Introduce Yourself - The Sequel!

You mentioned wanting to make an ODST set, any specific sets you’re after? Custom? Have you checked the armory for print files?
Not yet, I'm still working up the courage (and funding) before I really tackle planning, though I know I definitely want an SMG to accompany it so I'll be snooping around for files eventually.
Hello All! Our former Introduce Yourself thread has grown to a massive 421 pages so it is time to lock that one down and start fresh!

First of all - welcome to all of our new family! We want to know all about you, but let's start with these few questions!

First Name:
Profession? Student?:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite part of Halo:
Favorite Halo:
Favorite Video Game:
Other Interests:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s):
What do you hope to learn here?:
Have you built/made a costume before?:
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
Name: Kaeden
High school student
Age: 17
Favorite hobby: probably exercising
Favorite part of Halo: The armor
Favorite Halo: Halo 3: ODST
Favorite video game: Maybe Ghost of Tsushima or Spider-man PS4
Other interests: Video Games
Favorite Food: Hot Wings
Favorite Band: KISS
Favorite Movie: First Blood
What do I hope to learn here: How to make the outfits and cool tech for it
Have I made a costume before: No
Other: I hope to make lots of friends here and learn how to make costumes to wear at different conventions and show off the hard work
First Name: Mica!
Profession? Student?: Call Center representative for a major ISP. Formerly tech support for an industrial 3D printer manufacturer.
Age: 30
Favorite Hobby: Making cool stuff. Costumes, electronics, etc. Making electronic music.
Favorite part of Halo: The story. Bungie and 343 have made an amazing universe you can get wrapped up in for a lifetime.
Favorite Halo: Halo 2. It holds a special place for me; I waited outside Blockbuster Video for my copy on launch day.
Favorite Video Game: Come on, really? Halo 2.
Other Interests: 3D printing, music production, technology, soldering, RFID hacking (I have 3 RFID implants, two in one hand one in the other)
Favorite Food: Broccoli or Mangos. one of the two.
Favorite Band: It's a toss-up between Kraftwerk and Halley Labs (Lapfox Trax / Emma Essex)
Favorite Movie(s): The Matrix, The Iron Giant, Short Circuit, Everything Everywhere All At Once.
What do you hope to learn here?: Methods for building/finishing/painting/attaching 3D Printed halo armor.
Have you built/made a costume before?: A few. nothing as ambitious as a whole suit of proper Spartan armor before, though.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: N/A

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First Name: Kara
Profession: Former social worker, current homemaker!
Age: 31
Favorite Hobbies: Baking, 3d printing, and painting minis
Favorite part of Halo: I really love how rich and detailed the worldbuilding is! It's so immersive :)
Favorite Halo: It's probably a tie between ODST and Reach, I love them both too much and can't decide!
Favorite Video Game: I don't play a lot of games but in addition to the Halo series I really like Fallout, Mass Effect, and Control
Other Interests: Running (My goal is to run a 5K by the fall!), reading fiction and nonfiction, listening to podcasts while I do my other hobbies. I am also a HUUUUGE star wars nerd and eventually want to make a cosplay from that universe too!
Favorite Food: I am a huge sucker for Chinese takeout, especially potstickers.
Favorite Band: I'm currently really into Chloe Moriondo! Mumford and Sons are also a perennial favorite of mine.
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars! I love 'em all (yes, even the sequels lol)
What do you hope to learn here?: I've never attempted any sort of serious cosplay before so I'm hoping to learn more about the process from all the fantastic folks here. I'm especially fascinated by all the ways people have mounted lights and internal cooling systems on their armor.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Negative, ghostrider
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Nope
Other: I have a pretty serious TBI so I apologize in advance if I ask you the same question twice or forget a previous discussion we had!
First Name:Jax
Profession? Student?:Lumber Sales
Favorite Hobby:Snowboarding
Favorite part of Halo:Infected
Favorite Halo:Reach
Favorite Video Game:Fallout
Other Interests:Being active outside, singing, playing games
Favorite Food:Bubble Tea
Favorite Band:A Day To Remember
Favorite Movie(s): Don;t really have any!
What do you hope to learn here?:How to become a better cosplayer
Have you built/made a costume before?:Yes, most recent was a Night Elf Hunter from WoW.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:No
First Name: Zach
Profession: Mechanic (Diesel sadly) and a service member in the us Army.
Favorite Hobby: playing guitar
Favorite part of Halo: I love the lore truthfully.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Fall Out (I have a vault boy tattoo)
Other Interests: Modding arma
Favorite Food: Ramen
Favorite Band: Avenged sevenfold
Favorite Movie(s): Full metal jacket
What do you hope to learn here?: I want to learn how to craft costumes for the halo franchise
Have you built/made a costume before?: I have jot
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Yes, if starfleet international counts
First Name: Kevin
Profession: Software Engineer
Age: 34
Favorite Hobby: Currently welding/metal art
Favorite part of Halo: Collecting the easy, normal, heroic, and legendary run symbols in Halo 1
Favorite Halo: Halo 2
Favorite Video Game: Recent? Dark Souls 1/Elden Ring, All time? Halo 2
Other Interests: Healthy living, DIY home stuff, 3d printing, soldering, mechanical keyboards
Favorite Food: Beans
Favorite Musician: Cosmo Sheldrake
What do I hope to learn here: How to pour concrete properly to make solid foundation for a home
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes, Halo 2 Master Chief off game screenshots in 2004, using the paper craft method and foam board, no resin or fiber glass making it a pretty fragile cosplay.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? No, but likely will end up joining 501st legion as well.
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First Name: Josh
Profession? Student?: Micro Electromechanical Engineer / Engineering Student
Age: 38
Favorite Hobby: PC gaming
Favorite part of Halo: tThe community
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: There are too many to choose.
Other Interests: Medievalist, maker
Favorite Food: Flavor of the week
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Movie(s): Boondock Saints
What do you hope to learn here?: I am working to improve my making skillsets.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
First Name: Josh
Profession? Student?: Micro Electromechanical Engineer / Engineering Student
Age: 38
Favorite Hobby: PC gaming
Favorite part of Halo: tThe community
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video Game: There are too many to choose.
Other Interests: Medievalist, maker
Favorite Food: Flavor of the week
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Movie(s): Boondock Saints
What do you hope to learn here?: I am working to improve my making skillsets.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Yes.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No.
Welcome to the 405th, cant wait to see what you build.
First Name: Travis D.
Profession?: Senior Quality Assurance Technician, PMP, MBA, Custom Software Developer (Freelance), Xbox Game Developer (Self)
Age: 37
Favorite Hobby: Hard to say, it depends on the mood. I enjoy painting miniatures (Battletech) along with playing a variety of Boardgames. Also, into video game development, woodworking and needle point.

Favorite part of Halo: I mostly play the Campaign modes and enjoy the interwoven stories.

Favorite Halo: Halo 1, have to stick to the classic

Favorite Video Game: Halo and Final Fantasy Franchises.

Other Interests: Woodworking, Electronic Engineering, Robotics, Video Game Design, Board Games

Favorite Food: Poutine! 100%

Favorite Band: Mozart. BAHAHA

Favorite Movie(s): I enjoy the Halo movie and show, Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Gate, Grown Ups and Goon.

What do you hope to learn here?: Working with the community for community outings, Charity events, developing and building my Spartan outfit and getting it finally completed.

Have you built/made a costume before?: No, started my build 10 years ago and just got the motivation to get it done.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: No

Other: I've known and followed the 405th for over 10 years and just recently joined full force. I was always self-conscious of my work and build and the amount of time I could commit having 6 kids at home. This has been a passion project for nearly 13 years to build slowly. I have a vision in mind of where I want my final build to look like, which includes fully embedded forearm communication panel, HUD and lighting systems, along with the ability to do a 3d virtual Cortana display (either virtual with AR via the HUD or something that can appear in the palm of the hand) and spent a lot of years studying what and how others have done it. I finally feel confidently enough to start posting and my work and proceeding forward.
welcome to the 405th and life all ways gets in the way just got to learn how to work around it as much as possible. but cant wait to see what you build..

Thanks MarineSniper :D
I'm just checking the rules and trying to figure out if/where I'm supposed to create a thread on my build progress?
I have an old Papercraft build was going to show and am currently in progress of 3D printing one.
Thanks MarineSniper :D
I'm just checking the rules and trying to figure out if/where I'm supposed to create a thread on my build progress?
I have an old Papercraft build was going to show and am currently in progress of 3D printing one.
you're always welcome to create a build thread! Go ahead and hop over to the New Member section and have at it!
Excited to see what you make :D
First Name: Kira. I go by Serafina at cons.

Profession: Starbucks supervisor

Student: Psychology, hoping to become a therapist one day

Age: 25

Favorite Hobby: Trading Card Games, particularly Pokemon and Digimon. I play a lot more than just those though. This is followed closely by cosplay and other craftwork.

Favorite part of Halo: The designs, particularly the armor. The campaigns are second.

Favorite Halo: Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach. I love both their campaigns and the designs they introduced me to.

Favorite Video Game: Nier: Automata. Finished my first full playthrough for the first time a few days ago, and it already feels like a part of my whole life.

Favorite Food: Shrimp fried rice.

Favorite Band: This tends to shift, but I never get tired of Muse, Rise Against, and Kerrie Roberts.

Favorite Movie(s): No clue! A Quiet Place is up there, though.

What do you hope to learn here?: I want to build myself and my partner Mjolnir armor, then join the charity work you guys do. The more people whose lives I can affect, the better, as I see it.

Have you built/made a costume before?: My first heavily worked-on cosplay was Lucy/Kaede from Elfen Lied, followed by Rogue from the X-Men, which you can see in my icon! I have a lot more on the way, though.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not yet. If things go well, I might join others as well.

Other: I actually found out about the 405th, the 501st, and other cosplay groups by reading Cosplay: A History, by Andrew Liptak. The charity work touched me, so I decided I had to step it up and learn more. I'm already glad I did.
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First Name: Kira

Profession: Starbucks supervisor

Student: Psychology, hoping to become a therapist one day

Age: 25

Favorite Hobby: Trading Card Games, particularly Pokemon and Digimon. I play a lot more than just those though. This is followed closely by cosplay and other craftwork.

Favorite part of Halo: The designs, particularly the armor. The campaigns are second.

Favorite Halo: Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach. I love both their campaigns and the designs they introduced me to.

Favorite Video Game: Nier: Automata. Finished my first full playthrough for the first time a few days ago, and it already feels like a part of my whole life.

Favorite Food: Shrimp fried rice.

Favorite Band: This tends to shift, but I never get tired of Muse, Rise Against, and Kerrie Roberts.

Favorite Movie(s): No clue! A Quiet Place is up there, though.

What do you hope to learn here?: I want to build myself and my partner Mjolnir armor, then join the charity work you guys do. The more people whose lives I can affect, the better, as I see it.

Have you built/made a costume before?: My first heavily worked-on cosplay was Lucy/Kaede from Elfen Lied, followed by Rogue from the X-Men, which you can see in my icon! I have a lot more on the way, though.

Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?: Not yet. If things go well, I might join others as well.

Other: I actually found out about the 405th, the 501st, and other cosplay groups by reading Cosplay: A History, by Andrew Liptak. The charity work touched me, so I decided I had to step it up and learn more. I'm already glad I did.
welcome to the 405th will wait to see what you build
First Name: Bryce
Profession mechanic
Favorite Hobby:I love doing anything that keeps my hands busy , currently getting into 3d prining my oc from the halo universe.
Favorite part of Halo: the fun memories
Favorite Halo: halo reach and halo2
Favorite Video Game: halo
Other Interests:
Favorite Food: anything with chicken
Favorite Band:sabaton
Favorite Movie(s): godzilla franchise
What do you hope to learn here?: I hope to learn and understand 3d printing more , the program the process of it all
Have you built/made a costume before?: no but I did 3d print a noble 6 helmet for my special needs sister for Christmas, I'm hoping for my first costume build experience through here.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? If so, which one(s)?:
Other. I'm currently not with any other costume community.

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