Halo 3: Odst - Pepakura Armor

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dang you Ral youve done it again

Heres the left plate

Just an observation here : On the side plate, the stripe in the middle, should it be a leather strap instead of being part of the plate itself ??? Well ... i would do it like that !!! I hope it's clear enough ... hehe, if not i'll try to explained with a picture edited in PAINT ... not really have the time right now !!! And if you do understand what i mean ... is it possible to remodel it without the stripe ?!?!?


And FETT AMN ... great unfold for the goggles
Mind if I mod your chest with the suggested changes? I won't distribute it if you don't want me too.
Not at all.

And FETT, thanks man, that's great!
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Looked it over, and I think you just made it more accurate and easier on the amount of sanding it will take, XP

Good job Warhound, wonder what everyone else will think of it.
Thinking about doing the glove pieces out of Flex Foam-it. Going to do a scratch build myself out of carboard and clay the mold, but figured other people might want a pep. There would have to be some custom scaling for each person, of course.
I'm gone for a week and look what happens....I had a lot of reading to do to catch up on this!!!! Great work to everybody!! Can't believe it.... :eek:
The chest pouches are slightly wrong - from screens via Bungie, they're not just squares. They have a trapezoid bottom and top, and they appear to be physically attatched to the main chestplate. They also have detailing along the side:


Hand me the files and I can re-do the parts needed.
Crucible said:
The chest pouches are slightly wrong - from screens via Bungie, they're not just squares. They have a trapezoid bottom and top, and they appear to be physically attatched to the main chestplate. They also have detailing along the side:


Hand me the files and I can re-do the parts needed.
The OBJ file is posted on Post#93 of the thread.
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