Kahn's Carter Build (Renamed)

some pictures of the weathered suit at summercon, I'm still waiting on the mid section but other than that I feel the suit is mostly done, I will be experimenting with height boosts and switching some new, different pieces in, not because any of mine are defections just want some variation, working on some new helmets and shoulders, all with the same color scheme.


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Considering ripping out the visor and removing the chrome and the hex pattern and dying it gold and re chroming it to match carters look,.... thoughts?
That would look good
In my opinion (MY OPINION DOESN'T DETRACT HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT) the hex pattern works to the detriment of the suit, so I think redoing it just gold would look better
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Your armor looks so good! Also, the two-tone DMR is absolutely gorgeous.

If you don't mine me asking, where'd you get the model for the knees? I can't find them anywhere.
Your armor looks so good! Also, the two-tone DMR is absolutely gorgeous.

If you don't mine me asking, where'd you get the model for the knees? I can't find them anywhere.
Thanks, i got the knees from nerd forge designs on etsy, however he took most of his stuff off esty and put most of it on ctg trader, but he didnt put the knees up.....i just checked...ill dm you.
Patch 2.3
I feel like i should rename this thread since the suit i built has been completely replaced as i've gotten better, i just redid the last few pieces from my first 3d printed build, i have decided to embrace noble 1 and therefore will be finishing my costume by implementing more, hopefully all aspects of Carter's suit onto mine. i plan to have it done in time for HCS, but you know how plans go. ill post pictures after HCS cause i want to show it off there before i post it on any social media sites.
Remember over a year ago when we first met? Prolly not, but your progress has improved so much, definitely need our own noble team, I volunteer on being any character
Remember over a year ago when we first met? Prolly not, but your progress has improved so much, definitely need our own noble team, I volunteer on being any character
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i remember this, it was my first con with the new suit, you had a sick jetpack, i think, i remember mainly cause your costume looked good but was very unorthodox. man i hated those knees, i had them attached by magnets only one inside my pants and one attached to the knee, didn't work. only thing i still have from that suit are the wrists, belt, and helmet, but all have those have been heavily modified, repainted and resanded.

Ab wrap held with no tape.
sorry for poor picture quality, but this is the end result of this suit, i do not plan on updating it anymore other than maintaining it. i am learning new ways and techniques to make suits better in the future, see yall out there, will probably not post more updates in this thread.
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Ab wrap held with no tape.
sorry for poor picture quality, but this is the end result of this suit, i do not plan on updating it anymore other than maintaining it. i am learning new ways and techniques to make suits better in the future, see yall out there, will probably not post more updates in this thread.
Who’s that standing next to you
Making more updates, i took a break to work on my Pepsi Mandalorian and my ODST but i'm done with those projects and am revisiting the suit, there's a couple things I'm looking to change, firstly i'm printing a TPU under suit for the chest gasket, then im working on height boost, i want to reprint the boots in tpu as well so they dont clop, i have shoes from tallmans shoes im planning on using. next because im switching shoes i have to figure out how to keep my shins in place as my bogs had held them.
I have a new visor im working on, im shipping it to branfur studios to get hydrochromed
im working on a hearing assist system and putting more fans in the helmet so i wont have to take it off, ever.
the undersuit for the chest gasket is installed, ill go over the process belows before i go to step 4
I used files i found on ctg trader, printed them in tpu, cleaned up the prints as best i could then put 4 layers of spray on truck bed liner on because it has a higher resistance to scratching, then i did one layer of spray on gorilla seal for texture and filling in gaps.

heres a comparison of truck bed liner vs gorilla seal on some throw away support tpu structure.

Height boost with 4 inch tallmenshoes boost, need to re print the boots in tpu but i just got the boots so i need to see how things work first.
pad the shins so they stay on my legs and dont rotate.
Changing how some stuff atachtes.
-more updates to come.
It's awesome to look through your post and see the evolution of your armor. What color(s) did you use to achieve the metalic blue base color? I'm shopping this weekend for spray paint and so far what I've used has made my test pieces look like a crayon rather than armor.
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