if you meant me, not slyfo, then I'm making the Bicep atm, not the thigh. If we worked together (we are in the sense that we aren't doing what the other one has done), then we need to make 5 more pieces (Bicep, Forearm, Thigh, Lower leg, and Space diaper.)
Sigma-LS said:Before, I thought you were awesome. Now I'm a completely adoring fanboy.![]()
That Mk V is teh hotness. :not worthy:
lol thanks. well you know who its for right?Sigma-LS said:Before, I thought you were awesome. Now I'm a completely adoring fanboy.![]()
That Mk V is teh hotness. :not worthy:
thank you.S1l3nt V1p3r said:Quoted for truth.
I love your work, FS!