Well, the updates are here sooner than expected!

Heres the finished boots(After I resin it, Ill cut the middle out and replace it with rubber tubing):
Heres the bottoms of the two:
Now for some bad news.
You remember how Im going to use expanding foam to make the inside of my AR rigid? Well I wanted to test it out, so I decided to test it out on my biofoam canister. BAD IDEA. Well instead of following the directions and only filling it up less than 50%, I went to probably 65-70... Well needless to say, that thing foamed up like a rabbid rattlesnake on PCP!!! Check it out.
The stuff split the hot glue seam and ive tried, but failed to fix it, its expanded too much. So my biofoam canister is ruined. However, this is a good lesson for me. I now know that when I do the AR im only going to fill it about 20%, then it thats not enough, i'll add little by little until its finished.
Well, next up on the pep list is the left and right handplates (again...), then all thats left is the chest! Im almost done with the pepping! Then just glass, bondo, paint and repeat until desired results are achieved. Woot.
Thanks for checking up on me!