Foam HALO Infinite Master Chief Build (EVA Foam)

I actually finished this a while ago, and just kept forgetting to post it. This is the MC's bicep. As you can see it is quite large making him seem even more jacked. I will probably have a strap that goes over my shoulder and into the chest plate. I will get around the making the opposite counter parts after finished all of the first pieces of armor.

After a few months of not working on my armor, I finally motivated myself to get back to work. I was able to finish my left arm, and make two little hand covers. I even finished the bulk of the chest-late. All that's left is to fill in the armpit and collar areas, and some more shaping and evening out.

chest plate
left fore arm
left bicep/pauldron
left shin



I also wanted to look taller as the Master Chief, and I realized something. He's 7ft in the games, but I can pull of 6ft in real life, because his boots actually increase his height. I'm 5'8-9 and with the extra 2-3 inches of the boots, I'll be around 6ft tall.

It's good to be working on the suit again.
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My suit is really coming along now. I took the time to make a thigh piece, but pretty soon, I'm gonna have to back track and make the counterparts of certain pieces of armor. I'm currently working on the belt/groin/butt armor, or the "Space Diaper". Which is a funny, yet sad name for Halo spartans. Anyway, here it is.



My hope is that I have this suit finished, before the launch of Halo Infinite.
I haven't posted some of the armor recently so here it is. I made the waist and hand covers, and I'm going to use a Halo 3 stomach piece I made a while back. It still looks just as good. And saves me time, money, and energy. And due to my own personal tradition, I'm going to make the helmet last.

Also, I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I'm going to add lights, some details to the visor for a heads up display, a magnet to mount the Sidekick and AR, and some pieces of an under-suit.


Quick status update of what I made:

Chest plate
Right Bicep
Both fore arms
Left Thigh
Left Shin

I'm gonna start making the opposite pieces soon, but I wanted to talk about my shoes. Im gonna make legit, BOOTS. I'm gonna make rubber soles and separate the bottom into two, separate pieces so that I can walk correctly. I will also put a 2x4 inside giving me a couple more inches of height.
Dude this is AWESOME! The proportions are perfect and the armor is looking so accurate! Cant wait to see the finished product!
Wow this looks great! How did you attach the hand plates to the gloves? I'm thinking of doing something similar for mine.
Wow this looks great! How did you attach the hand plates to the gloves? I'm thinking of doing something similar for mine.
There are two sets of straps on the hand plates that I put my hands through. Allowing them to fit on my gloves. If you look closely my pictures, you might see them.
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