Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Okay, this is strange - the 405th Feed is blank on all the pages except Home. It just shows the member's avatar and how long ago, but no messages.

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I read through all seven pages and did not see this question asked. So... when I uploaded a few photos to an album yesterday, they were huge. The upload process worked smoothly, so I must have something set wrong. The forum pulled them straight from my computer just like photobucket does, but when I went to view them in the album, they were really, really, big. Any ideas? I deleted the album, didn't want to scare anyone that might go looking. Cause they were BIG.
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It appears I'm having a mysterious case of disappearing likes - I've had an issue several times now where I receive notifications for Likes on my posts, only to go into the notification and find there's nothing there.

Any idea of what might be going on?
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It appears I'm having a mysterious case of disappearing likes - I've had an issue several times now where I receive notifications for Likes on my posts, only to go into the notification and find there's nothing there.

Any idea of what might be going on?

I have seen this happen before myself. Someone clicks like and then immediately unlikes the post... but you get the notification anyway. Happens to me all the time at the RPF.
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I appears that my pm's are not getting thorough to anyone. I have sent several to several different people. I have not received any responses from any of them.. I am not sure if it is that I am sending them wrong, or people are just not responding.
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Is it possible that the people you are trying to contact have inboxes that are full?

Vrogy and I just sent a few messages back and forth to one another today and yesterday. The messages show up in my Sent folder.

How is your internet connection? Is it possible that the request is timing out when you try to send the message?
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When sending a PM there's an option to "Request a read receipt for this message". That will at least let you know if your message was read and they're simply just not responding.
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I am having a problem where when I click on my username in the top right corner it is loading halomaster16's page. Even though my username ()HaloMaster() is still in the top right corner. I can see my inbox fine.
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Is it just me, or is the site experiencing a lot of down time?

For the past couple of days now, I have been running into 502 errors trying to load the site, and it would take like over half an hour before I could jump back on. At the down times I would check to see if another server could access the site and it showed it as down.

So is there like maintenance thats going on?
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