Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

First Name: Aaryea
Profession? Student?: Senior Undergrad in Mechanical Engineering
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Running, Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: The lore, the books, and the ODST's
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Between the Ace Combat series and
Other Interests: Reading, hiking, working out, driving
Favorite Food: Teriyaki (or Japanese food in general)
Favorite Band: Polyphia
Favorite Movie(s): Tron: Legacy, LOTR Trilogy
What do you hope to learn here?: Learn some new techniques and tips/tricks for making full scale armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: I attempted at making a Halo 3 EOD halloween costume when I was 12, and decided to try again once I got my 3D printer a few months ago!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No, but might change in the future
Other: I'm an open book, and am currently hoping to finish an ODST fit for Emerald City Comic Con!
Hi Aaryea, welcome to the 405th!

If you’re looking to make your own ODST armour, you couldn’t have chosen a better place to start! Check out the armoury and some of the resources we have in new recruits section. They should help point you in the right direction for how you’d like to craft your armour.

If you have any questions feel free to ask away!
First Name: Ian

Profession? Student?: Internet Service Provider

Age: 19

Favorite Hobbies: 3d printing, graphic design (Logos and Icons), Airsoft

Favorite part of Halo: Gotta love the music, man

Favorite Halo: Reach

Favorite Video Game: Hearts of Iron IV

Other Interests: Off-roading, Cosplay (Obviously), Sporadically rearranging my room or workspace

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Band: Sabaton

Favorite Movie(s): I don't really watch TV or movies

What do you hope to learn here?: How to use the files meant for foam and paper for 3d printing

Have you built/made a costume before?: Not like this. I have made airsoft uniforms however

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No, but I have taken an interest in the 501st Legion

Other: ** NOTE ** I have read the policy on the discussion of using models found on the 405th for airsoft and other events requiring or encouraging PPE and agree to not discuss it in forum
First Name: Ian

Profession? Student?: Internet Service Provider

Age: 19

Favorite Hobbies: 3d printing, graphic design (Logos and Icons), Airsoft

Favorite part of Halo: Gotta love the music, man

Favorite Halo: Reach

Favorite Video Game: Hearts of Iron IV

Other Interests: Off-roading, Cosplay (Obviously), Sporadically rearranging my room or workspace

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Band: Sabaton

Favorite Movie(s): I don't really watch TV or movies

What do you hope to learn here?: How to use the files meant for foam and paper for 3d printing

Have you built/made a costume before?: Not like this. I have made airsoft uniforms however

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No, but I have taken an interest in the 501st Legion

Other: ** NOTE ** I have read the policy on the discussion of using models found on the 405th for airsoft and other events requiring or encouraging PPE and agree to not discuss it in forum
Hi Ian and welcome to the 405th!
Sabaton are a great band my guy, the Attack of the Dead Men would probably be my favourite of their songs!

Thanks for being understanding about our Airsoft/Paintball rules, it's really just to stop people asking about making "Airsoft-proof"/"Paintball-proof" armour sets especially as we have kids as young as 13 here that might try to replicate it. At the end of the day we don't want anyone getting hurt.

If you've got any questions just ask!
First Name: Ethan
Profession? Student?: High school student, hoping to become a film critic
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Guitar
Favorite part of Halo: Customizing my Spartan
Favorite Halo: Reach!
Favorite Video Game: Batman: Arkham Knight
Other Interests: Music, books, swimming
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Band: The Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Scream
What do you hope to learn here?: How to create my own 3D printed Spartan armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: Nope!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Also nope!
First Name: Fraser
Profession? T
Graphical lead at Technology company
Age: 49
Favorite Hobby: Guitar/gaming/blacksmithing
Favorite part of Halo:Story
Favorite Halo: halo:ce, Reach
Favorite Video Game: Batman: Arkham Knight, saints row 3.
Other Interests: Music, books, iaido
Favorite Food: Chinese/Japanese
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Movie(s): Aliens, star trek 2, 8
What do you hope to learn here?: need to make replacement armour.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Once or twice in the past. I used to be a big deal, back in the day.. ;)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Aliens, Rebel legion, run my own star trek group.
First Name: Ethan
Profession? Student?: High school student, hoping to become a film critic
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Guitar
Favorite part of Halo: Customizing my Spartan
Favorite Halo: Reach!
Favorite Video Game: Batman: Arkham Knight
Other Interests: Music, books, swimming
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Band: The Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Scream
What do you hope to learn here?: How to create my own 3D printed Spartan armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: Nope!
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Also nope!
Howdy Ethan, welcome to the 405th Infantry Division!
We have loads of resources that you can use to get started on your own set of 3d printed armour, read up in the New recruits section to learn more in the guides!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any of our other members!
First Name: Fraser
Profession? T
Graphical lead at Technology company
Age: 49
Favorite Hobby: Guitar/gaming/blacksmithing
Favorite part of Halo:Story
Favorite Halo: halo:ce, Reach
Favorite Video Game: Batman: Arkham Knight, saints row 3.
Other Interests: Music, books, iaido
Favorite Food: Chinese/Japanese
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Movie(s): Aliens, star trek 2, 8
What do you hope to learn here?: need to make replacement armour.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Once or twice in the past. I used to be a big deal, back in the day.. ;)
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Aliens, Rebel legion, run my own star trek group.
Welcome back man!
It's great to see people come back to the group after a long time away.

As far as I'm aware things should be familiar but in the off chance you have any questions, just ask (y)
Welcome back man!
It's great to see people come back to the group after a long time away.

As far as I'm aware things should be familiar but in the off chance you have any questions, just ask (y)
Thanks. I'm surprised to see all the posts since the forum change are still here.
First Name: Michael

Profession? Student?: Operations Analyst

Age: 35

Favorite Hobbies: Woodworking, 3D Printing, Music Production, Electronics tinkering

Favorite part of Halo: Just about everything

Favorite Halo: That's a hard one, each one has their highlights, but 1, 3 and Reach have been my favorites

Favorite Video Game: THPS

Other Interests: Disc Golf, Gaming, collecting all the hobbies

Favorite Food: Does Asian cuisine count?

Favorite Band: Not really sure, I listen to a ton of music

Favorite Movie(s): Clue

What do you hope to learn here?: Basically if I run into problems, it'll be a really nice resource.

Have you built/made a costume before?: I have a degree in special effects and have made many a costume.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope, this is the first.
First Name: Sebastian Chavarria
Profession? Student?: Graduate Student (Completing my masters atm)
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Snowboarding, video games, building PCs.
Favorite part of Halo: Husky Raid
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: The Finals, Halo Infinite, Modern Warfare
Other Interests: Star Wars
Favorite Food: Brazilian Steak
Favorite Band: American Authors
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars
What do you hope to learn here?: Learn more about 3d printing techniques
Have you built/made a costume before? I have made 3 costumes and one of them, I just finished my mark VII halo infinite armor.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: 501st, but not as active
Other: Fun fact, I was in the Kenobi Series!


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First Name: Sebastian Chavarria
Profession? Student?: Graduate Student (Completing my masters atm)
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Snowboarding, video games, building PCs.
Favorite part of Halo: Husky Raid
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: The Finals, Halo Infinite, Modern Warfare
Other Interests: Star Wars
Favorite Food: Brazilian Steak
Favorite Band: American Authors
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars
What do you hope to learn here?: Learn more about 3d printing techniques
Have you built/made a costume before? I have made 3 costumes and one of them, I just finished my mark VII halo infinite armor.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: 501st, but not as active
Other: Fun fact, I was in the Kenobi Series!
Welcome to the 405th bruv
First Name: Jon
Profession? Dishwasher/ Line Cook
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Ha ha ha sanding and making these costumes!
Favorite part of Halo: I love it all. The designs, the lore lots of memories.
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: That's a tough one but I think Mass Effect right now or Firewatch.
Other Interests: I love to read and working on other costumes like star wars and anything else that catches my eye.
Favorite Food: A good prime rib.
Favorite Band: Too many to to choose one but lets go with Breaking Benjamin
Favorite Movie(s): The Rock, 13 hours, Appleseed Ex Machina to name a few.
What do you hope to learn here?: New techniques. If there is one thing I've learned in this hobby is you never stop learning. There is always something new to learn and I wanna get better.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I have worked on quite a few. Halo specifically I worked on 3 spartans last year for friends. I made their helmets and some upgrades on the old pep suits. I made the halo 3 marine pilot and currently working on getting a 4th spartan going hopefully by the end of march.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not in any official capacity but I know them and we chit chat.
Other: Its good to be back after all this time. I started out here doing pepakura and fiberglassing, than a little bit of foam and now 3D printing.


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First Name: Brian
Profession? Student?: Recent university grad in anthropology, hoping to go for a masters in archaeology. Selling boots for spare change while I wait.
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Just recently got into 3d printing, though I have been using Blender for years. I also love to play amateur jazz piano.
Favorite part of Halo: Customizing your Spartan and building maps in Forge.
Favorite Halo: ODST for sure. There's just something about jazz in the rain. Reach and 2 are also very nostalgic for me.
Favorite Video Game: Ghost of Tsushima, Fallout New Vegas, RDR2... there are so many to choose from!
Other Interests: Hanging out with friends, camping, appreciating art.
Favorite Food: Sushi. It's incredible in Vancouver.
Favorite Band: I don't have just one! I love jazz, classic rock, and rap the most, but I listen to a little bit of everything.
Favorite Movie(s): Top Gun, basically all Ghibli movies.
What do you hope to learn here?: Tips and tricks from experienced propmakers which will help me with my own work.
Have you built/made a costume before?: No, this is my first time making one.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
First Name: Daniel

Profession? Student?: I’m currently in my first year studying electrical and electronic engineering at university.

Age: 18.

Favourite Hobby: Video games would be number one but I also like just messing around with electronics. I’m also in a book club but my track record for reading the books is a bit spotty.

Favourite part of Halo: Probably the end of Halo Reach, it’s sad but probably one of the best written parts of any halo.

Favourite Halo: It’s a tie between Halo 2 and Halo 3.

Favourite Video Game: Doom Eternal or Star Wars Jedi: Survivor or lots of other games (too many to choose from)!

Other Interests: I’m really into Star Wars lore and its extended universe.

Favourite Food: Literally any pizza.

Favourite Band: AC DC would be up there but I listen to a bit of everything.

Favourite Movie(s): All the Star Wars films but if I had to pick it would be episode 6.

What do you hope to learn here?: A little bit of everything on making cool halo stuff!

Have you built/made a costume before?: Nope, but hopefully that’ll change soon.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Also no.

First Name: Michael

Profession? Student?: Operations Analyst

Age: 35

Favorite Hobbies: Woodworking, 3D Printing, Music Production, Electronics tinkering

Favorite part of Halo: Just about everything

Favorite Halo: That's a hard one, each one has their highlights, but 1, 3 and Reach have been my favorites

Favorite Video Game: THPS

Other Interests: Disc Golf, Gaming, collecting all the hobbies

Favorite Food: Does Asian cuisine count?

Favorite Band: Not really sure, I listen to a ton of music

Favorite Movie(s): Clue

What do you hope to learn here?: Basically if I run into problems, it'll be a really nice resource.

Have you built/made a costume before?: I have a degree in special effects and have made many a costume.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope, this is the first.
Welcome to the 405th Infantry Divison, Michael!

I'll be curious to see how your special effects backround affects how you make armour and what different steps you may take in the process.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!
First Name: Jon
Profession? Dishwasher/ Line Cook
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Ha ha ha sanding and making these costumes!
Favorite part of Halo: I love it all. The designs, the lore lots of memories.
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: That's a tough one but I think Mass Effect right now or Firewatch.
Other Interests: I love to read and working on other costumes like star wars and anything else that catches my eye.
Favorite Food: A good prime rib.
Favorite Band: Too many to to choose one but lets go with Breaking Benjamin
Favorite Movie(s): The Rock, 13 hours, Appleseed Ex Machina to name a few.
What do you hope to learn here?: New techniques. If there is one thing I've learned in this hobby is you never stop learning. There is always something new to learn and I wanna get better.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I have worked on quite a few. Halo specifically I worked on 3 spartans last year for friends. I made their helmets and some upgrades on the old pep suits. I made the halo 3 marine pilot and currently working on getting a 4th spartan going hopefully by the end of march.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not in any official capacity but I know them and we chit chat.
Other: Its good to be back after all this time. I started out here doing pepakura and fiberglassing, than a little bit of foam and now 3D printing.
Hi Jon, welcome back to the 405th!

A few other old members have come back recently which is always great to see, I'd love to hear how processes have changed and been refined over the years.

If you need help finding anything on the site or have any questions, just shoot over a message!
First Name: Brian
Profession? Student?: Recent university grad in anthropology, hoping to go for a masters in archaeology. Selling boots for spare change while I wait.
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Just recently got into 3d printing, though I have been using Blender for years. I also love to play amateur jazz piano.
Favorite part of Halo: Customizing your Spartan and building maps in Forge.
Favorite Halo: ODST for sure. There's just something about jazz in the rain. Reach and 2 are also very nostalgic for me.
Favorite Video Game: Ghost of Tsushima, Fallout New Vegas, RDR2... there are so many to choose from!
Other Interests: Hanging out with friends, camping, appreciating art.
Favorite Food: Sushi. It's incredible in Vancouver.
Favorite Band: I don't have just one! I love jazz, classic rock, and rap the most, but I listen to a little bit of everything.
Favorite Movie(s): Top Gun, basically all Ghibli movies.
What do you hope to learn here?: Tips and tricks from experienced propmakers which will help me with my own work.
Have you built/made a costume before?: No, this is my first time making one.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Hi Brian, welcome to the 405th!

The rain and smooth jazz of ODST is a match made in heaven! The atmosphere it creates is perfect.

We have LOADS of very talenter propmakers here who can help you out with any questions you have, just make a thread or send a message and I'm sure the other members will be happy to help you out.
First Name: Daniel

Profession? Student?: I’m currently in my first year studying electrical and electronic engineering at university.

Age: 18.

Favourite Hobby: Video games would be number one but I also like just messing around with electronics. I’m also in a book club but my track record for reading the books is a bit spotty.

Favourite part of Halo: Probably the end of Halo Reach, it’s sad but probably one of the best written parts of any halo.

Favourite Halo: It’s a tie between Halo 2 and Halo 3.

Favourite Video Game: Doom Eternal or Star Wars Jedi: Survivor or lots of other games (too many to choose from)!

Other Interests: I’m really into Star Wars lore and its extended universe.

Favourite Food: Literally any pizza.

Favourite Band: AC DC would be up there but I listen to a bit of everything.

Favourite Movie(s): All the Star Wars films but if I had to pick it would be episode 6.

What do you hope to learn here?: A little bit of everything on making cool halo stuff!

Have you built/made a costume before?: Nope, but hopefully that’ll change soon.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Also no.

Hey Daniel, welcome to the 405th!

A fellow AC/DC fan I see! Solid choice my man, they're doing a new tour I hear actually.
Hopefully we'll get you making a suit soon!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
First Name: Audrey
Profession: Engineer
Age: Early 30s
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay and 3D printing
Favorite part of Halo: I love the armor concepts
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: CIV VI
Other Interests: Oly lifting and other cosplay
Favorite Food: anything with cheese
Favorite Band: Unleash the archers
Favorite Movie(s): Probably
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes! Currently building a mandalorian
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Working towards Mando Mercs

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