Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

First Name: Daniel
Profession High School Engineering Teacher
Age: 31
Favorite Hobby: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Favorite part of Halo: Halo 2 online multiplayer or the Eric Nylund books
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite Video Game: The Last of us
Other Interests: Recently got into cosplaying
Favorite Food: Ice cream I guess
Favorite Band: Lincoln Park
Favorite Movie(s): Hard to answer, the movie that I have seen the most is probably Red Vs Blue Season 6
What do you hope to learn here?: Anything and Everything I can. I am shameless in asking for help. But I promise I am generous in helping (If I know the answer lol)
Have you built/made a costume before?: I made a hollow knight costume with the shade. I was Hollow Knight, my girlfriend was the shade. I also made the Hornet mask for my cousin. But the turd threw it away when he moved.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not presently? I follow a lot of people I guess...


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First Name: Carl
Preferred Name: Nathan
Student studying Cyber Security
Age: 24 y/o
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of Halo: Character Customization
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Assassins Creed Odyssey
Other Interests: Sci-Fi, Fantasy Genres, Watching Anime, Playing Games, Computer Programming, Eating crackers, Working out
Favorite Food: Cookies
Favorite Movie(s): Edge of Tomorrow
What do you hope to learn here?: I'm hoping to learn cool skills and talents to help me build my first Halo Spartan Armor, and hopefully learn skills that can be translated into other aspects of everyday living
Have you built/made a costume before?: Costume yes, but definitely very low budget and effort. I'm hoping to make something to really challenge myself, as I'm able to
Do you belong to any other costume communities?: Nope, not as of this time at least
Other: Full time University Student, so can't promise I'll be super active at this time. However, I'm hoping to stick around for the long haul and get to know some cool people, who can teach me new things, that I can share with others in turn! Try to be optomistic, and avoid the demons plaguing my mind. My first Halo game I played was Halo 4, the first one I owned was Halo 5 (I now own that, Infinite, and the Master Chief collection). After getting further into Halo content, I've come to the decision to play all the Halo games on Legendary difficulty, many of these games having never played before. Maybe will consider going back on a completionist run-through in the future, but for now just regretting my stubbornness, lol
First Name: Dalton
Profession: In-Home Attendant (Caretaker)
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite Part of Halo: The Atmosphere
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Star Wars Battlefront II 2005
Other Interests: Military History, Tanks, Warships, Warplanes, Engineering, Science, and Music.
Favorite Food: Stuffed-Crust Pepperoni Pizza
Favorite Band: Unable to Choose
Favorite Movie: Hacksaw Ridge
What do you hope to learn here: How to build custom Mjolnir costume.
Have you built or made a costume before: Not yet.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
First Name: Jawen
Profession : Baker
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: Brickfilms
Favorite part of Halo: The Epicness !
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Plague Tale
Other Interests: Working out, lightsaber spinning, cosplay, running, anime, travelling, urbex, photography
Favorite Band: Stupeflip
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future
What do you hope to learn here?: Upgrade my ODST armor
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yep !
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No
Other: I began my ODST jouney 12 years ago with Pepakura, that was a cheap armor but i was proud of it ! Recently i tried to make a new armor, printed in 3D, better than my old crappy thing which was destroyed during my differents relocations. I love Star Wars, I love Halo so i made an ODST armor with some Jedi features, like the jedi logo on the torso or the lightsaber (which is pretty cool).


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First Name: Chris aka Runt
Profession: Automated Machine Repair Technician
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Gaming/Beekeeping
Favorite Part of Halo: Atmosphere and the story, was really the first video game I played that had any kind of visual storytelling elements
Favorite Halo: Halo 2/4 for story, Reach for complete package
Favorite Video Game: Dyson Sphere Program
Other Interests: Big aviation and space nerd,
Favorite Food: Nothin beats Lasagna
Favorite Band: Toss up between Tiger Army and Manchester Orchestra (this also changes depending on who Ive seen live last
Favorite Movie: An absolute sucker for Lucky Number Slevin
What do you hope to learn here: What i am doing while i try to make this suit and help others along on their journeys. Together we Prevail
Have you built or made a costume before: Nope
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Other: I mysteriously ended up with an Xbox and Halo in 2001 and was a welcome escape throughout high school, up until halo 4 when i kind of drifted away from the franchise. The Halo series on paramount plus as well as the realization that there is more to life than just working a ton of overtime to "win" the pick sheet has led to me investing in myself. Part of that is, apparently, fulfilling a wish ive had since I was 11 year old of wearing armor like that. Ive also started to replay the games in the Master Chief collection on PC and stream with my friends as I die, repeatedly, and take a shot each time. Brings back good memories of friends long past and the nonsense we got up to.
Preferred Name: Meyer
Profession: University Student (Engineering, Architecture, & Industrial Design) & Professionally Confused Hobbyist
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Building props and costumes rn.
Favorite Part of Halo: Halo 4 Progression, and the "DESIGN" of everything in the universe.
Favorite Halo: Halo 4 was what got me into "mature" gaming since it was the first ESRB Rated M game I was ever allowed to get, and I used to rule lobbies with my twin brother on our beanbags.
Favorite Video Game: Gris. Get it, play it, love it. I'm hoping to get a Gris inner-forearm tattoo soon.
Other Interests: VR nerd, Professional Animation MoCap Actor & Developer, Vinyl Record collecting, never finishing projects that I start, weightlifting, dreaming of owning a 40k army.
Favorite Food: Pasta.
Top 3 Music Artists: Porter Robinson, flipturn, & Nothing But Thieves
Favorite Movie:
What do you hope to learn here: Where all of the Texas Spartans are?
Have you built or made a costume before: Yes, my Chainsaw Man Cosplay last Halloween (2021) introduced me into the world of highly manufactured & 3D Printed cosplay and opened the gates to me taking on this project.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not really, just a lurker in advice forums.
Other: Taking this Fall 2022 semester off for the big mental health stuff that I've been going through. After 5 months of lurking the forums I just learned last week that we have a discord server, pog. Working on a Trevor Belmont Cosplay for this year's Halloween along with a Mario Thwomp costume for a costume party.

First Name: Chesney

Student: 3D Modeling and Design, VCAD

Age: 30

Favorite Hobby: Gaming and crafting! I own pretty much every gaming console one can think of, stretching back into the 80s. I primarily play on Xbox these days(Halo 3 turned me into an achievement hoe), but I am also quite fond of restoring and modding Game Boys. I'm not just limited to video games though, as I am an avid MtG player with aspirations of trying DnD. I also love to weave paracord, draw, sew, build models and Legos, and just recently got into 3D printing.

Favorite part of Halo: The atmosphere and story components are in my opinion unparalleled by most other games. Forge and custom games with friends are also amazing.

Favorite Halo: Halo 3/ODST

Favorite Video Game: Ark: Survival Evolved

Other Interests: I am a self confessed dinosaur nut and biology nerd, I consider myself an amateur scientist. I've worked in museums as an interpreter and loved every second of it. I also like to volunteer whenever possible with a foundation for children with skin diseases, as I was one of those kids and want to give back to my community.

Favorite Food: the Cheeseburger pizza from Two Guys and a Pizza Place in my hometown. Mayo on pizza is a life changing experience.

Favorite Band: Carly Rae Jepsen. I will not apologize.

Favorite Movie(s): Jurassic Park/ World, Avatar, District 9

What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to learn how to better my skills and make my props the best they can be. I take pride in my work, but I am always open to outside opinions and learning new techniques and skillsets.

Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes! I have made two, although both were rather low effort: I did a Jurassic Park veterinarian for Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo 2013, and later did Jimmy Buffet as the Margarita Guy from Jurassic World for CCEE 2016.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: I'm not sure if it is actually a costume community, but I just recently joined a local chapter of a Star Trek fan community, the USS Chinook. My brother has been with them for a while and I required expert help finalizing some details on a Phaser I am building for myself.

Other: I've always wanted to make halo props ever since I was a kid, and cab fondly recall cutting an SMG out of a piece of plywood with my grandfather's jigsaw. Now that I can print my own pieces that are far more accurate than grampas garage could provide, I hope to one day have my own armoury wall of prop weapons from my favorite stories. Currently all I have are a pair of foam Energy Swords, a plasma rifle from Fallout 4 and a lightsaber. However, I have nearly completed a Halo: CE Magnum and a Star Trek Assault Phaser and am just starting an ODST SMG. Hoping to start on an ODST suit soon after.


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First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Reading Manga/Manwha
Favorite part of Halo:
Halo Reach
Favorite Halo:
Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game:
Halo Reach
Other Interests:
I build gunpla.
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
Violet Evergarden
What do you hope to learn here?:
Rather than learn. I want to experience the whole cosplay and stuff.
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: None

I have been in the discord server for a year or two, but never messaged on the forums so yeppers. I attended an anime con with some other Midwest peeps. :D
First Name: Matt
Profession? Student?: Nah, I finished College years ago
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: Gaming, 3D printing
Favorite part of Halo: MAH GAWD dat sexy deep Lore.
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Also Halo 3
Other Interests: Anime, Animals, Women,etc....
Favorite Food: BBQ Ribs
Favorite Band: No idea honestly. I don't really listen to specific artists. Maybe old Linkin Park?
Favorite Movie(s): So many to choose from.... but Interstellar was pretty fantastic.
What do you hope to learn here?: I want to become an active member in this community and show off/learn about prop making.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes. I have made a few costumes for myself and others including a Mass Effect Quarian, Boba Fett, part of a Doom Slayer, and a few sets of Mjolnir Armor.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope! I have known of 405th for a while now and I figure it's time for me to start going to cons and become a more active member of this community.
Other: Looking forward to getting out there and showing off my new set of Mk. V(B)!!! I will post many pictures here of course once it's finished.
First Name: Julie
Profession: Student/Grocery store worker
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: The deep lore
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: Too many to name one
Other Interests: Music, drawing, stop motion animation, and I collect halo mega construx.
Favorite Food: Any type of bread
Favorite Band: Too many
Favorite Movie(s): Anything made by studio Ghibli
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to learn how to become better at making props and armor.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I finished the main armor of my Bullfrog ODST Cosplay in September and I’m now working on a Battle rifle, Knife, M6G magnum, Biofoam Canister and of course the jetpack.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:I do not
First Name: Chris aka Runt
Profession: Automated Machine Repair Technician
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Gaming/Beekeeping
Favorite Part of Halo: Atmosphere and the story, was really the first video game I played that had any kind of visual storytelling elements
Favorite Halo: Halo 2/4 for story, Reach for complete package
Favorite Video Game: Dyson Sphere Program
Other Interests: Big aviation and space nerd,
Favorite Food: Nothin beats Lasagna
Favorite Band: Toss up between Tiger Army and Manchester Orchestra (this also changes depending on who Ive seen live last
Favorite Movie: An absolute sucker for Lucky Number Slevin
What do you hope to learn here: What i am doing while i try to make this suit and help others along on their journeys. Together we Prevail
Have you built or made a costume before: Nope
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Other: I mysteriously ended up with an Xbox and Halo in 2001 and was a welcome escape throughout high school, up until halo 4 when i kind of drifted away from the franchise. The Halo series on paramount plus as well as the realization that there is more to life than just working a ton of overtime to "win" the pick sheet has led to me investing in myself. Part of that is, apparently, fulfilling a wish ive had since I was 11 year old of wearing armor like that. Ive also started to replay the games in the Master Chief collection on PC and stream with my friends as I die, repeatedly, and take a shot each time. Brings back good memories of friends long past and the nonsense we got up to.
sorry i did not welcome you to the 405th, so welcome
First Name: Julie
Profession: Student/Grocery store worker
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay
Favorite part of Halo: The deep lore
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: Too many to name one
Other Interests: Music, drawing, stop motion animation, and I collect halo mega construx.
Favorite Food: Any type of bread
Favorite Band: Too many
Favorite Movie(s): Anything made by studio Ghibli
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to learn how to become better at making props and armor.
Have you built/made a costume before?: I finished the main armor of my Bullfrog ODST Cosplay in September and I’m now working on a Battle rifle, Knife, M6G magnum, Biofoam Canister and of course the jetpack.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:I do not
welcome to the 405th
First Name: Luke
Profession? Student?: Tradesman
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Playing games, painting warhammer minis
Favorite part of Halo: The lore and the stories it has inspired
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST and Halo 2 are tied
Favorite Video Game: Destiny
Other Interests: Painting minis, reading, concerts
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Band: Powerwolf
Favorite Movie(s): All the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make an awesome costume
Have you built/made a costume before?: Never
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
First Name: Luke
Profession? Student?: Tradesman
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Playing games, painting warhammer minis
Favorite part of Halo: The lore and the stories it has inspired
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST and Halo 2 are tied
Favorite Video Game: Destiny
Other Interests: Painting minis, reading, concerts
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Band: Powerwolf
Favorite Movie(s): All the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make an awesome costume
Have you built/made a costume before?: Never
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
Welcome to the 405 th
First Name: Mike
Profession? Student?: IT Infrastructure Operations Tech and IN school for software Dev
Age: 32
Favorite Hobby: Crafting and Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Halo 3. Just the whole thing was a beauty
Favorite Halo: tie between 3 and 4
Favorite Video Game: Toss up between Assassins Creed and Halo
Other Interests: Playing violin and woodworking
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Band: Currently don't have one as I cycle between bands
Favorite Movie(s): Alien Series
What do you hope to learn here?: Refined EVA and other crafting skills
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes but first time working on Halo Armor
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope
First Name: Mike
Profession? Student?: IT Infrastructure Operations Tech and IN school for software Dev
Age: 32
Favorite Hobby: Crafting and Gaming
Favorite part of Halo: Halo 3. Just the whole thing was a beauty
Favorite Halo: tie between 3 and 4
Favorite Video Game: Toss up between Assassins Creed and Halo
Other Interests: Playing violin and woodworking
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Band: Currently don't have one as I cycle between bands
Favorite Movie(s): Alien Series
What do you hope to learn here?: Refined EVA and other crafting skills
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes but first time working on Halo Armor
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope
Welcome to the 405th we look forward to seeing what you come up with.
First Name: Andrew but I go by Ranger (gamertag of 10yrs not actually military)
Profession? Student?: Railroad Laborer
Age: 24? Harder to remember each year
Favorite Hobbies: Gaming, hiking, fishing, hunting, kayaking, shooting, reading.
Favorite part of Halo: Definitely the armor and the atmosphere of it.
Favorite Halo: Reach will always be my favorite because of the customization but ODSTs soundtrack holds my heart.
Favorite Video Game: Battlefield 4 and a couple others I always go back to because the AAA Formulas died after the mid 2010s.
Favorite Food: I'd die without pizza
Favorite Band: Anything rock and roll. No new music. Mid 2000s everything I loved dries up.
Favorite Movie(s): Spaceballs, Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Battlestar Galactica to name a few. Definitely not the abomination of Halo made by paramount.
What do you hope to learn here?: How to make or buy my own ODST suit. Only 5' 8" and I have no illusions of trying to pull off a 7ft spartan. Wouldn't feel right to me to portray how massive and bigger than life they were depicted in the games and books.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Nope this will be my first foray probably down a rabbit hole like when I got my first gun
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope. Keep eyeing the 501st and Imperial surplus. Clone armor seems simple enough with how many kits are out there.

Other: currently working 70hrs a week so not a whole lot of spare time. Managed to somehow get out of work at 7 on Saturday so I could stop by a costume party at my local brewery that had a lobster truck there. After eating that tho everybody thought I was there as a construction worker and they weren't wrong lol. Saw tons of awesome costumes and my mom even did 2. She made herself into Limu Emu and my dad was Doug. Then she went to work yesterday as an awesome Cat in the Hat.
Just made me realize I've been thinking about an ODST or Clone Trooper outfit for years now. But maybe I should finally pull the trigger. Lord knows I'm socking away enough money right now with no time to spend it.
But hey if ya don't know me from all that yet I'm sure I'll be around a while.
First Name: Jaden, I usually prefer to go by my username online but it doesn't matter much
Profession? Student?: I'm a senior in high school currently
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Gunpla
Favorite part of Halo: The worldbuilding/lore
Favorite Halo: Reach was my first Halo game. not only do I love the art style of the game, but something about the struggle of humanity, especially during the fall of Reach, is something that just captivates me in the series.
Favorite Video Game: Currently I would have to say warframe
Other Interests: gaming, volleyball, art
Favorite Food: potatoes of any style
Favorite Band: Fake Type
Favorite Movie(s): not a huge movie enjoyer
What do you hope to learn here?: I'm hoping to get some tips on costume making and see what techniques people use
Have you built/made a costume before?: I've scratched the surface with some homemade masks of questionable quality
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: currently, no

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