crackhead09 said:
check out the armor reference section and the new model makes me want to cry because i finished the old model and now im going to have to redo o well its just my need for perfection and i like to see that my PM suggestion made it to the next model though
i did, theres only four pics n their not that great. :/ im supprised an angy mob of people hasnt arrived at my door yet :lol-2: wooh!wait, which one was ur suggestion?
TwitchFMX8811 said:
I printed out the torso last night. I was just wondering from anyone who has started this where would be a good place to start? I was thinking around the neck.
ide say the start is a good place, just kidding. yea ide say the kneck is a good place to start. maby pm some of the people whove done it and ask what they'd suggest. nothing like a bita experience.
Skullcandy Girl said:
I'll try to take some pics tonight hahaha I have a small peices of what could be the jaw or side area of the helmet, and a ton of loose pieces. I have about 7 pages of parts to cut out, and the rest are support pieces XD
hahahaha, hate that! thats why i organised the second last one into sections, bloody sick of fishing through tons of bits. my sympathys to you.
Greg said:
I finally had a chance to download and open the latest and greatest HD helmet. Ok, am I smokin' crack or does the lastest version appear as though it may be easier to build? It appears that since this version doesn't use as many folds and pieces are one contiguous face, the build might be a bit faster and a tad easier. Like I said, I could just be on something. Granted, there are some little sections that will be a bit difficult, but overall I think this could be an easy build.
FS, if you PROMISE that this is the last iteration of the helmet, I'm going to go ahead and print it.

I already have the last "final" helmet printed off on 23x35 cardstock waiting to be cut up. Guess I'll turn the pages over and print something else on them.
hmm, well you might be on something but yea, i did
try* make this one easier while upping the detail. it definatly doesnt have as much folds and its built more around strips then square sections. hahahah, yes, i
promise this is the last one. if i do decide to go back to it itll be in the form of add on files for extra details like the foam inside or the like, there definatly wont be another Mrk VI.... from me.
well, i didnt pass my driving test but thats mainly cuz i only found out about it this morning. anyhu, collage assesment is on thurs n i might even be able to start the Mrk V that evening but then again i might just play halo.
if anyone from here wants to add me as a friend on xbl be sure to send a msg as well saying your fom the 405th n what your name here is, otherwise i wont accept - too many randomers.
any problems, gimme a shout,
*mightn't have sucseeded but hey, at least i tryed, right? right?!