Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Did some quick searching, but couldn't find any info related as to why "BANNED" (greyed out) shows up under my Regiment section. I'm still able to post new threads and comments, so I'm not sure how that works exactly?

Yeesh... that is pretty bad. Let us take a look!
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Just noticed that the colors for the tabs on our profile pages have been fixed.
Now they are blue instead of black and the text is much easier to read.

Thanks Art Andrews!

I think I liked the green "Online Now" indicator more than the grey one though...
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We have actually been slightly modding quite a few colors... getting close to being complete.

Just noticed that the colors for the tabs on our profile pages have been fixed.
Now they are blue instead of black and the text is much easier to read.

Thanks @Art Andrews!

I think I liked the green "Online Now" indicator more than the grey one though...
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Since the forum upgrade, I seemed to have lost my posting privileges again, only being able to post in the newbie area (can't even post in the Australian Regiment).

Can staff have a look at my profile? Cheers.
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Do we have an official policy on "necro" posting or reviving dead threads? I've seen a lot of that happening lately by a lot of new recruits. I realize some people come back to projects after extended breaks and should be able to revive their own thread, but some of these have obviously been inactive for a very long time and people post without realizing that.
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Every image I attempt to upload into the File Archive doesn't persist into the post after saving. The image is of the correct type (.jpg), it's within the specified size limit (tried both 2.99 MB and 134 KB, neither worked), uploads with no issues and is in the file listing to select as screenshot and/or thumbnail.....just, it disappears from the file listing after clicking the Save button. What's going on?
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Since the forum upgrade, I seemed to have lost my posting privileges again, only being able to post in the newbie area (can't even post in the Australian Regiment).

Can staff have a look at my profile? Cheers.

Just checked. You are a full access member. You should be able to post in any of the prop and costume forums. You won't be able to post into a Regiment until you are an approved member. You would want to reach out to @SA260.
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Do we have an official policy on "necro" posting or reviving dead threads? I've seen a lot of that happening lately by a lot of new recruits. I realize some people come back to projects after extended breaks and should be able to revive their own thread, but some of these have obviously been inactive for a very long time and people post without realizing that.

We do not have a policy on it, especially in a community like this where many members have been away for a long time.
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Do we have an official policy on "necro" posting or reviving dead threads? I've seen a lot of that happening lately by a lot of new recruits. I realize some people come back to projects after extended breaks and should be able to revive their own thread, but some of these have obviously been inactive for a very long time and people post without realizing that.

We do not have a policy on it, especially in a community like this where many members have been away for a long time.

I think the unwritten rule used to be something along the lines of:
-If a thread hasn't been "active" for more than 3 months, it's necro-ing.
-If OP is posting an update, regardless of how long, it's fine.
-If it has been 3+ months since last post, try PM'ing the OP first - if you don't get a response, and/or the question (if applicable) hasn't already been answered in another thread - exceptions can be made.
-If last post 3-12 months old, please avoid it if you can.
-If last post older than 1 year, with no updates from OP or other - just don't. Best off starting a new thread, or inquiring somewhere with more activity.
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I have a good personal guideline you all should follow...

Don't derail the [insert your choice of expletive]ing thread saying "don't necro".
Just let it die or PM the person.

I don't need another notification just for your additionally pointless message.

Necro'ing has already been discussed and we have already reached a conclusion about it somewhere earlier in one of Art's threads.

Hold up....

Brilliant idea...

Art Andrews, why not add a pop up message box that appears when you try to submit your post that says:

"You do realize this thread is 3 months old, right?"
Check the following to complete and hit reply:
[ ] Yes, I'm a dirty necro-er.

Make it happen!!!
No matter what it takes, just make it happen.

Feel free to add a 2nd pop up box for "Are you sure?"
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I am not able to download anything from the File Archive. Every file in the archive that I've tried to look at, be it pdo or screenshot, is grayed-out and non-functional for me. For example, http://www.405th.com/file-archive.php?do=download&downloadid=78 shows two files, a .jpg and .pdo, but neither are clickable for viewing/downloading. It's this way for me in every listing in the archive.
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Hey guys. I have recently started working with some of the models here. I tried to get some unsc weapons and the download buttons aren't working. I tried to use download others I have gotten in the past and they aren't working either. Have i done something wrong? is there a limit to downloads?


EDIT: I see the guy above me is having the same issue
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Hey guys. I have recently started working with some of the models here. I tried to get some unsc weapons and the download buttons aren't working. I tried to use download others I have gotten in the past and they aren't working either. Have i done something wrong? is there a limit to downloads?


EDIT: I see the guy above me is having the same issue

Not to sound mean, but I'm glad you're having this problem too, because now it's a little bit less likely that I've been singled out from being able to access anything in the archive.
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