Higdog827's Masterchief Build (NOW COMPLETE!)

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Yeah, I still think the handplate is too big. I'd suggest scouring the internet for photos of Master Chief (or do a search here for Mark VI reference package; contains in-game photos of the armor from all angles). You need to have some good reference material. Then, take a look at the photos, and (for example) see how much the handguards cover the Chief's hand. Then measure your body parts accordingly.

For the handplates, the dimension most people use is from wrist to first knuckles. Yes, they will be small; they don't cover that much. And you need to make sure you can flex your wrist with both the handguard and forearm piece on.

PS: After taking another look, I'd have to agree with Agent Arizona. Unfortunately, everything looks too big, especially the boots. However, again, it's your suit and you are free to do as you please. :)

After taking another look, I'd have to agree with Agent Arizona. Unfortunately, everything looks too big, especially the boots. However, again, it's your suit and you are free to do as you please. :)
Yeah, I know the boots are huge as well,but honestly, its my first suit and its DEFINATELY not going to be my last, so if its a little disproportionate I really dont care. As long as its sturdy enough to wear for halloween and a few other small events, im fine with it. Its not like im going to a convention with the thing or anything. (however, once I make a good suit, I definately plan on going to a few)
Hazaa! I rescaled the hand again using the measurements instead of the scale number like you guys suggested, and it finnaly looks right!! Sadly, my phone is being stupid and it wont turn on, :p so I cant get any pics up. Anyway, this weekend I'll begin working on the forearm and hopefully the shoulder, it would be nice if I could get those both done.
Ok everyone, first off im just going to say sorry. sorry, sorry, sorry sorry, and a bit more sorry! I know that I havent updated in like two weeks, but I have been VERY occupied with a school project, and I havent had much time to work on my suit (For the project, we had to pick a place in the world and plan a vacation there. So to anger my teacher, I picked Pripyat! :) Btw, a cookie goes out to everyone who actually understands why Pripyat would be an odd place to vacation to!). But, thats all just about over and ive finally been able to get back to work! :D So anyway, ive been working for the past two weeks on the HD forearm by Nugget, and for some reason it is the hardest pep ive done so far. But in the end, I dont care how much work goes into it, since the thing looks awesome! Sadly, my pepping job wasnt my best, and the first arm I did that took me three days looks better than this one, which took two weeks!

Its not that bad, and unlike most of the suit, the forearms actually fit really well!
Well, one last time, SORRY! I just want everyone to know that I havent given up on this project or anything, Ive just been very preocupied with things of a... nuclear nature...
Way to go! Keep it up. Those hand plates can be pretty pesky. You could use low def or test pieces for scaling first, then do high def. That's usually the easiest to do. Keep on workin' :)
i tried to make the knife, but didn't come out so well considering it was my first time but goin great for you man, good luck
Hey higdog827, I wish you luck on your build. It seems that you are having slight problems with the scaling. Okay, maybe some BIG ones judging by that large handplate. XD lol

Anyway, IF you are interested, click on the first link in my signature. It's a tutorial I made for scaling. I use this method myself and everything I have made seems to have come out perfectly for my fitting. :)
The handplates actually look like they are the right scale. In particular the handplates are supposed to look slightly large. I was surprised the last time I played Halo 3 how large they appeared even on chief.
Hey higdog827, I wish you luck on your build. It seems that you are having slight problems with the scaling. Okay, maybe some BIG ones judging by that large handplate. XD lol

Anyway, IF you are interested, click on the first link in my signature. It's a tutorial I made for scaling. I use this method myself and everything I have made seems to have come out perfectly for my fitting.
Great tutorial! Ill definately be using that! Especially since I reeeeeeeaaaally dont want to have to redo the fifty-something page HD chest I plan on making! Im probably going to be doing the tester model for that though, so when I go to make the HD I will actually know its scaled right!

The handplates actually look like they are the right scale. In particular the handplates are supposed to look slightly large.
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Horay!!

Uhhh also, and this may just be a problem with my computer or something, but under my name it say site admin, which I OBVIOUSLY arent... Is anyone else encountering this? (Im just saying this because I dont want to get banned because of some glitch in the system and the real admins think im hacking or something!)
Hey everyone, im going camping this weekend, so dont expect any updates till probably monday or so, and I think I sorted out the whole admin thing. Its got something to do with april fools day doesnt it? (Also, please ignore the double post, I have to go, so I couldnt wait any longer to post.) Thanks!
Uhhh also, and this may just be a problem with my computer or something, but under my name it say site admin, which I OBVIOUSLY arent... Is anyone else encountering this? (Im just saying this because I dont want to get banned because of some glitch in the system and the real admins think im hacking or something!)

APRIL FOOL'S DAY!! Some people even have "noob" under their name so you are not in any trouble. :)

Well, I had a great campout, we hiked 15 miles of train tracks in about 7 hours total, so today Im CRAZY sore!

Im the one wearing my MW2 Ghost balaclava and holding my handmade hammer and sickle flag! (Thus indulging my obsessions with both Ghost and communism!)
The pepping actually helped me relax so I just sat there for a while and did the left shoulder while watching the entire first season of ax men on history channel!


Today I also added some foam padding to the inside of my helmet so that the little plastic tabs that I wasnt able to sand off wouldnt pinch me anymore.

Alright thats all I have for now, Im hoping to get the left shin finished by friday or so. And thanks for your support so far, its really been encouraging me to keep on this thing!
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Well, again Im sorry for the large gaps between updates, but school has been getting in the way a lot lately, and unfortunately, school takes priority of armour, sooooo... However, this week I was able to finish a little project Ive been planning on doing for a while now, a UNSC medical biofoam canister! I pepped it on some fancy yellow cardstock i found in my basement, and by the way, this was the first time ive finished a pep model without edge IDs! Also, I printed out a label with the biofoam specifications and such and glued it to the side of the canister. Anyway, Here it is:

And here it is with the nozzle extended (I made a makeshift rotating joint for the nozzle by cutting a paperclip and gluing it in a hole I poked):

Hey, I dont know if anyone has also heard of this, but aparently someone made a working biofoam canister that sprayed whiped cream! (If there are pictures of this, I NEED to see them!!!)
Well thats it for now, hope you like it!
Alright, time for updates! Last night I finished the left shin, and unlike most of the suit, the shins fit perfect!



Now for a rather important question. I want to start working on my codpeice tonight, but im not particularly sure how to scale it. Can anyone give me some quick tips on scaling the waist?
Well, despite the apparent "comment famine" that seems to have struck my thread, Im still pressing on. Yesterday I competed the codpiece and its scalling is spot on! Im reeeeaaaaally glad im getting the hang of scalling, because if I make the HD chestpiece and its scalled wrong, Im going to repeatedly hit myself over the head with a frying pan.
Anyway, heres the pics:



I think it looks pretty good! Now I need to see if i can fit the enormous theigh that I have on with this codpeice. If I cant, Ill have to redo the theigh. :(

Alright people, lets get the comments rolling shall we?
Looks like your pepping is coming along nicely.
Your comments might be drying up just because you're at the pepping stage. There's only three comments to make about any sort of pep build:
1. Looks good. <<<(yours)
2. Looks warped.
3. Wrong size.
Once you move on to resin, fiberglass, bondo and everything else, the comments will come back online. :)
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