Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
First Name: Alex
Profession? Student?:warehouse worker
Favorite Hobby:cosplay
Favorite part of Halo:when you can play the game
Favorite Halo: Odst for sure
Favorite Video Game: the outlast series
Other Interests:I like to music even tho i'm pretty bad at it x3
Favorite Food: anything asian
Favorite Band: its a hard one, i listen to may different types of music
Favorite Movie(s): alien
What do you hope to learn here?: better ways to create some halo armor
Have you built/made a costume before?:many time and failed
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no
Other: not much to add. I'm pretty avrage
First Name: Christian
Profession? Student?: Computer Science College Student.
Age: 18.
Favorite Hobby: Riding horses.
Favorite part of Halo: Quick play matches with friends on Halo 5 and Halo Infinite.
Favorite Halo: Halo2, with Halo Infinite being a close second.
Favorite Video Game: Equally split between H2, H-Infinite, and Minecraft.
Other Interests: Showing horses, Airsoft, Painting, and just general cosplay like 3d modeling and foam-smithing.
Favorite Food: Japanese Fried Rice.
Favorite Band: Fleetwood Mac.
Favorite Movie(s): Pulp Fiction, John Wick Series, and other similar movies.
What do you hope to learn here?: Just to expand my knowledge and share what I've learned.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Other: I'm the president of my schools computer science club! We're working on creating and further developing multiple ai. Our goal is to implement them and make them practical in cosplay armor and helmets. We have prototypes and making them more affording for others to replicate. Our current one only requires a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and then the rest depends on what you want her to do.
First Name: Ben
Profession? Student?: Head of Production at a vehicle Graphics Company
Age/Location: 29, Essex, UK
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Halo ODST for the story
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 / ODST
Favorite Video Game: Half-Life Alyx / Halo ODST
Other Interests: Sim Racing, Graphic Design
Favorite Food: Kebab
Favorite Band: Falling in Reverse
Favorite Movie(s): Matrix, Alien
What do you hope to learn here?: Gain experience from others to help with my build
Have you built/made a costume before?: No
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
First Name: Kees (Case)
Profession: Eventually a mechanical engineer, for now I'm an "engineering technician"
Favorite Hobby: Lego
Favorite part of Halo: The story/ world
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Other Interests:
trains, cars, making and fixing stuff
Favorite Food:
A good cheesburger
Favorite Band: Sabaton or Rammstein
Favorite Movie(s): The Blues Brothers or Monty Python and the Holy Grail
What do you hope to learn here: How to make my ODST and potential future builds and make them look good.
Have you built/made a costume before:
Not beyond simple Halloween costumes
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
No, at least not yet.
First Name: Jacob, but everyone calls me Cap
Profession: Active duty Army
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: The nostalgia
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Portal 2, Minecraft, Borderlands 2
Other Interests: Fitness, 3D modeling, social events
Favorite Food: Ramen
Favorite Band: The Strokes, Linkin Park, Joji
Favorite Movie(s): How to Train your Dragon, Spirited Away
What do you hope to learn here?: Better time management, local cons/event schedules
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, though only a few with armor parts. Im familiar with the techniques involved.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No
Other: I've got a pretty dumb sense of humor so expect to hear alot of meme references and dad jokes when hanging out with me. :p
Hey All, new here. Have a lofty goal of building a master chief suit for FanExpo22 in August.

Name: Ajay M
Profession: Learning and Development
Age: 41
Favourite Hobby: gaming. But learning warhammer and DnD
Favourite part of halo: all of it
Favourite Halo: The OG CE
Favourite Video game: FF7
Favourite Movie: too many
What do I hope to learn. To build my first cosplay and have it ready for fan expo
First Name: Kyle
Profession? Student?: Airport Management
Age: 36
Favorite Hobby: Soccer
Favorite part of Halo: Mowing down Covenant in a Warthog
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: World of Tanks
Other Interests: 3D printing, photography, aviation
Favorite Food: anything smoked
Favorite Band: don't really have one
Favorite Movie(s): Super Troopers
What do you hope to learn here?: techniques for suit building.
Have you built/made a costume before?: in progress, working on a Reach suit with EOD helmet and a jet pack.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: no, just 405th on FB.
Other: HI all, I'm excited to be here and meet like minded halo suit builders and fans.
First Name: Shane
Profession: I work in Residence Life at a boarding school
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: Hard to choose. Any creative one really. Cosplay. Prop making. Miniature painting.
Favorite part of Halo: The lore mostly but also the experience of of enjoying the games with friends
Favorite Halo: Halo 2 "Were you blinded by its majesty?"
Favorite Video Game: Mass Effect Series
Other Interests: Baking, Cooking, Lego, D&D, MtG, Hiking, Camping
Favorite Food: A good steak
Favorite Band: Rush
Favorite Movie(s): Aliens, Empire Strikes Back, Wrath of Khan,
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make a set of Mjolnir armor and maybe a basic marine build.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes. Brotherhood Ezio (Assassin's Creed), NCR Trooper (Fallout: New Vegas), Plague Doctor (Generic), Leper (Darkest Dungeon)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No but one day I would like to build a Snowtrooper costume and join the 501st.
Other: I hoping to make a cosplay of Samuel-034. Specifically in the moments he had a his suit ruptured and was forced to stay behind. Probably would like to include a prop of the warhead that he guarded.
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First Name: Steven

Profession , soudeur

Age: 34 soon 35

Favorite Hobby: cosplay , airsoft ,gn , plonger sous-marine

Favorite part of Halo: Halo2 , Halo3

Favorite Halo: élite convenant , odst, spartan

Favorite Video Game: halo , resident evil ,age of empire etc

Other Interests:

Favorite Food: pater chinois

Favorite Band: linkin park , neffex

Favorite Movie(s): star wars , ghostbuster

What do you hope to learn here?: many ways to make and learn something else

Have you built/made a costume before?: yes

Do you belong to any other costume: yes

communities? If so, which one(s)?: ghostbuster, residentevil titanfall

Other: hello dear members, my name is steven my nickname is fouraid to tell more about me I have been cosplaying since 2008 my first cosplays were resident evil, stargate atlantis, star wars jedi, halo elite, titanfall suiting and ghostbusters. I came to the group to have fun between enthusiasts and to do more between knowing and learning more to speak English too, on the roof that my English is less. thank you for the understanding also I can't wait to get to know you see all
NickName: Wolfie or Jolt (not sure which I'm going to carry over to my Halo character lol)
Profession? Student?: I am am Aircrew Flight Equipment technician for the air force! Meaning I make sure all that planes and pilots fly with good safety equipment
Age: 28
Favorite Hobby: video games
Favorite part of Halo: The story and lore
Favorite Halo: tie between ODST and Reach
Favorite Video Game: idk if I can pick one lol
Other Interests: I play guitar, star wars and all sort of nerd stuff
Favorite Food: idk if I can really pick one
Favorite Band: Foo Fighters and a lot of classic classic bands
Favorite Movie(s): MCU movies
What do you hope to learn here?: Confidence and armor building
Have you built/made a costume before?: I made a biker scout armor for the 501st (with a lot of help)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: 501st
Other: I can't wait to begin my journey here with the 405th. I am currently deployed but I will be home soon and I'll be working on an ODST armor set, then if I get good at that I'll probably start a spartan set.

Thanks yall <3
Uhg I love David Grohl! If you made scout armor with the 501st it must be pretty damn good. I am helping my husband with his ODST armor its really nice but we are going to be looking for a lot of advice on how to properly attach all the pieces for sure
Other: hello dear members, my name is steven my nickname is fouraid to tell more about me I have been cosplaying since 2008 my first cosplays were resident evil, stargate atlantis, star wars jedi, halo elite, titanfall suiting and ghostbusters. I came to the group to have fun between enthusiasts and to do more between knowing and learning more to speak English too, on the roof that my English is less. thank you for the understanding also I can't wait to get to know you s

Salut Fouraid et bienvenue au 405th. J'espère vous rencontrer à un événement un jour
Alright well i'm kinda new to forums and the such. But lets give this a shot.
First Name: Cai
Profession? Student?: I'm a poor broke lad who works part time and isn't in school.
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Either playing DND or Airsoft
Favorite part of Halo: "Sir, request permission to leave the station." "For what purpose, Master Chief?" "To give the Covenant back their bomb."
Favorite Halo: Halo CE. Its just kinda hard for CE not to have a special place in my heart.
Favorite Video Game: Fallout 4 or Rising Storm 2? Too many choices really.
Other Interests: I like old militaria
Favorite Food: Pizza? idk
Favorite Band: The Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Starwars excluding the sequels. Everything else. Just everything else other than that.
What do you hope to learn here?: How to build a UNSC Marine kit for cosplay [ADMIN REDACTION]
Have you built/made a costume before?: I've made a Stabo harness for a MACVSOG kit before but usually all my costumes are made of pieces you can buy. So no I guess? Unless you count that.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: The Airsoft community and thats about it. I may be cosplaying Len for a con but who knows.
Other: Well heres some different kits ive put together. Im hoping some of the stuff i can end up using for a UNSC Marine kit.


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How to build a UNSC Marine kit for cosplay and airsoft purposes.
Hi Cai! Before you delve too deep into that, I just want to give you a heads up that the 405th does not support mixing airsoft and cosplay. If it's a UNSC marine only for cosplay (or not for protective purposes), that'd be completely fine
Hi Cai! Before you delve too deep into that, I just want to give you a heads up that the 405th does not support mixing airsoft and cosplay. If it's a UNSC marine only for cosplay (or not for protective purposes), that'd be completely fine
Thank you! I just started reading that forum a bit earlier. I won't post anything related to the airsoft aspect of it. I do want to put it together for a cosplay as well. So that's what I'll be doing from now on.
Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
First Name: Tj
Profession? Student?: mobile home washer
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: multi tasking but never get anything done
Favorite part of Halo: Forge
Favorite Halo: 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: Fallout New Vegas
Other Interests: D&D, Star Wars, Assassins Creed, Anime, Blacksmithing
Favorite Food: Ramen,
Favorite Band: Shuffle button
Favorite Movie(s): Sherlock Holmes and a game of shadows
What do you hope to learn here?: how to fit models to my body and actually work with 3d models for printing
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes a ichigo bankia when I was a kid
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Outer Rim Guilds
Other: I need help getting off my but and getting some costumes done

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