Kahn's Carter Build (Renamed)

Put some of the pieces on, with a quick under suit attempt. Long way to go still, i was hoping Velcro would work, it did not, next up is a rope exoskeleton im gona try.
Put some of the pieces on, with a quick under suit attempt. Long way to go still, i was hoping Velcro would work, it did not, next up is a rope exoskeleton im gona try.
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Sorry I ask so many questions, I normally do my stuff in EVA foam. For your chest armor to back armor, did you use loctite? Or something else? my fear is it will fall apart at comic con, lol. I need to make sure its super strong. Your armor looks great !!! The visor is epic
Sorry I ask so many questions, I normally do my stuff in EVA foam. For your chest armor to back armor, did you use loctite? Or something else? my fear is it will fall apart at comic con, lol. I need to make sure its super strong. Your armor looks great !!! The visor is epic
I wish I had a better answers for you but right now its being held together with tape, I'm thinking about using magnets along with a Velcro strap or buckles but i literally finished painting a couple days ago and tomorrow I'm leaving on a study trip so give me like 2 weeks and then ill be back in the game. I'm using resin for the rest of the chest piece but i wanted to be able to take the front off easily when watching panels so i did not fuse the two together.
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Sorry I ask so many questions, I normally do my stuff in EVA foam. For your chest armor to back armor, did you use loctite? Or something else? my fear is it will fall apart at comic con, lol. I need to make sure its super strong. Your armor looks great !!! The visor is epic
Unless you can fit the chest piece over your head without splitting it, gluing it together with loctite doesn't seem like that great of an idea (I assume you wouldn't want to be glued into your armor). I know some people just use simple snap buckles either glued directly to the armor, or have them on straps that are glued to the armor. Another option is also to just have a pin on one side that goes into a tube on the other side with another pin going sideways through the tube and the first pin to lock them into place, but I'm not sure how easy and strong that would be on 3d prints (but probably strong enough). Magnets are also an option, and they should make putting it on/taking it off pretty easy. If you're able to fit it over your head though, just some epoxy with some fiberglass should hold it together well.
Unless you can fit the chest piece over your head without splitting it, gluing it together with loctite doesn't seem like that great of an idea (I assume you wouldn't want to be glued into your armor). I know some people just use simple snap buckles either glued directly to the armor, or have them on straps that are glued to the armor. Another option is also to just have a pin on one side that goes into a tube on the other side with another pin going sideways through the tube and the first pin to lock them into place, but I'm not sure how easy and strong that would be on 3d prints (but probably strong enough). Magnets are also an option, and they should make putting it on/taking it off pretty easy. If you're able to fit it over your head though, just some epoxy with some fiberglass should hold it together well.
Yeah, I have been playing around with diffrent methods. I can fit it over my head as one piece, just took out the small side pieces. I burned magents into the sides so the just lock on. Seems to work so far. A lot more trials to go. I am looming at building a body harness for the legs and everything to float on.
Yeah, I have been playing around with diffrent methods. I can fit it over my head as one piece, just took out the small side pieces. I burned magents into the sides so the just lock on. Seems to work so far. A lot more trials to go. I am looming at building a body harness for the legs and everything to float
Unless you can fit the chest piece over your head without splitting it, gluing it together with loctite doesn't seem like that great of an idea (I assume you wouldn't want to be glued into your armor). I know some people just use simple snap buckles either glued directly to the armor, or have them on straps that are glued to the armor. Another option is also to just have a pin on one side that goes into a tube on the other side with another pin going sideways through the tube and the first pin to lock them into place, but I'm not sure how easy and strong that would be on 3d prints (but probably strong enough). Magnets are also an option, and they should make putting it on/taking it off pretty easy. If you're able to fit it over your head though, just some epoxy with some fiberglass should hold it together well.
So lucky for me I did my son's armor in PLA, so all I had to do was leave it in the sun in few hours and reshape it to fit him. Then I just put it in front of the AC. lol.
Sorry I ask so many questions, I normally do my stuff in EVA foam. For your chest armor to back armor, did you use loctite? Or something else? my fear is it will fall apart at comic con, lol. I need to make sure its super strong. Your armor looks great !!! The visor is epic
I used magnets to hold my front and rear halves together. I used 6, 10 lb pull magnets which hold the 2 halves together solid.


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I need to try that ! I plan on building more armor, so I will give it a go next time. Thanks for the photo and top, super helpful. Wish we had armor building get togethers.
That would be cool! In case you looking for magnets, I got them from the below. They have various sizes, shapes, and pull strengths.

That would be cool! In case you looking for magnets, I got them from the below. They have various sizes, shapes, and pull strengths.

Great! Thanks again. What do you use to attach the magnets? loctite? or melty the print to it?
Great set of armor you got there! Specially the lights. Im not brushed up on my electronics enough to do that yet! I'm only 30%ish don't with mine. Almost completed the shin/knees this weekend. Still have biceps,forearms, thighs, and boots to go. Then I have to figure out how to wear it all.


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Wow!!it's really coming along. The colors really POP, and the battle damage is spot on. The lights are soooo easy. Just buy a battery pack and connect red to red and black to black. I can give you many tips. I personally buy usb wires and run them to battery packs, keeps my lights and fans running all day. Can't wait to see it all done!
Wow!!it's really coming along. The colors really POP, and the battle damage is spot on. The lights are soooo easy. Just buy a battery pack and connect red to red and black to black. I can give you many tips. I personally buy usb wires and run them to battery packs, keeps my lights and fans running all day. Can't wait to see it all done!
Thanks, ill have to check them out. There's areas where I wouldn't mind putting lights on and definitely fans.
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