Keegan said:
Nice Front Page! Only if it were "Unfolded Arbiter Helmet, the one Keegan Used"

And, sorry if it is off topic, but, why is your name flying squirl, Ive always wanted to ask, and it just seems like something that will turn into a great discussion...
hmmm... check back to it in about 20 mins
as for my name...ok, ill start at the start. this is going to be annoyingly detailed
i love squirls, always have, their just so kewl!!! XD
went to collage. i made friends with a nutty south african girl name Katey and a funny dude named damo. damo, when someone was on the phone to their mother or someone important, had the habit of shouting out random phrases like 'OGM, ARE THOSE BREASTS REAL?!' and 'MIDGET PORN!!!'. the midget porn one stuck and we all ended up using it.
at onea the party's n was chatting to Katey while wearing my bunny suit n it reminded her of my obsession with squirls so she asked me where it came from, i was explaining n i got a call i had to answer, during which she shouted 'SQUIRREL PORN'. later she made it so my phone's screen said "SqUiRl PoRn" by changing the profile name.
i loved it and kept it on it for about 5 years (transferred it between three phones). then i decided to join bebo and i knew some family members were on it and would see it so i didn't want to use 'squirl porn' (they still think I'm all shy and innocent, they didn't see the time i went to the party in the bunny suit n ended up in a bed with 3 girls! XD [/boasting]). so i decided to use 'flying-squirl'.
when i came here i used the same one..then i didn't think it worked so i made a 'flying_squirl' account.
then i messed it up n signed into and activated the flying-squirl account and assumed the other one was gone. i used that one for a few days n started posting my edited models. then i accidentally signed into the flying_squirl account, wondered why the hell my post count went back down n my signature was gone. any hu, long story... slightly... less long, i kept this one but you can still find my very first thread under the first profile.
oh and any noobies wondering how i posted my first thread in the pep section the noob forum wasnt arround then. i remeber when there was only 14 pages in the pep section ("and we had to share the rock").
oh and the misspelling of squirl is because I'm dislexic and i tend to spell things phonetically... and to me 'squirrel' reads as 'squ-rur-rel' where as 'squirl' reads as... well, 'squirl'.
THE END... again