Foam HALO Infinite Master Chief Build (EVA Foam)

I see you mentioned you're using shandeDark515's templates, but I can't find that name anywhere. Do you have a link or direction to where to find those files? Thanks
Wow. These quality photos were exactly what i needed. Trying to make this as my first build and you have inspired me so much. I would love to get my hands to the template your using.
I have finally gotten back to work on the suit. Had a bit of a motivation drain, but now I'm back at it. The helmet is about half way done, and then it's on to detailing the suit. After that it's sealing, plasti-dipping, priming, and painting.

If you look carefully, the right cheek box has two slots to hold cheap finger lights.

For the visor, I'm probably gonna buy two motorcycle visors and make it out of those.

I will be making the assault rifle, but I'll be trying something new. I'm gonna make the middle layer out of mdf and the outside layers out foam, whilst installing a toy gun sound system to make it sound like a gun.


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I have finally finished the suit. As you can you see, there are still some minor adjustments, like the helmet seems a little off and other small things. All that's left is to add some missing details, seal it, and then paint it.




There is still quite a bit to do if I'm going to make it in time for Halloween.

Also, that visor is a piece paper as a place holder. Lol
Holy your foam work is so clean, i can’t wait to see it painted. I’m also curious about how your attachments work, like for the torso and shoes.
Holy your foam work is so clean, i can’t wait to see it painted. I’m also curious about how your attachments work, like for the torso and shoes.
I'm not fully sure what you mean. The chest plate straps on to my chest, and the stomach cover fits snuggly around my stomach. The waist has an inner belt that straps onto to me tightly so the thigh armor has a place to hang from. The shoes are actual shoes screwed onto wooden plates with a rubber texture on the bottom so that I don't slip and fall. The shins have a piece that detaches on the front, the actual "shin" which allows me to put it on. Next the biceps/pauldrons have a strap with snap clips on them, that clip into the chest plate, and fore arms fit snuggly on my arms. And the hand covers have two sets of straps on them, so that they can strap onto my hands. Hope this is was answer you were looking for.
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