Update on the suit, I'm pretty much done all the armor peaces just need to put the clear coat layer on them, and now I started to work on my magnum for the suit, I'm hoping to get it done within a week or two.
I got the base of the pistol done some of the scoring is a bit wobbly but it still looks pretty decent, I'll finish it up and see how it looks once it's all done, before I try to make another one.
I also started to put together the boots I just need to buy some straps to put the front plates, but the back plates are looking good.
Finally finished the suit and in time for montreal comic con!!!
I am really happy with how it came out and how much of an improvement it is to my last suit, I was able to add all of the stuff I wanted to on this one, that I didn't have the time to add to my first suit, thank you to everyone who watched my journey and helped me out along the way I wouldn't have been able to do it without this community, so thank you very much everyone and see you all on my next projects !!!